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XMLHttpRequest 和 XML DOM 的 JavaScript 基础
首先,我们需要声明一些规则。现在常用的浏览器(IE, Mozilla, Safari, Opera)都特别提供了对 XMLHttpRequest 对象的支持,同时也广泛支持 XML DOM,虽然和往常一样:微软(Microsoft)使用了一种稍微有些不同的实现并有一些需要特殊注意的地方。和我们那些更进取的朋友直接实现 XMLHttpRequest 不同,IE需要你创建一个具有相同属性的 ActiveXObject 对象的实例。Apple Developer Connection 网站上有一篇非常好的文章总览了 XMLHttpRequest,并列举了它的全部特性。
var req;
function postXML(xmlDoc) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) req = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // fall on our sword
req.open(method, serverURI);
req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
req.onreadystatechange = xmlPosted;
function xmlPosted() {
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (req.status == 200) {
var result = req.responseXML;
} else {
// fall on our sword
function riskyBusiness() {
try {
} catch (e) {
// e是错误类型对象
// 至少有两个属性:name及message
} finally {
// 清理工作
window.onerror = handleError; // 架起捕获错误的安全网
function handleError(message, URI, line) {
// 提示用户,该页可能不能正确回应
return true; // 这将终止默认信息
一个实例:将客户端的错误传递个服务器   现在我们已经了解了XMLHttpRequest和JavaScript错误处理的基础,让我们通过一个简单的例子来看一下如何将这两个联系在一起使用。你也许会认为JavaScript错误应该很容易通过状态栏的黄色三角认出,但是我仍然在几个可靠组织的面向公众的网站上发现他们躲过了质量评估部门。

// 一个类构造方法
function Logger() {
// 域
// 方法
this.errorToXML = errorToXML;
this.log = log;
// 将一个错误映射到XML文档
function errorToXML(err) {
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>/n' +
'<error>/n' +
'<name>' + err.name + '</name>/n' +
'<message>' + err.message + '</message>/n';
if (err.location) xml += '<location>' + err.location + '</location>';
xml += '</error>';
return xml;
  接着是log方法。这是这段脚本将上述两个原则(XMLHttpRequest和XML DOM)结合在一起的最基础部分。注意我们使用了POST方法。在这我本质上是创建了一个只写的定制的web服务,在每一次成功的请求时它会建立一些新纪录。因此,使用POST是唯一可行的方法。
// Logger类的日记方法
function log(err) {
// 嗅探环境
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) this.req =
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // 无功而返
// 确定方式及URI
this.req.open("POST", "/cgi-bin/AjaxLogger.cgi");
// 设定request的headers。 如果错误出现在一个所包含的.js文件中,
//REFERER 这个最顶层的URI可能会与产生错误的地方不一致
this.req.setRequestHeader('REFERER', location.href);
this.req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// 请求完毕时要调用的函数
this.req.onreadystatechange = errorLogged;
// 如果不能在10秒在完成请求,
// 需事务处理
this.timeout = window.setTimeout("abortLog();", 10000);

// 一个类构造方法
function Logger() {
// 域
// 方法
this.errorToXML = errorToXML;
this.log = log;
// 将一个错误映射到XML文档
function errorToXML(err) {
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>/n' +
'<error>/n' +
'<name>' + err.name + '</name>/n' +
'<message>' + err.message + '</message>/n';
if (err.location) xml += '<location>' + err.location + '</location>';
xml += '</error>';
return xml;
  接着是log方法。这是这段脚本将上述两个原则(XMLHttpRequest和XML DOM)结合在一起的最基础部分。注意我们使用了POST方法。在这我本质上是创建了一个只写的定制的web服务,在每一次成功的请求时它会建立一些新纪录。因此,使用POST是唯一可行的方法。
// Logger类的日记方法
function log(err) {
// 嗅探环境
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) this.req =
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // 无功而返
// 确定方式及URI
this.req.open("POST", "/cgi-bin/AjaxLogger.cgi");
// 设定request的headers。 如果错误出现在一个所包含的.js文件中,
//REFERER 这个最顶层的URI可能会与产生错误的地方不一致
this.req.setRequestHeader('REFERER', location.href);
this.req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// 请求完毕时要调用的函数
this.req.onreadystatechange = errorLogged;
// 如果不能在10秒在完成请求,
// 需事务处理
this.timeout = window.setTimeout("abortLog();", 10000);


