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Vim 7发布正式版

2006-05-09 09:32 197 查看

Vim 7 is ready!

[2006-05-08] After years of development this feature packed editor is waiting for you. For the impatient, go directly to the download page. For the curious, read the announcement. Happy Vimming! (Bram Moolenaar)


标签页 :tabnew开新标签,gt在标签间切换;:tabdo命令可以在所有打开的标签页上执行命令。

拼写检查,:set spell/nospell打开和关闭,]s到下一个错误,[s到上一个错误,z=显示所有正确的拼写推荐,敲入序号即可改正。

代码补全,敲代码时如果有支持,Ctrl-x Ctrl-o即可列出可能的选项,然后按屏幕下面的快捷键选择即可。



Vim script enhancements

Spell checking

Omni completion

MzScheme interface

Printing multi-byte text

Tab pages

Undo branches

Extended Unicode support

More highlighting

Translated manual pages

Internal grep

Scroll back in messages

Cursor past end of the line

POSIX compatibility

Debugger support

Remote file explorer

Define an operator

Mapping to an expression

Visual and Select mode mappings

Location list

Various new items
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