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the value of static variable can be changed after it's assigned

2005-09-04 23:12 591 查看
//the value of static variable can be changed after it's assigned
public class StaticVariable{
 static int i = 2;
  int i=5;
  System.out.println("in static initialization, i is : "+i);
  System.out.println("in constructor ,i is : "+i);
 public static void main(String[] args){
  System.out.println("begin main....");
  StaticVariable ff = new StaticVariable();
  StaticVariable hh = new StaticVariable();
  i=3;//the value of static variable can be changed after it's assigned.
  StaticVariable tt = new StaticVariable();
  StaticVariable bb = new StaticVariable();
//如果有多个static 变量,按顺序依次执行。同一个变量也算一次初始化
1. class StaticClass
2. {
3.  static int a = 7;
4.  static {a += 5;}
6.  public static void main(String args[])
7.  {
8.   System.out.prinltn("a = " + a);
9.  }
10.  static {a /= 3;}
11. }
//结果是:a= 4
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