// 一个类构造方法
function Logger() {
// 域
// 方法
this.errorToXML = errorToXML;
this.log = log;
// 将一个错误映射到XML文档
function errorToXML(err) {
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>/n' +
'<error>/n' +
'<name>' + err.name + '</name>/n' +
'<message>' + err.message + '</message>/n';
if (err.location) xml += '<location>' + err.location + '</location>';
xml += '</error>';
return xml;
  接着是log方法。这是这段脚本将上述两个原则(XMLHttpRequest和XML DOM)结合在一起的最基础部分。注意我们使用了POST方法。在这我本质上是创建了一个只写的定制的web服务,在每一次成功的请求时它会建立一些新纪录。因此,使用POST是唯一可行的方法。
// Logger类的日记方法
function log(err) {
// 嗅探环境
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) this.req =
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // 无功而返
// 确定方式及URI
this.req.open("POST", "/cgi-bin/AjaxLogger.cgi");
// 设定request的headers。 如果错误出现在一个所包含的.js文件中,
//REFERER 这个最顶层的URI可能会与产生错误的地方不一致
this.req.setRequestHeader('REFERER', location.href);
this.req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// 请求完毕时要调用的函数
this.req.onreadystatechange = errorLogged;
// 如果不能在10秒在完成请求,
// 需事务处理
this.timeout = window.setTimeout("abortLog();", 10000);


// 一个类构造方法
function Logger() {
// 域
// 方法
this.errorToXML = errorToXML;
this.log = log;
// 将一个错误映射到XML文档
function errorToXML(err) {
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>/n' +
'<error>/n' +
'<name>' + err.name + '</name>/n' +
'<message>' + err.message + '</message>/n';
if (err.location) xml += '<location>' + err.location + '</location>';
xml += '</error>';
return xml;
  接着是log方法。这是这段脚本将上述两个原则(XMLHttpRequest和XML DOM)结合在一起的最基础部分。注意我们使用了POST方法。在这我本质上是创建了一个只写的定制的web服务,在每一次成功的请求时它会建立一些新纪录。因此,使用POST是唯一可行的方法。
// Logger类的日记方法
function log(err) {
// 嗅探环境
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) this.req =
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // 无功而返
// 确定方式及URI
this.req.open("POST", "/cgi-bin/AjaxLogger.cgi");
// 设定request的headers。 如果错误出现在一个所包含的.js文件中,
//REFERER 这个最顶层的URI可能会与产生错误的地方不一致
this.req.setRequestHeader('REFERER', location.href);
this.req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// 请求完毕时要调用的函数
this.req.onreadystatechange = errorLogged;
// 如果不能在10秒在完成请求,
// 需事务处理
this.timeout = window.setTimeout("abortLog();", 10000);


// 一个类构造方法
function Logger() {
// 域
// 方法
this.errorToXML = errorToXML;
this.log = log;
// 将一个错误映射到XML文档
function errorToXML(err) {
var xml = '<?xml version="1.0"?>/n' +
'<error>/n' +
'<name>' + err.name + '</name>/n' +
'<message>' + err.message + '</message>/n';
if (err.location) xml += '<location>' + err.location + '</location>';
xml += '</error>';
return xml;
  接着是log方法。这是这段脚本将上述两个原则(XMLHttpRequest和XML DOM)结合在一起的最基础部分。注意我们使用了POST方法。在这我本质上是创建了一个只写的定制的web服务,在每一次成功的请求时它会建立一些新纪录。因此,使用POST是唯一可行的方法。
// Logger类的日记方法
function log(err) {
// 嗅探环境
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
else if (window.ActiveXObject) this.req =
new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return; // 无功而返
// 确定方式及URI
this.req.open("POST", "/cgi-bin/AjaxLogger.cgi");
// 设定request的headers。 如果错误出现在一个所包含的.js文件中,
//REFERER 这个最顶层的URI可能会与产生错误的地方不一致
this.req.setRequestHeader('REFERER', location.href);
this.req.setRequestHeader('content-type', 'text/xml');
// 请求完毕时要调用的函数
this.req.onreadystatechange = errorLogged;
// 如果不能在10秒在完成请求,
// 需事务处理
this.timeout = window.setTimeout("abortLog();", 10000);
最后是实例化日志记录类。注意这个类只能有一个实例。 // logger只能有一个实例
var logger = new Logger();
// 尽管已经尝试,但如果有连接错误,放弃吧
function abortLog() {
alert("Attempt to log the error timed out.");
// 当request状态有变化则调用
function errorLogged() {
if (logger.req.readyState != 4) return;
// 请求完毕
if (logger.req.status >= 400)
alert('Attempt to log the error failed.');



<script type="text/javascript" src="Logger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trapError(msg, URI, ln) {
// 将未知错误包装进一个对象
var error = new Error(msg);
error.location = URI + ', line: ' + ln; // 增加定制属性
return true; // 避免出现黄色三角形符号
window.onerror = trapError;
function foo() {
try {
} catch (err) {
err.location = location.href + ', function: foo()';
function warnUser() {
alert("An error has occurred while processing this page."+
"Our engineers have been alerted!");
// 错误处理
location.href = '/path/to/error/page.html';

