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2020-08-21 16:11 447 查看


Chromebooks are awesome. They're relatively simple and inexpensive devices that run Chrome OS, a stripped down Linux based operating system developed by Google.

Chromebook很棒。 它们是运行Chrome OS的相对简单且便宜的设备, Chrome OS是Google开发的基于Linux的简化操作系统。

While they're perfect for people who just need a web browser to perform basic tasks, if you're getting into development with just a Chromebook, you might be wondering if it's better to invest in a PC.


But with all the cloud-based technologies and recent updates to Chrome OS, you've got a lot of options. We'll go over a few of the popular ones here.

但是,借助所有基于云的技术和Chrome OS的最新更新,您可以有很多选择。 我们将在这里介绍一些受欢迎的产品。

基于云的解决方案 (Cloud-based solutions)

If you're completely new to web development, there's of course freeCodeCamp.org. The entire curriculum can be completed entirely in the browser and by leveraging tools like CodePen, CodeSandbox, Glitch, and Repl.it for more complex projects.

如果您是Web开发的新手 ,那么当然还有freeCodeCamp.org 。 整个课程可以完全在浏览器中完成,也可以利用CodePenCodeSandboxGlitchRepl.it之类的工具来完成更复杂的项目。

Even experienced developers use one or more of the sites listed above for quick prototyping and for easily sharing their projects with others, all for free. While they might be slower than a native dev environment, the fact that you can access them from any internet connected device and that everything is saved to their servers is a big plus.

即使是经验丰富的开发人员,也可以免费使用上面列出的一个或多个网站进行快速原型制作,并轻松与他人共享他们的项目。 尽管它们可能比本机开发环境要慢,但是您可以从任何与Internet连接的设备访问它们并将所有内容保存到它们的服务器这一事实是一大优势。

适用于Chromebook的Linux (Linux for Chromebooks)

As of Chrome OS v.69, you can enable Linux for Chromebooks and install a beta version of the Linux shell on select Chromebooks. Though the list of supported devices is short, most if not all future Chromebooks are expected to support this feature.

Chrome OS v.69开始 ,您可以为Chromebook启用Linux,并在某些Chromebook上安装Linux Shell的Beta版。 尽管支持的设备列表很短,但是大多数(如果不是全部)将来的Chromebook都有望支持此功能

What basically happens is that Chrome OS runs a version of Debian in a virtual machine. Because Debian is what Ubuntu, a popular Linux distribution/operating system, is based on, you should be able to install anything on your Chromebook like you would on a Debian/Ubuntu machine.

基本上发生的是Chrome操作系统在虚拟机中运行Debian的一个版本。 由于Debian是Ubuntu(流行的Linux发行/操作系统)所基于的,因此您应该能够像在Debian / Ubuntu计算机上一样在Chromebook上安装任何东西。

For example, if you want to install Firefox, all you need to do is open up the terminal and enter

sudo apt install firefox


sudo apt install firefox

There are some disadvantages, though. Currently this feature is in beta, and hardware acceleration is still not supported in non-Chrome OS applications.

但是有一些缺点。 目前,此功能处于测试阶段,并且在非Chrome操作系统应用程序中仍不支持硬件加速。

Things like Firefox or VSCode will run slower than on other machines running a Linux distribution like Ubuntu natively. This also means that video decoding is a bit slower, too, and playback may suffer as a result. Also, devices like microphones and webcams are not supported yet.

像Firefox或VSCode之类的东西比在本地运行Linux发行版的其他机器(如Ubuntu)上的运行速度要慢。 这也意味着视频解码也会稍慢一些,结果可能会影响播放。 此外,还不支持麦克风和网络摄像头等设备。

Check out this page for more information about what's not supported yet.

请查看此页面 ,以获取有关尚不支持的内容的更多信息。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/coding-with-a-chromebook/


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