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Quartz.net官方开发指南 第二课:Jobs And Triggers

2007-08-16 20:05 531 查看

namespace Quartz


/**//// <summary>

/// The interface to be implemented by classes which represent a 'job' to be

/// performed.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// Instances of this interface must have a <see langword="public" />

/// no-argument constructor. <see cref="JobDataMap" /> provides a mechanism for 'instance member data'

/// that may be required by some implementations of this interface.

/// </remarks>

/// <seealso cref="JobDetail" />

/// <seealso cref="IStatefulJob" />

/// <seealso cref="Trigger" />

/// <seealso cref="IScheduler" />

/// <author>James House</author>

/// <author>Marko Lahma (.NET)</author>

public interface IJob


/**//// <summary>

/// Called by the <see cref="IScheduler" /> when a <see cref="Trigger" />

/// fires that is associated with the <see cref="IJob" />.

/// </summary>

/// <remarks>

/// The implementation may wish to set a result object on the

/// JobExecutionContext before this method exits. The result itself

/// is meaningless to Quartz, but may be informative to

/// <see cref="IJobListener" />s or

/// <see cref="ITriggerListener" />s that are watching the job's

/// execution.

/// </remarks>

/// <param name="context">The execution context.</param>

void Execute(JobExecutionContext context);



ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof (SimpleTriggerExample));

log.Info("------- Initializing -------------------");

// First we must get a reference to a scheduler

ISchedulerFactory sf = new StdSchedulerFactory();

IScheduler sched = sf.GetScheduler();

log.Info("------- Initialization Complete --------");

log.Info("------- Scheduling Jobs ----------------");

// jobs can be scheduled before sched.start() has been called

// get a "nice round" time a few seconds in the future

DateTime ts = TriggerUtils.GetNextGivenSecondDate(null, 15);

// job1 will only fire once at date/time "ts"

JobDetail job = new JobDetail("job1", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

SimpleTrigger trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger1", "group1", ts);

// schedule it to run!

DateTime ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// job2 will only fire once at date/time "ts"

job = new JobDetail("job2", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger2", "group1", "job2", "group1", ts, null, 0, 0);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob((job), trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// job3 will run 11 times (run once and repeat 10 more times)

// job3 will repeat every 10 seconds (10000 ms)

job = new JobDetail("job3", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger3", "group1", "job3", "group1", ts, null, 10, 10000L);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// the same job (job3) will be scheduled by a another trigger

// this time will only run every 70 seocnds (70000 ms)

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger3", "group2", "job3", "group1", ts, null, 2, 70000L);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob(trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will [also] run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// job4 will run 6 times (run once and repeat 5 more times)

// job4 will repeat every 10 seconds (10000 ms)

job = new JobDetail("job4", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger4", "group1", "job4", "group1", ts, null, 5, 10000L);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// job5 will run once, five minutes past "ts" (300 seconds past "ts")

job = new JobDetail("job5", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger5", "group1", "job5", "group1", ts.AddMilliseconds(300*1000), null, 0, 0);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// job6 will run indefinitely, every 50 seconds

job = new JobDetail("job6", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger =

new SimpleTrigger("trigger6", "group1", "job6", "group1", ts, null, SimpleTrigger.REPEAT_INDEFINITELY,


ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

log.Info("------- Starting Scheduler ----------------");

// All of the jobs have been added to the scheduler, but none of the jobs

// will run until the scheduler has been started


log.Info("------- Started Scheduler -----------------");

// jobs can also be scheduled after start() has been called

// job7 will repeat 20 times, repeat every five minutes

job = new JobDetail("job7", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger7", "group1", "job7", "group1", ts, null, 20, 300000);

ft = sched.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);

log.Info(string.Format("{0} will run at: {1} and repeat: {2} times, every {3} seconds",

job.FullName, ft.ToString("r"), trigger.RepeatCount, (trigger.RepeatInterval/1000)));

// jobs can be fired directly

(rather than waiting for a trigger)

job = new JobDetail("job8", "group1", typeof (SimpleJob));

job.Durable = (true);

sched.AddJob(job, true);

log.Info("'Manually' triggering job8


sched.TriggerJob("job8", "group1");

log.Info("------- Waiting 30 seconds




// wait 30 seconds to show jobs


// executing


catch (ThreadInterruptedException)



// jobs can be re-scheduled

// job 7 will run immediately and repeat 10 times for every second

log.Info("------- Rescheduling


trigger = new SimpleTrigger("trigger7", "group1", "job7", "group1", DateTime.Now, null, 10, 1000L);

NullableDateTime ft2 = sched.RescheduleJob("trigger7", "group1", trigger);

if (ft2.HasValue)


log.Info("job7 rescheduled to run at: " + ft2.Value.ToString("r"));




log.Error("Reschedule failed, date was null");


log.Info("------- Waiting five minutes




// wait five minutes to show jobs


// executing


catch (ThreadInterruptedException)



log.Info("------- Shutting Down ---------------------");


log.Info("------- Shutdown Complete -----------------");

// display some stats about the schedule that just ran

SchedulerMetaData metaData = sched.GetMetaData();

log.Info(string.Format("Executed {0} jobs.", metaData.NumJobsExecuted));
这样,你会猜想出,当Job触发器触发时(在某个时刻),Execute (..)就被scheduler所调用。JobExecutionContext对象被传递给这个方法,它为Job实例提供了它的“运行时”环境-一个指向执行这个IJob实例的Scheduler句柄,一个指向触发该次执行的触发器的句柄,IJob的JobDetail对象以及一些其他的条目。
例如:jobs可以被创建并且存储在job scheduler中,而不依赖于trigger,而且,很多triggers可以关联一个job.另外的好处就是这种“松耦合”能使与日程中的Job相关的trigger过期后重新配置这些Job,这样以后就能够重新将这些Job纳入日程而不必重新定义它们。这样就可以更改或者替换trigger而不必重新定义与之相连的job标识符。
当向Quartz scheduler中注册Jobs 和Triggers时,它们要给出标识它们的名字。Jobs 和Triggers也可以被放入“组”中。“组”对于后续维护过程中,分类管理Jobs和Triggers非常有用。Jobs和Triggers的名字在组中必须唯一,换句话说,Jobs和Triggers真实名字是它的名字+组。如果使Job或者Trigger的组为‘null’,这等价于将其放入缺省的Scheduler.DEFAULT_GROUP组中。 现在对什么是Jobs 和 Triggers有了一般性的认识,可以通过第三课:更多关于Jobs和JobDetails的内容及第四课:关于Triggers更多的内容来深入地学习它们。
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