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Think in java 答案_Chapter 4_Exercise 22

2007-01-23 13:59 447 查看
阅前声明: http://blog.csdn.net/heimaoxiaozi/archive/2007/01/19/1487884.aspx

/****************** Exercise 22 *****************
* Experiment with Garbage.java by running the
* program using the arguments "gc," "finalize,"
* or "all." Repeat the process and see if you
* detect any patterns in the output. Change the
* code so that System.runFinalization() is
* called before System.gc() and observe the
* results.
public class E22_LeftToReader {
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println("Exercise left to reader");

//+M java E22_LeftToReader
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