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#树 树是一种基本的层次结构,相比线性结构,在动态查找上,效率更高。 在说树之前,我们先说一下线性结构中两种常用的查找方式。 ##两种查找方式顺序查找和二分查找 ###顺序查找(哨兵法) 对于一个线性表方便的查找方式是,从后向前查找且将被查找的值放在最前面作为哨兵,只需要判断下标位置的元素是否为查找元素,而不用考虑下标是否走到边界(因为边界元素正好是我们的哨兵,走到了这里自动退出)



typedef struct LNode* List;
#define MAXSIZE 100
#define ElementType int
struct LNode
ElementType Data[MAXSIZE];
int length;

int sequentailSearch(List L,ElementType key) {
int i = 0;
L->Data[0] = key;//建立哨兵
for (i = L->length; L->Data[i] != key; i--);
return i;//找到返回对应下标,没找到返回0

###二分查找 想对一个线性表使用二分查找,他必须是有序的




typedef struct LNode* List;
#define MAXSIZE 100
#define ElementType int
struct LNode
ElementType Data[MAXSIZE];
int length;
int binarySearch(List L, ElementType key) {
int left = 1, right = L->length;
while (left <= right) {
int mid = (left + right) / 2;
//如果mid下标的元素大于要找的,说明在left-mid之间,顾使right = mid-1。
if (L->Data[mid] > key) {
right = mid - 1;
else if (L->Data[mid] < key) {
left = mid + 1;
else {
return mid;
return -1;//查找失败返回-1

##树 树是一种抽象数据类型或是实现这种抽象数据类型的数据结构,用来模拟具有树状结构性质的数据集合。它是由n(n>0)个有限节点组成一个具有层次关系的集合。n = 0时为空树。

###非空树的性质 1.只含有一个根节点 2.其余的节点分成多个不相交的节点哪个节点又是原树的子树 3.子树互不相交,除根节点外所有节点都有一个父节点 4.N个节点的数有N-1条边

###树的一些基本术语 1.结点的度(Degree):结点的子树个数 2.树的度:树的所有结点中最大的度数 3.叶结点(Leaf):度为0的结点 4.父结点(Parent):有子树的结点是其子树的根结点的父结点 5.子结点(Child):若A结点是B结点的父结点,则称B结点是A结点的子结点;子结点也称孩子结点。 6.兄弟结点(Sibling):具有同一父结点的各结点彼此是兄弟结点。 7.路径和路径长度:从结点$n_1$到$n_k$的路径为一个结点序列$n_1$ , n_2,… , n_k, $n_i$是 $n_{i+1}$的父结点。路径所包含边的个数为路径的长度。 9.祖先结点(Ancestor):沿树根到某一结点路径上的所有结点都是这个结点的祖先结点。 10.子孙结点(Descendant):某一结点的子树中的所有结点是这个结点的子孙。 11.结点的层次(Level):规定根结点在1层,其它任一结点的层数是其父结点的层数加1。 12.树的深度(Depth):树中所有结点中的最大层次是这棵树的深度。 ##二叉树(一种特殊的树) 对于一个二叉树,他的任何节点最多有两个子树,分别为左子树和右子树,二叉树的分支具有左右次序,不能随意颠倒。


###二叉树的性质 1.第i层最多有$2^$个节点 2.深度为k的树最多有$2_k-1$个节点 3.对于一个非空二叉树用$n$k(k \in 0,1,2)表示有几个儿子的节点。有等式$n_0$ = n_2 + 1 恒成立。 证: 树的总边数 = n_0 + n_1 + n_2 - 1(除了根节点外每个节点都有父节点) 树的总边数 = 0 * n_0 + 1 * n_1 + 2 * n_2(节点的下标代表了他有几个儿子也就是几条边) 联立可得$n_0$ = n_2 + 1

###二叉树的实现 如果采用线性的储存方法,保存在数组中,根据上面的二分查找我们可以知道,二分查找顺序固定,可以行的通,但对于不是完美二叉树,会在空间上造成浪费,并不推荐。 常用的做法是采用链式储存下面给出树节点代码实现

struct TreeNode
ElementType Data;
BinTree Left;//指向左子树
BinTree Right;//指向右子树

###二叉树的遍历 对于一颗二叉树,我们经常希望访问树中的每一个结点并且查看它的值。有很多常见的顺序来访问所有的结点,而且每一种都有有用的性质。 这里介绍基于深度的前序中序后序遍历 对一棵树前序遍历,就是先访问它的根节点,再访问他的左子树,再访问他的右子树。 对一棵树中序遍历,就是先访问他的左子树,再访问它的根节点,再访问他的右子树。 对一棵树后序遍历,就是先访问他的左子树,再访问他的右子树,再访问它的根节点。



