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应用框架的设计与实现——.NET平台(5 缓存服务.源码分析)

2006-12-23 14:24 1121 查看

作者对缓存服务的设计特点:基于XmlDocument 对象,对象存储的名称信息可包含模块名、用户名、自定名,存储名有自描述性,易于理解;对象的获取和删除可基于某个组某个模块全部获取全部删除。

缓存服务对象 Cache:

/**//// <summary>

/// SAF.Cache is an object caching service that

/// present the cached object in an hierarchical structure.

/// It uses a pluggable object storage mechnism or cache strategy

/// to storage the objects.

/// </summary>

public class Cache


private XmlElement objectXmlMap ;

private static SAF.Cache.ICacheStrategy cs;

private static Cache cache;

private XmlDocument rootXml = new XmlDocument();

/**//// <summary>

/// Private construtor, required for singleton design pattern.

/// </summary>

private Cache()


//retrieve setting from configuration file

ConfigurationManager cm = (ConfigurationManager)ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("Framework");

// 读取配置文件信息,建立缓存对象存储对象

cs = (ICacheStrategy)cm.CacheConfig.GetCacheStrategy();

//create an Xml used as a map between xml expression and object cached in the

//physical storage.

objectXmlMap = rootXml.CreateElement("Cache");

//build the internal xml document.



/**//// <summary>

/// Singlton method used to return the instance of Cache class

/// </summary>

/// <returns></returns>

public static Cache GetSAFCacheService()


if (cache == null)


cache = new Cache();


return cache;


/**//// <summary>

/// Add the object to the underlying storage and Xml mapping document

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">the hierarchical location of the object in Xml document </param>

/// <param name="o">the object to be cached</param>

public virtual void AddObject(string xpath, object o)


//clear up the xpath expression

string newXpath = PrepareXpath(xpath);

int separator = newXpath.LastIndexOf("/");

//find the group name

string group = newXpath.Substring(0,separator );

//find the item name

string element = newXpath.Substring(separator + 1);

XmlNode groupNode = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(group);

//determin if group is already exist?, if not, create one.

if (groupNode == null)




//build the xml tree

groupNode = CreateNode(group);



//get a unique key to identity of object, it is used to map

//between xml and object key used in the cache strategy

string objectId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

//create an new element and new attribute for this perticular object

XmlElement objectElement = objectXmlMap.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(element);

XmlAttribute objectAttribute =objectXmlMap.OwnerDocument.CreateAttribute("objectId");

objectAttribute.Value = objectId;


//Add the object element to the Xml document


//add the object to the underlying storage through cache strategy



/**//// <summary>

/// Retrieve the cached object using its hierarchical location

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">hierarchical location of the object in xml document</param>

/// <returns>cached object </returns>

public virtual object RetrieveObject(string xpath)


object o = null;

XmlNode node =objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(PrepareXpath(xpath));

//if the hierarchical location existed in the xml, retrieve the object

//otherwise, return the object as null

if ( node != null)


string objectId = node.Attributes["objectId"].Value;

//retrieve the object through cache strategy

o = cs.RetrieveObject(objectId);


return o;


/**//// <summary>

/// Remove the object from the storage and clear the Xml assocated with

/// the object

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">hierarchical locatioin of the object</param>

public virtual void RemoveObject(string xpath)


XmlNode result = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(PrepareXpath(xpath));

//check if the xpath refers to a group(container) or

//actual element for cached object

if (result.HasChildNodes)


//remove all the cached object in the hastable

//and remove all the child nodes

XmlNodeList objects = result.SelectNodes("*[@objectId]");

string objectId ="";

foreach (XmlNode node in objects)


objectId = node.Attributes["objectId"].Value;


//use cache strategy to remove the objects from the

//underlying storage






//just remove the element node and the object associate with it

string objectId = result.Attributes["objectId"].Value;





/**//// <summary>

/// Retrive a list of object under a hierarchical location

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">hierarchical location</param>

/// <returns>an array of objects</returns>

public virtual object[] RetrieveObjectList(string xpath)


XmlNode group = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(PrepareXpath(xpath));

XmlNodeList results = group.SelectNodes(PrepareXpath(xpath) + "/*[@objectId]");

ArrayList objects = new ArrayList();

string objectId= null;

//loop through each node and link the object in object[]

//to objects stored via cache strategy

foreach (XmlNode result in results)


objectId = result.Attributes["objectId"].Value;



//convert the ArrayList to object[]

return (object[])objects.ToArray(typeof(System.Object));


/**//// <summary>

/// CreateNode is responsible for creating the xml tree that is

/// specificed in the hierarchical location of the object.

