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MySQL AB 项目宣布正式支持 PDO

2007-09-27 08:58 337 查看
Lukas Smith近日公开宣布 MySQL 开发团队最终认可了PDO开发团队的努力和未来前景,并开始支持他们.

PHP Data Object(PDO)是PHP一个扩展. 它定义了一个简便持久访问数据库的方法. 我们可以方便地使用一组定义好的函数来访问每个实现了PDO的数据库.
PDO提供了一组访问数据库的抽象方法, 也就是说, 不论访问何种类型的数据库, 我们只用同样名称的方法访问就可以了, 这样就大大简便了数据库操作。


As Alexey Zakhlestin points out today, Lukas Smith has made the announcement that the MySQL group is finally recognizing the efforts of the PDO developers and supporting them:

Ok, it seems that MySQL AB is finally committing to fix up PDO_MySQL and to generally accept the fact that PDO is the future. Of course mysqli will also be actively maintained. But they will also make mysqlnd play nicely with PDO etc.

There's budgets and time lines for the project so things are already moving along and developers to the project will soon be assigned. Lukas also mentions updated on PHP's side - validating that the documentation for the extensions (mysql and mysqli) are up to date and correct.
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