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2005-10-11 22:35 441 查看
<title>FCKeditor - Uploaders Tests</title>
<script language="javascript">

function SendFile()
var sUploaderUrl = cmbUploaderUrl.value ;

if ( sUploaderUrl.length == 0 )
sUploaderUrl = txtCustomUrl.value ;

if ( sUploaderUrl.length == 0 )
alert( 'Please provide your custom URL or select a default one' ) ;
return ;

eURL.innerHTML = sUploaderUrl ;
txtUrl.value = '' ;

frmUpload.action = sUploaderUrl ;
frmUpload.submit() ;

function OnUploadCompleted( errorNumber, fileUrl, fileName, customMsg )
switch ( errorNumber )
case 0 : // No errors
txtUrl.value = fileUrl ;
alert( 'File uploaded with no errors' ) ;
break ;
case 1 : // Custom error
alert( customMsg ) ;
break ;
case 10 : // Custom warning
txtUrl.value = fileUrl ;
alert( customMsg ) ;
break ;
case 201 :
txtUrl.value = fileUrl ;
alert( 'A file with the same name is already available. The uploaded file has been renamed to "' + fileName + '"' ) ;
break ;
case 202 :
alert( 'Invalid file' ) ;
break ;
case 203 :
alert( "Security error. You probably don't have enough permissions to upload. Please check your server." ) ;
break ;
default :
alert( 'Error on file upload. Error number: ' + errorNumber ) ;
break ;

<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0" height="100%">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td nowrap style="height: 43px">
Select the "File Uploader" to use:<br>
<select id="cmbUploaderUrl" name="Select1">
<option selected value="asp/upload.asp">ASP</option>
<option value="php/upload.php">PHP</option>
<option value="Upload.aspx?type=image">aspx</option>
<td nowrap style="height: 43px">      </td>
<td width="100%" style="height: 43px">
Custom Uploader http://dev.csdn.net/article/78/<BR> <input id="txtCustomUrl" style="WIDTH: 100%; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #dcdcdc" disabled type="text">
<table cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="100%" border="0">
<td noWrap>
<form id="frmUpload" target="UploadWindow" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="" method="post">
Upload a new file:<br>
<input type="file" name="NewFile"><br>
<input type="button" value="Send it to the Server" onclick="SendFile();">
<td style="WIDTH: 16px">      </td>
<td vAlign="top" width="100%">
Uploaded File http://dev.csdn.net/article/78/<br> <INPUT id="txtUrl" style="WIDTH: 100%" readonly type="text">
Post URL: <span id="eURL"> </span>
<td height="100%">
<iframe name="UploadWindow" width="100%" height="100%"></iframe>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Upload.aspx.cs" Inherits="Upload"%>
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Xml;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
public partial class Upload : System.Web.UI.Page
public void SendResults(int errorNumber, string fileUrl, string fileName, string customMsg)
StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
text.Append("<script type=/"text/javascript/">");
text.Append("window.parent.OnUploadCompleted(" + errorNumber + ",/"" + fileUrl.Replace("/"", "///"") + "/",/"" + fileName.Replace("/"", "///"") + "/",/"" + customMsg.Replace("/"", "///"") + "/") ;/n");
text.Append(" </script>");
public void GetConfig(string type, out string[] allowedExt, out string[] denyedExt,out string savePath,out long maxSize)
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
XmlElement root=doc.DocumentElement;
XmlNodeList imageNodelist=root.GetElementsByTagName(type);
allowedExt = imageNodelist[0].FirstChild.InnerText.Trim().Split('|');
denyedExt = imageNodelist[0].LastChild.InnerText.Trim().Split('|');
savePath = root.GetElementsByTagName("userPath").Item(0).InnerText.Trim();
maxSize = Convert.ToInt64(root.GetElementsByTagName("maxSize").Item(0).InnerText.Trim());
catch { maxSize = 10*1024; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

string[] allowedExt = new string[] { }, denyedExt = new string[] { };
string savePath = String.Empty;
long maxSize = 10000;
string type = Request.QueryString["Type"];
if (type == "image")
GetConfig("image", out allowedExt, out denyedExt, out savePath,out maxSize);
if (type == "file")
GetConfig("file", out allowedExt, out denyedExt, out savePath, out maxSize);
if (type == "flash")
GetConfig("flash", out allowedExt, out denyedExt, out savePath, out maxSize);
if (savePath == string.Empty||savePath=="")
savePath = "~/UserFiles/";
byte[] bytes1 = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes("这是字符串/n/n/n/n");
byte[] bytes2 = new byte[] { 1, 33, 23, 3, 0, 56, 55, 235, 5 };//二进制数

byte[] bytes = new byte[bytes1.Length + bytes2.Length];

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes);
ms.Write(bytes1, 0, bytes1.Length);
ms.Write(bytes2, 0, bytes2.Length);

int count = 0, pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i++)
if (bytes[i] == (int)'/n')
if (count == 4)
pos -= 4;

if (count == 4)
//这里,bytes字节数组里从0 到 pos 的位置就是你要的字符串
//从pos + 5 开始到最后,就是你要的二进制
byte[] fileData, formData;

formData = Request.BinaryRead(Request.ContentLength);
string head = String.Empty;
Encoding encoding = Encoding.UTF8;

long pos = 0;
for (long i = 0; i < formData.LongLength; i++)
if (formData[i] == (byte)'/r' && formData[i + 1] == (byte)'/n' && formData[i + 2] == (byte)'/r' && formData[i + 3] == (byte)'/n')
pos = i;
if (pos == 0) { Response.End(); return; }
head = encoding.GetString(formData, 0, (int)pos);
fileData = new byte[formData.LongLength - pos - 3];
Array.Copy(formData, pos + 4, fileData, 0, formData.LongLength - pos - 4);
//"-----------------------------7d5fa3820f84/r/nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=/"NewFile/"; filename=/"F://Documents//4(10995).jpg/"/r/nContent-Type: image/pjpeg/r/n/r/n
head = head.ToLower();
head = head.Remove(0, head.IndexOf("/r/n") + 2);
head = head.Replace("/"", "");
string postFileName = string.Empty;
string fileName;//no path
string fileType, fileExt;
postFileName = head.Substring(0, head.IndexOf("/r/n"));//Content-Disposition: form-data; name=/"NewFile/"; filename=/"F://Documents//4(10995).jpg/"
fileType = head.Remove(0, postFileName.Length + 3);//returns:Content-Type: image/pjpeg
postFileName = postFileName.Substring(postFileName.IndexOf("filename=") + "filename=".Length);//C:/path/name
fileName = Path.GetFileName(postFileName);
fileExt = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1);
if (fileData.LongLength > maxSize) {
SendResults(2, ResolveUrl(savePath + fileName), fileName, "Too large");
bool isallow=false;
foreach(string ext in denyedExt){
if (ext == fileExt) {
isallow = false;
SendResults(202, ResolveUrl(savePath + fileName), fileName, "forrbiden");

foreach (string ext in allowedExt) {
if (ext == fileExt) { isallow = true; break; }
if ( isallow)
string tmpPath = Server.MapPath(savePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath)) {
catch { SendResults(200, ResolveUrl(savePath + fileName), fileName, "没有写入权限"); }
FileStream savefileStream= new FileStream(tmpPath+fileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
for (long i = 0; i < fileData.LongLength; i++)
SendResults(0, ResolveUrl(savePath + fileName), fileName, "No errors");



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<maxSize>500000</maxSize><!--unit is byte-->

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