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User Group Ready To Rock as well

2005-12-25 22:25 603 查看
After excellence Ready To Rock Launch Events in Guangzhou, User Groups in Guangzhou and Shenzhen held a Party to celebrate this big launch event as well in Dongfang Hotel. Wang Hongchao, Wang Qing and Wang Qin joined this event. All members from UG are all enthusiastic.
More than 60 UG members attended this party from 19:00 to 21:30. Among them, there were two senior developers also and, one is from Hong Kong.
Firstly, attendees were grouped into 5 teams to play ‘Killer’ as the ice-break phase.

And then, we delivered the strategy of Community and PDI in Southern Region. After two UG Leaders gave the speech about the development of local UG, lots of developers were driven to air their own opinion actively. They introduced themselves and gave the suggestions and ideas about UG development, UG activities, and interested technology. In addition, they talked with us about .NET Framework and J2EE, Windows and Linux and Open Source. After the party, key members continued to talk local UG for a while.
We believe, they are ready to rock. J

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