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ListView ,MSFlexGrid 直接输出到打印机的函数写法!问题解决人:laviewpbt(人一定要靠自己) ,mylzw(芃)

2006-02-16 09:33 357 查看
把ListView 里的内容做个参数为ListView 对象,使用VB的Printer 对象打印出来的函数!下面是打印MSFlexGrid 的代码,不知道怎么打印我说的ListView!
Sub print_grid(Grd As MSFlexGrid, MainTitle As String, SecTitle As String, PageLine As Integer, DjCol As Integer, JeCol As Integer)
Dim x0 As Single, y0 As Single
Dim x As Single, y As Single
Dim fs As String * 10
Dim zje As Currency, yje As Currency
Dim HzNum As Integer
Dim n As Integer, r As Integer

Dim dx(0 To 20) As Integer
Dim Cellf(0 To 20) As Single

Dim str1 As String, str2 As String, str3 As String, str4 As String
Dim I As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
'Load printer
If Grd.Rows <= 1 Then
MsgBox "本表格没有数据,没有必要打印!", 48, "提示"
Exit Sub
End If
x0 = 10 '打印边界
y0 = 20
With Grd
'计算栏空 dx(i)
.Row = 1
w = .Width
For I = .Cols - 1 To 1 Step -1
.Col = I
dx(I) = (.CellWidth + 72) / 56.7 / 4.233
w = w - (.CellWidth + 72)
Next I
dx(0) = w / 4.233 / 56.7
'计算 str1 到 str4
str1 = "┌"
str2 = "├"
str3 = "│"
str4 = "└"
HzNum = 1 '汉字总数
For I = 0 To .Cols - 1
Cellf(I) = HzNum * 4.233 '计算每栏起始打印位置
For j = 1 To dx(I)
str1 = str1 + "─"
str2 = str2 + "─"
str3 = str3 + " "
str4 = str4 + "─"

Next j
HzNum = HzNum + dx(I) + 1
If I < .Cols - 1 Then
str1 = str1 + "┬"
str2 = str2 + "┼"
str3 = str3 + "│"
str4 = str4 + "┴"
str1 = str1 + "┐"
str2 = str2 + "┤"
str3 = str3 + "│"
str4 = str4 + "┘"
End If
Next I

Printer.ScaleMode = 6 '毫米为单位
Printer.Width = 210 * 56.7 '窄行打印纸大小
Printer.Height = 297 * 56.7
k = 1
n = 0 '当前页数
zje = 0 '总计金额

r = Int((.Rows + PageLine - 2) / PageLine) '总页数
While k <= .Rows - 1
yje = 0 '页小计金额
' printer.FontName = "楷书"
Printer.FontName = "宋体"

Printer.FontBold = True
Printer.FontSize = 18
x = x0 + (HzNum * 4.233 - Len(MainTitle) * 6.46) / 2
y = y0

Printer.CurrentX = x
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print MainTitle '打印主标题

Printer.FontBold = False
Printer.FontName = "宋体"
Printer.FontSize = 12
y = Printer.CurrentY + 3
x = x0
Printer.CurrentX = x
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print SecTitle '打印次标题
Printer.CurrentX = x + HzNum * 4.233 - 50
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print Format$(Date, "yyyy-mm-dd") ''打印日期

y = Printer.CurrentY + 2
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print str1 '打印┌───┬──┬─┐

y = Printer.CurrentY
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.Print str3 '打印│ │ │ │
For j = 0 To .Cols - 1 '打印表头内容
Printer.CurrentX = x0 + Cellf(j) + (dx(j) - Len(.TextMatrix(0, j))) / 2 * 4.233
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print .TextMatrix(0, j)
Next j

For I = 1 To PageLine
If k = .Rows Then Exit For '表格结束
y = Printer.CurrentY
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print str2 '打印├───┼──┼─┤

y = Printer.CurrentY
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print str3 '打印│ │ │ │

