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What the hell is InitCommonControlEx doing?

2007-05-27 17:49 381 查看
Dedicated to those who never stop asking why.By TNTTOOLS, The ART of Reverse Engieering.Figure I. Prototype for InitCommonControls
Figure II. Implementation for InitCommonControlsInitCommonControls proc nearmov     eax, eaxretnInitCommonControls endpThis function is simple, in fact, don't do anything. Why, This 'Placeholder' function is put in the IAT, Just telling the exe loader that comctl32.dll need to be loaded. Like God say let there be light, And there is. How about his brother InitCommonControlsEx(InitEx for abbreviation below.) Figure 3. Prototype for InitCommonControlsEx
BOOL InitCommonControlsEx(          LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX lpInitCtrls);
In the first, InitEx executes the parameter check, and Do something with ActiveContext. Then All important job is done in a loop. below is the psedu code.Figure 4.------------------------------------------------------------------------typedef struct _INITCOMCTRLEX{    BOOL  (*InitRoutine)(); LPWSTR ComCtrlName;    DWORD  dwICC;}INITCOMCTRLEX;INITCOMCTRLEX  Icc[20];extern HANDLE g_hinst;   // handle for CommCtl32.dllBOOL WINAPI InitCommonControlsEx(    LPINITCOMMONCONTROLSEX lpInitCtrls){    PACTCTX  pAC;    int tmp1; BOOL retval = TRUE;// Parameter Check// 参数检查    if ( !lpInitCtrls || lpInitCtrls->dwSize != 8  )        return FALSE;// a buuuug    if ( lpInitCtrls->dwICC & 0x7fffc000 )        return FALSE;    if ( !g_hinst )  // g_hinst: Handle of Comctl32.dll        g_hinst = GetModuleHandleW(NULL);    SHFusionInitializeFromModuleID(g_hinst,0x7C);    SHActivateContext(&pAC); for(tmp1=0;tmp1<sizeof(Icc)/sizeof(INITCOMCTRLEX);tmp1++) {     if ( lpInitCtrls->dwICC & Icc[tmp1].dwICC )  {if ( !(retval=Icc[tmp1].InitRoutine()) )   break;} } SHDeactivateContext(&pAC); return retval;}------------------------------------------------------------------------In the Loop, all InitRoutines are executed orderly. No big secret, A control class has a Init Routine that calls RegisterClassEx() to register the corrsponding class, like RebarWindow32, tooltips_class32, ...Figure 5. The real Icc[] array--------------------------------------------------------------------------_icc            dd offset _InitToolbarClass                dd offset aToolbarwindow3                 dword_5D1E21E8  dd 4                dd offset unk_5D198963                dd offset aRebarwindow32 ; "ReBarWindow32"                dd 400h                dd offset sub_5D198CB3                dd offset aTooltips_class ; "tooltips_class32"                dd 0Eh                dd offset sub_5D195A51                dd offset aMsctls_statusb ; "msctls_statusbar32"                dd 4                dd offset sub_5D1D12CB--------------------------------------------------------------------------that's all the story. Enjoy it.
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