typedef struct TreeNode* BinTree;
#define ElementType int
struct TreeNode
ElementType Data;
BinTree Left;
BinTree Right;

void PreOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
if (T) {
printf("%d ", T->Data);

void InOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
if (T) {
printf("%d ", T->Data);

void PostOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
if (T) {
printf("%d ", T->Data);



typedef struct SNode* Stack;
typedef struct TreeNode* BinTree;
#define ElementType1 int
#define ElementType2 BinTree
struct TreeNode
ElementType1 Data;
BinTree Left;
BinTree Right;
struct SNode
ElementType2 Data;
Stack Next;

//get link stack length,the empty stack has a header, the default length is 0
int length(Stack ptrs) {
Stack temp = ptrs;
int len = 0;
while (temp->Next) {
temp = temp->Next;
return len;
//make an empty linked Stack,generate an empty header(length is 1)
Stack makeEmpty() {
Stack ptrs;
ptrs = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode));
ptrs->Next = NULL;
return ptrs;
//check the linklist is empty
bool isEmpty(Stack ptrs) {
if (length(ptrs) == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Stack push(ElementType2 value, Stack ptrs) {
Stack newLNode = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode));
newLNode->Data = value;
newLNode->Next = ptrs->Next;
ptrs->Next = newLNode;
return ptrs;
ElementType2 pop(Stack ptrs) {
if (isEmpty(ptrs)) {
printf("the Stack has been empty.");
return NULL;
Stack temp = ptrs->Next;
ElementType2 value = temp->Data;
ptrs->Next = temp->Next;
return value;
void PreOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
Stack S = makeEmpty();
BinTree BT = T;
while (BT || !isEmpty(S)) {
while (BT) {
printf("%d ", BT->Data);
S = push(BT, S);
BT = BT->Left;
if (!isEmpty(S)) {
BT = pop(S);
BT = BT->Right;

void InOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
Stack S = makeEmpty();
BinTree BT = T;
while (BT || !isEmpty(S)) {
while (BT) {
S = push(BT, S);
BT = BT->Left;
if (!isEmpty(S)) {
BT = pop(S);
printf("%d ", BT->Data);
BT = BT->Right;

void PostOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
Stack S = makeEmpty();
BinTree BT = T;
while (BT || !isEmpty(S)) {
while (BT) {
S = push(BT, S);
BT = BT->Left;
if (!isEmpty(S)) {
BT = pop(S);
if (BT->Right) {
S = push(BT, S);
else {
printf("%d ", BT->Data);
BT = BT->Right;

还有广度优先遍历,和深度优先遍历不同,广度优先遍历会先访问离根节点最近的节点。二叉树的广度优先遍历又称按层次遍历。算法借助队列实现。 基本思路为,先把根节点入队,再让根节点出队,然后将根结点的左右子树入队,一直到队列空就遍历完成整个树。



typedef struct QNode* Queue;

typedef struct TreeNode* BinTree;
#define ElementType1 int
#define ElementType2 BinTree
struct TreeNode
ElementType1 Data;
BinTree Left;
BinTree Right;
struct QNode
ElementType2 Data;
Queue Next;

Queue makeEmpty() {
Queue Q = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
Q->Next = NULL;
return Q;

void QueueAdd(ElementType2 value, Queue Q) {
Queue temp = Q->Next;
Queue newNode = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
newNode->Data = value;
newNode->Next = temp;
Q->Next = newNode;

bool isEmpty(Queue Q) {
if (Q->Next == NULL) {
return true;
return false;
ElementType2 QueueDelete(Queue Q) {
Queue ptrq = Q;
if (!ptrq->Next) {
printf("The queue has been empty.");
return NULL;
while (ptrq->Next->Next) {
ptrq = ptrq->Next;
Queue temp = ptrq->Next;
ptrq->Next = NULL;
ElementType2 value = temp->Data;
return value;
void LevelOrderTraversal(BinTree T) {
if (!T) {
Queue Q = makeEmpty();
QueueAdd(T, Q);//先把根节点压入队列
while (!isEmpty(Q)) {
BinTree BT = QueueDelete(Q);//出队
printf("%d ", BT->Data);
if (BT->Left) {
QueueAdd(BT->Left, Q);
if (BT->Right) {
QueueAdd(BT->Right, Q);

##课后练习题(3个小题) ###03-树1 树的同构 (25point(s)) 给定两棵树T1和T2。如果T1可以通过若干次左右孩子互换就变成T2,则我们称两棵树是“同构”的。例如图1给出的两棵树就是同构的,因为我们把其中一棵树的结点A、B、G的左右孩子互换后,就得到另外一棵树。而图2就不是同构的。