For j = 0 To .Cols - 1 '打印一行的内容
Printer.CurrentX = x0 + Cellf(j)
Printer.CurrentY = y
If j = DjCol Then
fs = " "
Mid$(fs, 7 - Len(Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "##0.00")), Len(Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "##0.00"))) = Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "##0.00")
Printer.Print Mid$(fs, 1, 6)
ElseIf j = JeCol Then
fs = " "
Mid$(fs, 10 - Len(Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "####0.00")), Len(Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "####0.00"))) = Format$(.TextMatrix(k, j), "####0.00")
Printer.Print fs
yje = yje + Val(.TextMatrix(k, j))
zje = zje + Val(.TextMatrix(k, j))
Printer.Print .TextMatrix(k, j)
End If
Next j
k = k + 1
Next I
n = n + 1
y = Printer.CurrentY
Printer.CurrentX = x0
Printer.CurrentY = y
Printer.Print str4 '打印└──┴──┴──┘
If zje <> 0 Then
Printer.CurrentX = x0 + 80
Printer.Print "本页小计金额:" + Format$(yje, "######0.00") + "元"
End If
Printer.CurrentX = x0 + 90
Printer.Print "第" + Str$(n) + "页,共" + Str$(r) + "页"
If k < .Rows - 1 Then
Printer.CurrentX = x0 + 80
Printer.Print "总计金额:" + Format$(zje, "######0.00") + "元"
End If
End With
End Sub

回复人: laviewpbt(人一定要靠自己) ( ) 信誉:100 2005-11-16 20:03:28 得分: 70

Function gPrintListView(ByRef pobjListView As ListView, pstrHeading As String) As Boolean
Dim objCol As ColumnHeader
Dim objLI As ListItem
Dim objILS As ImageList
Dim objPic As Picture

Dim dblXScale As Double
Dim dblYScale As Double
Dim sngFontSize As Single
Dim lngX As Long
Dim lngY As Long
Dim lngX1 As Long
Dim lngY1 As Long
Dim lngX2 As Long
Dim lngRows As Long
Dim lngLeft As Long
Dim lngPageNo As Long
Dim lngEOP As Long
Dim lngEnd As Long
Dim lngWidth As Long
Dim intCols As Integer
Dim lng As Long
Dim intOffset As Integer
Dim px As Integer
Dim py As Integer
Dim intRowHeight As Integer
Dim strText As String
Dim strTextTrun As String

'Establish print & screen metrics

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

For Each objCol In pobjListView.ColumnHeaders

lngX = lngX + objCol.Width


Set objILS = pobjListView.SmallIcons

dblXScale = (Printer.Width * 0.9) / lngX
dblYScale = Printer.Height / pobjListView.Height

lngLeft = (Printer.Width - (Printer.Width * 0.95)) / 2

sngFontSize = Printer.Font.Size

If pstrHeading <> "" Then

Printer.Font.Size = 12
Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width / 2) - (Printer.TextWidth(pstrHeading) / 2)
Printer.Font.Underline = True
Printer.Print pstrHeading
Printer.Font.Underline = False
Printer.Font.Size = sngFontSize
lng = Printer.CurrentY + Printer.CurrentY

End If

intRowHeight = (Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * 17)

lngEOP = Printer.Height - (intRowHeight * 3)

lngX = lngLeft
lngY = lngTop

lngY1 = lng + (Screen.TwipsPerPixelY * 17)

Printer.CurrentY = lngY
Printer.Font.Bold = True
Printer.DrawMode = vbCopyPen

px = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
py = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY

'Print column headers with slight 3D effect

For Each objCol In pobjListView.ColumnHeaders

lngX1 = lngX + (objCol.Width * dblXScale)

Printer.Line (lngX, lngY)-(lngX1, lngY1), vbButtonShadow, BF
Printer.Line (lngX, lngY)-(lngX1 - px, lngY1), RGB(245, 245, 245), BF
Printer.Line (lngX + px, lngY + py)-(lngX1, lngY1), vbButtonShadow, BF
Printer.Line (lngX + px, lngY + py)-(lngX1 - px, lngY1 - py), vbButtonFace, BF

Printer.CurrentY = lngY + ((intRowHeight - Printer.TextHeight(objCol.Text)) / 2) + py

Select Case objCol.Alignment

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnCenter

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + (((objCol.Width * dblXScale) - Printer.TextWidth(objCol.Text)) / 2)

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnLeft

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + (px * 5)

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnRight

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + ((objCol.Width * dblXScale) - Printer.TextWidth(objCol.Text)) - (px * 5)

