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Tip of today-Bark to the Wrong Tree 狂犬吠树?

2006-11-28 09:29 375 查看
To bark up the wrong tree 来自于早期的拓荒者。

他们经常猎杀小动物得到肉食和皮毛,他们狗会把打中的动物叼回来。动物为了逃命往往会爬上树去。糊涂的猎狗没看清楚,就对着一棵树乱叫,但是上面却没有动物。这在英文里就是:To bark up the wrong tree翻成中文可以说是:找错门了。: "If my brother-in-law hopes to borrow any more money from me, he will be barking up the wrong tree." “要是我的小舅子再想问我借钱,那他算是找错了门了。” Barking up the wrong tree也可以是指错怪了某人。这个人被警察盘问的人说:"Hey man, if you think I was the guy who robbed that bank today,you're barking up the wrong tree! I was nowhere near the place." 他说:“喂,伙计。要是你认为我是今天抢银行的那个人,那你就错怪我了。我根本就没
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