现给定两棵树,请你判断它们是否是同构的。 输入格式: 输入给出2棵二叉树树的信息。对于每棵树,首先在一行中给出一个非负整数N (≤10),即该树的结点数(此时假设结点从0到N−1编号);随后N行,第i行对应编号第i个结点,给出该结点中存储的1个英文大写字母、其左孩子结点的编号、右孩子结点的编号。如果孩子结点为空,则在相应位置上给出“-”。给出的数据间用一个空格分隔。注意:题目保证每个结点中存储的字母是不同的。

输出格式: 如果两棵树是同构的,输出“Yes”,否则输出“No”。


8 A 1 2 B 3 4 C 5 - D - - E 6 - G 7 - F - - H - - 8 G - 4 B 7 6 F - - A 5 1 H - - C 0 - D - - E 2 -




8 B 5 7 F - - A 0 3 C 6 - H - - D - - G 4 - E 1 - 8 D 6 - B 5 - E - - H - - C 0 2 G - 3 F - - A 1 4




#define ElemrnntType char
#define MAXSIZE 10
#define Null -1
struct TreeNode
ElemrnntType Data;
int Left;
int Right;

int buildTree(struct TreeNode T[]) {
int N = 0;
int root = -1;
scanf("%d\n", &N);
int check[MAXSIZE] = {0};
for (int i = 0; i < N;i++) {
char left, right ,data;
scanf("%c %c %c\n", &data, &left, &right);
T[i].Data = data;
T[i].Left = (left == '-') ? Null : (check[left - '0'] = 1, left - '0');
T[i].Right = (right == '-') ? Null : (check[right - '0'] = 1, right - '0');
for (int i = 0; i < N;i++) {
if (check[i] == 0) {
root = i;
return root;
bool IsomorphicTree(int root1,int root2) {
if (root1==Null&&root2==Null) {
return true;
if ((root1 == Null && root2 != Null)||(root1 != Null && root2 == Null)) {
return false;
//如果根节点不同返回false, 相同则进行下一次递归判别
if (T1[root1].Data != T2[root2].Data){
return false;
else {
return (IsomorphicTree(T1[root1].Left, T2[root2].Left) && IsomorphicTree(T1[root1].Right, T2[root2].Right)) ||
(IsomorphicTree(T1[root1].Left, T2[root2].Right) && IsomorphicTree(T1[root1].Right, T2[root2].Left));
int main() {
int root1 = buildTree(T1);
int root2 = buildTree(T2);
if (IsomorphicTree(root1, root2)) {
else {

###03-树2 List Leaves (25point(s)) Given a tree, you are supposed to list all the leaves in the order of top down, and left to right.

Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line gives a positive integer N (≤10) which is the total number of nodes in the tree -- and hence the nodes are numbered from 0 to N−1. Then N lines follow, each corresponds to a node, and gives the indices of the left and right children of the node. If the child does not exist, a "-" will be put at the position. Any pair of children are separated by a space.

Output Specification: For each test case, print in one line all the leaves' indices in the order of top down, and left to right. There must be exactly one space between any adjacent numbers, and no extra space at the end of the line.

Sample Input:

1 -
- -
0 -
2 7
- -
- -
5 -
4 6

Sample Output:

4 1 5



typedef struct QNode* Queue;

#define MAXSIZE 10
#define Null -1
struct TreeNode
int Left;
int Right;
struct QNode
int index;
Queue Next;

Queue makeEmpty() {
Queue Q = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
Q->Next = NULL;
return Q;

void QueueAdd(int value, Queue Q) {
Queue temp = Q->Next;
Queue newNode = (Queue)malloc(sizeof(struct QNode));
newNode->index = value;
newNode->Next = temp;
Q->Next = newNode;

bool isEmpty(Queue Q) {
if (Q->Next == NULL) {
return true;
return false;
int QueueDelete(Queue Q) {
Queue ptrq = Q;
if (!ptrq->Next) {
printf("The queue has been empty.");
return -1;
while (ptrq->Next->Next) {
ptrq = ptrq->Next;
Queue temp = ptrq->Next;
ptrq->Next = NULL;
int value = temp->index;
return value;
int buildTree(struct TreeNode T[]) {
int N = 0;
int root = -1;
scanf("%d\n", &N);
int check[MAXSIZE] = { 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
char left, right, data;
scanf("%c %c\n", &left, &right);
T[i].Left = (left == '-') ? Null : (check[left - '0'] = 1, left - '0');
T[i].Right = (right == '-') ? Null : (check[right - '0'] = 1, right - '0');
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (check[i] == 0) {
root = i;
return root;
void LevelOrderTraversal(int root) {
if (root==-1) {
bool isfrist = true;
Queue Q = makeEmpty();
QueueAdd(root, Q);//先把根节点压入队列
while (!isEmpty(Q)) {
root = QueueDelete(Q);//出队
if ((T[root].Left == -1)&& (T[root].Right == -1)) {
if (isfrist) {
printf("%d", root);
isfrist = false;
else {
printf(" %d", root);
if (T[root].Left !=-1) {
QueueAdd(T[root].Left, Q);
if (T[root].Right !=-1) {
QueueAdd(T[root].Right, Q);

