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Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) 的初步认识

2005-11-25 17:00 501 查看
下载Ajax.dll http://ajax.schwarz-interactive.de/csharpsample/default.aspx

AJAX .Net Wrapper quick usage guide
Karl Seguin - http://www.openmymind.net/ - copyright 2005

(view AjaxGuide.doc for more detailed information)

Step 1 -
Create a reference to the ajax.dll file

Step 2 - Set up the HttpHandler
In the web.config, set up the HttpHandler, like:

<add verb="POST,GET" path="ajax/*.ashx" type="Ajax.PageHandlerFactory, Ajax" />

Step 3 -
In the Page_Load event, call the following function:

Public Class Index
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

Private Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
end sub
End Class

public class Index : System.Web.UI.Page{
private void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e){

Step 4 -
In the codebehind of your page, add functions (like you normally would) that you'd like to be able to asynchrounsly called by client-side scripting. Mark these functions with the Ajax.JavascriptMethodAttribute():

public int ServerSideAdd(int firstNumber, int secondNumber)
return firstNumber + secondNumber;

<Ajax.AjaxMethod()> _
Public Function ServerSideAdd(ByVal firstNumber As Integer, ByVal secondNumber As Integer) As Integer
Return firstNumber + secondNumber
End Function

The wrapper will automatically create a JavaScript function named "ServerSideAdd" which accepts to parameters. When called, this server-side function will be called and the result returned.

Step 5 -
Using JavaScript, you can invote the ServerSideAdd function like you would any other JavaScript function. You can call it using the two parameters, or optionally pass a call back function. The name of the function is, by default, <name of class>.<name of server side function>, such as Index.ServerSideAdd:



Index.ServerSideAdd(100,99, ServerSideAdd_CallBack);

function ServerSideAdd_CallBack(response){

The response exposes three properties, error, value and request.

Note that you can return more complex objects that simple types.

See the demo for additional information:

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