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";
// logger只能有一个实例
var logger = new Logger();
// 尽管已经尝试,但如果有连接错误,放弃吧
function abortLog() {
alert("Attempt to log the error timed out.");
// 当request状态有变化则调用
function errorLogged() {
if (logger.req.readyState != 4) return;
// 请求完毕
if (logger.req.status >= 400)
alert('Attempt to log the error failed.');



<script type="text/javascript" src="Logger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trapError(msg, URI, ln) {
// 将未知错误包装进一个对象
var error = new Error(msg);
error.location = URI + ', line: ' + ln; // 增加定制属性
return true; // 避免出现黄色三角形符号
window.onerror = trapError;
function foo() {
try {
} catch (err) {
err.location = location.href + ', function: foo()';
function warnUser() {
alert("An error has occurred while processing this page."+
"Our engineers have been alerted!");
// 错误处理
location.href = '/path/to/error/page.html';

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

// logger只能有一个实例
var logger = new Logger();
// 尽管已经尝试,但如果有连接错误,放弃吧
function abortLog() {
alert("Attempt to log the error timed out.");
// 当request状态有变化则调用
function errorLogged() {
if (logger.req.readyState != 4) return;
// 请求完毕
if (logger.req.status >= 400)
alert('Attempt to log the error failed.');



<script type="text/javascript" src="Logger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trapError(msg, URI, ln) {
// 将未知错误包装进一个对象
var error = new Error(msg);
error.location = URI + ', line: ' + ln; // 增加定制属性
return true; // 避免出现黄色三角形符号
window.onerror = trapError;
function foo() {
try {
} catch (err) {
err.location = location.href + ', function: foo()';
function warnUser() {
alert("An error has occurred while processing this page."+
"Our engineers have been alerted!");
// 错误处理
location.href = '/path/to/error/page.html';

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

// logger只能有一个实例
var logger = new Logger();
// 尽管已经尝试,但如果有连接错误,放弃吧
function abortLog() {
alert("Attempt to log the error timed out.");
// 当request状态有变化则调用
function errorLogged() {
if (logger.req.readyState != 4) return;
// 请求完毕
if (logger.req.status >= 400)
alert('Attempt to log the error failed.');



<script type="text/javascript" src="Logger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trapError(msg, URI, ln) {
// 将未知错误包装进一个对象
var error = new Error(msg);
error.location = URI + ', line: ' + ln; // 增加定制属性
return true; // 避免出现黄色三角形符号
window.onerror = trapError;
function foo() {
try {
} catch (err) {
err.location = location.href + ', function: foo()';
function warnUser() {
alert("An error has occurred while processing this page."+
"Our engineers have been alerted!");
// 错误处理
location.href = '/path/to/error/page.html';

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

// logger只能有一个实例
var logger = new Logger();
// 尽管已经尝试,但如果有连接错误,放弃吧
function abortLog() {
alert("Attempt to log the error timed out.");
// 当request状态有变化则调用
function errorLogged() {
if (logger.req.readyState != 4) return;
// 请求完毕
if (logger.req.status >= 400)
alert('Attempt to log the error failed.');



<script type="text/javascript" src="Logger.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function trapError(msg, URI, ln) {
// 将未知错误包装进一个对象
var error = new Error(msg);
error.location = URI + ', line: ' + ln; // 增加定制属性
return true; // 避免出现黄色三角形符号
window.onerror = trapError;
function foo() {
try {
} catch (err) {
err.location = location.href + ', function: foo()';
function warnUser() {
alert("An error has occurred while processing this page."+
"Our engineers have been alerted!");
// 错误处理
location.href = '/path/to/error/page.html';

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(set_progname);
use XML::Simple;
my $request = CGI->new();
my $method = $request->request_method();
# method must be POST
if ($method eq 'POST') {
eval {
my $content_type = $request->content_type();
if ($content_type eq 'text/xml') {
print $request->header(-status =>
'415 Unsupported Media Type', -type => 'text/xml');
croak "Invalid content type: $content_type/n";
# when method is POST and the content type is neither
# URI encoded nor multipart form, the entire post
# is stuffed into one param: POSTDATA
my $error_xml = $request->param('POSTDATA');
my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($error_xml);
my ($name, $msg, $location) =
($ref->{'name'}, $ref->{'message'}, '');
$location = $ref->{'location'} if (defined($ref->{'location'}));
# this will change the name of the carper in the log
set_progname('Client-side error');
my $remote_host = $request->remote_host();
carp "name: [$name], msg: [$msg], location: [$location]";
if ($@) {
print $request->header(-status => '500 Internal server error',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Error while logging: $@";
} else {
# this response code indicates that the operation was a
# success, but the client should not expect any content
print $request->header(-status => '204 No content',
-type => 'text/xml');
} else {
print $request->header(-status => '405 Method not supported',
-type => 'text/xml');
croak "Unsupported method: $method";

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