int main() {
int root = buildTree(T);

###03-树3 Tree Traversals Again (25point(s)) An inorder binary tree traversal can be implemented in a non-recursive way with a stack. For example, suppose that when a 6-node binary tree (with the keys numbered from 1 to 6) is traversed, the stack operations are: push(1); push(2); push(3); pop(); pop(); push(4); pop(); pop(); push(5); push(6); pop(); pop(). Then a unique binary tree (shown in Figure 1) can be generated from this sequence of operations. Your task is to give the postorder traversal sequence of this tree.

Input Specification: Each input file contains one test case. For each case, the first line contains a positive integer N (≤30) which is the total number of nodes in a tree (and hence the nodes are numbered from 1 to N). Then 2N lines follow, each describes a stack operation in the format: "Push X" where X is the index of the node being pushed onto the stack; or "Pop" meaning to pop one node from the stack.

Output Specification: For each test case, print the postorder traversal sequence of the corresponding tree in one line. A solution is guaranteed to exist. All the numbers must be separated by exactly one space, and there must be no extra space at the end of the line.

Sample Input:

6 Push 1 Push 2 Push 3 Pop Pop Push 4 Pop Pop Push 5 Push 6 Pop Pop

Sample Output:

3 4 2 6 5 1




#define MAXSIZE 30
#define ElementType char
typedef struct SNode* Stack;
#define ElementType char
struct SNode
ElementType Data;
Stack Next;
char PreOrderTraversal[MAXSIZE];
char InOrderTraversal[MAXSIZE];
//get link stack length,the empty stack has a header, the default length is 0
int length(Stack ptrs) {
Stack temp = ptrs;
int len = 0;
while (temp->Next) {
temp = temp->Next;
return len;
//make an empty linked Stack,generate an empty header(length is 1)
Stack makeEmpty() {
Stack ptrs;
ptrs = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode));
ptrs->Next = NULL;
return ptrs;
//check the linklist is empty
bool isEmpty(Stack ptrs) {
if (length(ptrs) == 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
Stack push(ElementType value, Stack ptrs) {
Stack newLNode = (Stack)malloc(sizeof(struct SNode));
newLNode->Data = value;
newLNode->Next = ptrs->Next;
ptrs->Next = newLNode;
return ptrs;
ElementType pop(Stack ptrs) {
if (isEmpty(ptrs)) {
printf("the Stack has been empty.");
return -1;
Stack temp = ptrs->Next;
ElementType value = temp->Data;
ptrs->Next = temp->Next;
return value;
int read() {
int N = 0;
scanf("%d\n", &N);
Stack S = makeEmpty();
int preindex = 0;
int inindex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 2 * N; i++) {
char operation[10];
if (operation[1]=='o') {
InOrderTraversal[inindex++] = pop(S);
else {
int end = 0;
while (operation[end] != '\0')end++;
char dest[3] = {""};
strncpy(dest, operation + 5, end-4);
dest[2] = '\0';
int num = atoi(dest);
PreOrderTraversal[preindex++] = num;
push(num, S);
return N;
//left 和 right 分别为传入树的在中序遍历的左右下标,root为当前树的根
void getpost(Stack S,int left,int right,int root) {
if (left > right) {
else {
int index = left;
while (index < right && InOrderTraversal[index] != PreOrderTraversal[root]) {
push(PreOrderTraversal[root], S);

int main() {
* 分析题目可以看出,push的顺序对应了先序遍历,push和pop出的序列是中序
* 所以题目无需建立树,只需要通过先序和中序还原后序遍历
int num = read();
Stack PostOrderTraversal = makeEmpty();
getpost(PostOrderTraversal, 0, num-1, 0);
bool isfirst = true;
while (!isEmpty(PostOrderTraversal)) {
if (isfirst) {
printf("%d", pop(PostOrderTraversal));
isfirst = false;
else {
printf(" %d", pop(PostOrderTraversal));
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