End Select

Printer.Print objCol.Text

lngX = lngX1


lngEnd = lngX1 + px

Printer.Font.Bold = False

'Print list item data

For Each objLI In pobjListView.ListItems

If lngY1 > lngEOP - intRowHeight - intRowHeight Then

'Print page number

lngPageNo = lngPageNo + 1
Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width / 2) - (Printer.TextWidth("Page " & lngPageNo) / 2)
Printer.CurrentY = lngEOP - intRowHeight
Printer.Print "Page " & lngPageNo
Printer.CurrentY = lngTop
lngY = lngTop


lngY = lngY + intRowHeight

End If

lngX = lngLeft

lngY1 = lngY + intRowHeight

For Each objCol In pobjListView.ColumnHeaders

'Print the icon if on col 1

If objCol.Index > 1 Then

strText = objLI.SubItems(objCol.Index - 1)

intOffset = 0


strText = objLI.Text

If IsEmpty(objLI.SmallIcon) Then

intOffset = 0


Set objPic = objILS.Overlay(objLI.SmallIcon, objLI.SmallIcon)

Printer.PaintPicture objPic, lngX + px, lngY + (py / 2), 16 * px, 16 * py, , , , , vbSrcCopy

intOffset = px * 16

End If

End If

'Make sure text fits

lngWidth = (objCol.Width * dblXScale)

lngX1 = lngX + lngWidth

strTextTrun = strText

Do Until Printer.TextWidth(strTextTrun) < lngWidth - (px * 5) - intOffset Or strText = ""

strText = Left$(strText, Len(strText) - 1)

strTextTrun = strText & "..."


Printer.Line (lngX, lngY)-(lngX1, lngY1), 1, B

Printer.CurrentY = lngY + ((intRowHeight - Printer.TextHeight(strTextTrun)) / 2) + py

Select Case objCol.Alignment

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnCenter

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + intOffset + (((objCol.Width * dblXScale) - Printer.TextWidth(strTextTrun)) / 2)

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnLeft

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + intOffset + (px * 5)

Case ListColumnAlignmentConstants.lvwColumnRight

Printer.CurrentX = lngX + ((objCol.Width * dblXScale) - intOffset - Printer.TextWidth(strTextTrun)) - (px * 5)

End Select

'Print each colum

Printer.Print strTextTrun

lngX = lngX1



'Print final page number

lngPageNo = lngPageNo + 1

Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width / 2) - (Printer.TextWidth("Page " & lngPageNo) / 2)
Printer.CurrentY = lngEOP - intRowHeight
Printer.Print "Page " & lngPageNo

gPrintListView = True

Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

Set objCol = Nothing
Set objILS = Nothing
Set objLI = Nothing
Set objPic = Nothing

Exit Function


Set objCol = Nothing
Set objILS = Nothing
Set objLI = Nothing
Set objPic = Nothing

Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

'Simple error message reporting

MsgBox "gPrintListView() failed with the following error:-" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Error Number: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & "Description:" & Err.Description, vbExclamation

End Functio

回复人: mylzw(芃) ( ) 信誉:96 2005-11-16 23:49:27 得分: 30


Public Function Lv_To_Fg(ListView As ListView, MSHFlexGrid As MSHFlexGrid) As Long
If ListView.View <> lvwReport Then
Lv_To_Fg = 0 '非报表结构,无法进行转换
Exit Function
End If

Dim I As Long
Dim j As Long

With MSHFlexGrid
.FixedRows = 1
.FixedCols = 0
.Rows = ListView.ListItems.Count + 1
.cols = ListView.ColumnHeaders.Count

For I = 0 To .cols - 1
.colWidth(I) = ListView.ColumnHeaders(I + 1).width

For I = 0 To .Rows - 1
For j = 0 To .cols - 1
If I = 0 Then '写表头
.TextMatrix(I, j) = ListView.ColumnHeaders(j + 1).Text
Else '写内容
If j = 0 Then '写首列
.TextMatrix(I, j) = ListView.ListItems(I).Text
Else '写其余列
.TextMatrix(I, j) = ListView.ListItems(I).SubItems(j)
End If
End If
End With

Lv_To_Fg = 1
End Function
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