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2005-12-24 23:41 417 查看
// MaxHeap.h

/* MaxHeap: binary tree of which data of any node >= either its child */

/* Using a dynamic array to store nodes, while i stands for a parent node,

2i and 2i + 1 are its children */

template<class T>

class MaxHeap



MaxHeap (int maxHeapSize = 10);

/* heap points to array a when initializing, for preventing to delete the array a

when calling ~MaxHeap (), make heap point nothing */

~MaxHeap () { heap = 0; delete [] heap;}

int size () const { return currentSize;}

T max () {if (currentSize == 0) throw OutOfBounds ();

return heap[1];}

MaxHeap<T>& insert (const T x);

MaxHeap<T>& sift ();

void initialize (T a[], int arraySize);


int currentSize, maxSize;

T *heap;


// implementation should be included in declaring file

template<class T>

MaxHeap<T>::MaxHeap (int maxHeapSize)


maxSize = maxHeapSize;

heap = new T[maxSize + 1]; // heap[1] as begining

currentSize = 0;


/* insert a new node with the valude of x */

template<class T>

MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::insert (const T x)


int i;

if (currentSize == maxSize) //throw NoMem();

printf ("no memory!/n");



// looking for the position of the new node from the new node

// bottom-up

i = ++currentSize;

while (i != 1 && x > heap[i / 2])


heap[i] = heap[i / 2]; // exchange the position of the new node and its parent

i /= 2; // up


heap[i] = x;


return *this;


/* exchange the root and the last node, minish the currentSize by 1

and adjust the structure of the whole tree */

template<class T>

MaxHeap<T>& MaxHeap<T>::sift ()


if (currentSize != 0) //throw OutOfBounds ();


T y = heap[currentSize]; // the last node

// allocate heap[1] (the max node) to the previous y position

// then minish currentSize by 1

heap[currentSize--] = heap[1];

// looking for y's position from the root

// top-down

int i = 1, j = 2; // initialize i as the root, and j as left child

while (j <= currentSize)


// select the bigger child of the node

if (j < currentSize && heap[j + 1] > heap[j]) j++;

if (y < heap[j])


heap[i] = heap[j]; // exchange the position of parent and child

i = j; // down

j *= 2;





heap[i] = y; // the new position of y


return *this;


template<class T>

void MaxHeap<T>::initialize (T a[], int arraySize)


delete [] heap;

heap = a;

currentSize = 1; // a[1] as root

maxSize = arraySize - 1; // a[0] doesn't count

// in the beginning, a[1] as root, then insert the rest of array a one by one

for (int i = 2; i < arraySize; i++)

insert (a[i]);


// heapSort.cpp

//#include "MaxHeap.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template<class T>

/* sorting a[1 : arraySize - 1] */

void heapSort (T a[], int arraySize)


MaxHeap<T> H(1);

H.initialize (a, arraySize); // a[0] doesn't count

for (int i = 1; i < arraySize; i++)

H.sift ();


int main ()


int a[10] = {0,6,8,9,4,1,3,7,2,5};

heapSort<int> (a, 10);

for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)

cout << a[i] << " ";


return 0;

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