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2006-06-30 19:31 776 查看
# 功能:取当前时间
# 参数:无
# 返回值: 按照YYYYMMDDHHMMSS的格式返回时间
sub get_time
my( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year ) = localtime( time() );
$year += 1900;
$today = sprintf( "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day, $hour, $min, $sec );
return $today;

# 功能:取当天日期
# 参数:无
# 返回值: 按照YYYYMMDD的格式返回当前日期
sub get_date
my( $sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year ) = localtime( time() );
$year += 1900;
$today = sprintf( "%04d%02d%02d", $year, $month, $day );
return $today;


# 载入某个页面模板
sub template{
my ($file)=@_;
return "" if (! -f $file);

open(DATAFILE,$file) or perror( "无法读取模板文件 $file 请联系系统管理员");
my $txt="";
while (<DATAFILE>) {

return $txt;

# 将页面模板中的变量替换成指定值
sub set_var{
my ($page,$param,$value)=@_;
$page =~s//${$param}/$value/g;
return $page;

sub trim
my $string = shift;
$string =~ s/^/s+//;
$string =~ s//s+$//;
return $string;


open CGIFILE ,">$fileConfig" or perror("对不起,无法发布$fileConfig配置文件,请稍后再试");
flock(CGIFILE,2); ##文件加锁
print CGIFILE $page;
flock(CGIFILE,8); ##释放文件锁
close CGIFILE;


sub set_cookie_by_key
my ($key,$val)=@_;
print "Set-Cookie:$key=$val;domain=$domain;path=$path;/n";
sub get_cookie_by_key
my ($cookie_key)=@_;
my($chip, $val, %cookie);
foreach (split(/; /, $ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'})) {
s//+/ /g;
($chip, $val) = split(/=/,$_,2); # splits on the first =.
$chip =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$val =~ s/%([A-Fa-f0-9]{2})/pack("c",hex($1))/ge;
$cookie{$chip} .= "/1" if (defined($cookie{$chip})); # /1 is the multiple separator
$cookie{$chip} .= $val;
my $temp;
while (my ($k,$v)=each %ENV)
$temp .="$k=>$v<br>";
return $cookie{$cookie_key};
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