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Put a Submit Button At the Bottom of a Survey

2004-06-29 23:29 423 查看
Put a Submit Button At the Bottom of a Survey

CW asked on microsoft.public.sharepoint.portalserver: " We created a survey in SPS 2003 and my boss wants a submit button at the bottom instead of going to the top menu. Is there a simple way I can do this? If not is there a simple way to put a label at the bottom of the survey so I can tell people to go to the top and click save? "
I also met such a trouble when I deployed a survey which has a long question list. The interface is not user friendly and let users have to go back to top to click "Save and Close" button. In addition, some users have no idea about it and this interface is different form the survey they took before. In the past surveys, they always see a submit button at the bottom of the survey as CW said.

In order to insert the submit button, I opened the NewForm.aspx and found I could not insert the button because the survey tool bar and the survey body are an integrated web part. At that moment, due to the time limit, so in the NewForm.aspx, I had to just add a link with "Go Back Top" function to help users quickly go back to the operation tool bar. It is surely a temp solution, not a final solution.

These days I researched this biz requirement and got a solution. Here share it with those who wishes to change the view of survey and add some submit button at the bottom of the survey page.

Note: assuming we are deploying a survey on a WSS site because I will change some default views of the survey list on WSS site template. To change SPPS areas' survey list template will be similar if u find the right location of the XML file.

Step I. Open Schema.xml for the survey template
Go to C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\60\TEMPLATE\1033\STS\LISTS\VOTING\Schema.xml, which stores the views of different views of survey web parts.

Step II. Insert a Tool Bar at the Bottom of EditForm Page
The schema.xml store the form views in <Form>, e.g. the form used by EditPage.aspx is stored in a element starting like < Form Type="EditForm" Url="EditForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main" >

the <Form > element has four child elements to define such form details as <ListFormOpening>, <ListFormButtons>,<ListFormBody>, and <ListFormClosing>. <ListFormOpening> stores the related js functions; <ListFormButtons> stores the tool bar button details; <ListFormBody> stores the survey body view; and <ListFormClosing> stores the end content of the form.

Go to <ListFormButtons> ,
Skip the <Switch> child element of <ListFormButtons> ,
Copy the lines starting the tag of <HTML> and ending with </HTML> tag before </ListFormButtons>,
Paste these lines following the element <ListFormClosing>

Step III. Insert a Tool Bar at the Bottom of NewForm Page

Same as the Step II, locate the element <Form Type="NewForm" Url="NewForm.aspx" WebPartZoneID="Main"> and

then repeat the 1-4 procedures of Step II
Step IV. Change the Menu Bar's Label Text

Most users are not familiar with the meaning of the label text of a menu button such as "Save and Close" and "Go back to survey". They are a bit confused with these too general descriptions. Say, "Save and Submit" is more user friendly than "Save and Close", "Cancel" better than "Go back to survey". So in Schema.xml, I replaced these label text with the terms users are more familiar from their web survey expeirence. You may change text to what your users are familiar with.

Step V. Restart IIS
These changes will be valid after the restart of IIS service. So go to Start --> Run -->Cmd --> IISReset. At last you will see an addtional tool bar at the bottom of Edit page and NewForm page like the attached screen shots.

You can also find the amended Schema.Xml in the attached and you can just directly copy this file to the folder of spps server (like the folder path in Step I). you will get the same interface like mine.
Source: MSD2D.COM
Author: ted teng
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