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">hierarchical location</param>

/// <returns></returns>

private XmlNode CreateNode(string xpath)


string[] xpathArray = xpath.Split('/');

string root = "";

XmlNode parentNode = (XmlNode)objectXmlMap;

//loop through the array of levels and create the corresponding node for each level

//skip the root node.

for (int i = 1; i < xpathArray.Length; i ++)


XmlNode node = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(root + "/" + xpathArray[i]);

// if the current location doesn't exist, build one

//otherwise set the current locaiton to the it child location

if (node == null)


XmlElement newElement= objectXmlMap.OwnerDocument.CreateElement(xpathArray[i]);



//set the new location to one level lower

root = root + "/" + xpathArray[i];

parentNode = objectXmlMap.SelectSingleNode(root);


return parentNode;


/**//// <summary>

/// clean up the xpath so that extra '/' is removed

/// </summary>

/// <param name="xpath">hierarchical location</param>

/// <returns></returns>

private string PrepareXpath(string xpath)


string[] xpathArray = xpath.Split('/');

xpath ="/Cache";

foreach (string s in xpathArray)


if (s != "")


xpath = xpath + "/" + s ;



return xpath;




/**//// <summary>

/// the interface for cache strategy.

/// each class that is pluggable to the SAF.Cache must

/// implement this interface.

/// </summary>

public interface ICacheStrategy


void AddObject(string objId, object o);

void RemoveObject(string objId);

object RetrieveObject(string objId);





<section name="Framework" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />

<section name="Application" type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationHandler,SAF.Configuration" />


<Framework type="SAF.Configuration.ConfigurationManager,SAF.Configuration">


<CacheStrategy type = "SAF.Cache.DefaultCacheStrategy,SAF.Cache"/>




ICacheStrategy 缓存接口的实现 DefaultCacheStrategy ;
缓存对象可自定,自定缓存类需实现 1.继承自ICacheStrategy ;2.配置文件中写明;
使用Hashtable 作为存储缓存对象的数据结构:

/**//// <summary>

/// the sample cache strategy implementation which

/// shows how you create an pluggable component for SAF.Cache

/// to customize the way object is cahced and retrieved.

/// </summary>

public class DefaultCacheStrategy : ICacheStrategy


private Hashtable objectTable;

/**//// <summary>

/// constructor to instantiate the internal hashtable.

/// </summary>

public DefaultCacheStrategy()


objectTable = new Hashtable();


/**//// <summary>

/// Add an object to the underlying storage

/// </summary>

/// <param name="objId">key for the object</param>

/// <param name="o">object</param>

public void AddObject(string objId, object o)




/**//// <summary>

/// Remove an object from the underlying storage

/// </summary>

/// <param name="objId">key for the object</param>

public void RemoveObject(string objId)




/**//// <summary>

/// Retrieve an object from the underlying storage

/// </summary>

/// <param name="objId">key for the object</param>

/// <returns>object</returns>

public object RetrieveObject(string objId)


return objectTable[objId];



使用缓存服务的代码 Class1:

using System;

using SAF.Cache;

using SAF.Configuration;

using System.Configuration;

namespace TestConsole


/**//// <summary>

/// The demo shows how to use the SAF.Cache service

/// to add, remove and retrieve objects from the cache

/// </summary>

class Class1



static void Main(string[] args)


// 获取缓存服务对象

Cache cache = SAF.Cache.Cache.GetSAFCacheService();

// 缓存服务内存入一些对象

cache.AddObject("/WebApplication/Users/Xin", "customer xin");

cache.AddObject("/WebApplication/Users/Mike", "customer mike");

cache.AddObject("/WebApplication/Users/Steve", "customer steve");

cache.AddObject("/WebApplication/GlobalData", "1/1/2003");

// 获取同一组的缓存对象

object[] objects = cache.RetrieveObjectList("/WebApplication/Users");

foreach (object o in objects)


Console.WriteLine("Customer in cache: {0}", o.ToString());


// 获取一个缓存对象

string time =(string) cache.RetrieveObject("/WebApplication/GlobalData");

string name = (string) cache.RetrieveObject("/WebApplication/Users/Xin");

// 移除一个缓存对象


// 移除同一组的所有缓存对象


Console.WriteLine("Press Enter to finish");





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