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2020-08-21 10:11 931 查看


Hi everyone, I’m going to share some of my past experiences doing part-time work, as well as honing my skills in terms of prioritizing of tasks.


To give context, I am a full-time remote UI/UX designer in a startup based in Brisbane, Australia. Actually, you can scrap that and put it as “full-time remote full-stack designer.” Not only am I designing their apps, but also the company’s branding and collaterals. Aside from that, I work part-time for an organization called Generation Girl as part of their marketing team. For my side projects outside my main work, I’m currently designing two mobile apps, and also figuring out ways to have passive income through my arts and crafts. Phew, that’s a lot of things to type as an intro.

为了说明背景,我是澳大利亚布里斯班一家初创公司的全职远程UI / UX设计师。 实际上,您可以将其废弃,然后将其称为“全职远程全栈设计师”。 我不仅要设计他们的应用程序,还要设计公司的品牌和抵押品。 除此之外,我还兼职一家名为Generation Girl的组织,作为其营销团队的一部分。 对于我主要工作以外的副项目,我目前正在设计两个移动应用程序,并且还在想办法通过手Craft.io品获得被动收入。 哎呀,这是很多介绍的内容。

Well, now that you know about me, the first question that people would ask me is, “How do you manage to do it? Don’t you have a full-time job to commit to?”

好了,既然您了解我,人们会问我的第一个问题是:“您如何做到这一点? 您没有要从事的全职工作吗?”

The answer to that is, “Yes, I’ve been doing part-time for a few years, and I have learned a lot of things from my experience. And yeah, it’s not as easy as you think.”

答案是:“是的,我从事兼职工作已经有几年了,从我的经验中学到了很多东西。 是的,这并不像您想的那么容易。”

让我带你回到2016年… (Let Me Take You Back to 2016…)

The first part-time job that I took was as a UI/UX intern in a software house. At that time, I was in my third year of university. This was the first time I was exposed to a real job that actually aligned with what I studied, which was an unbelievable stroke of luck. Some people I knew usually took part-time jobs as baristas or waiters. It was offered it through a university course, where we basically did a project with a real client. They were happy with our work and offered all of my teammates an opportunity to work there part-time.

我做的第一份兼职工作是在软件公司做UI / UX实习生。 那时,我正在大学三年级。 这是我第一次接触到真正与我所学内容一致的真实工作,这真是令人难以置信的运气。 我认识的一些人通常以咖啡师或服务员的身份从事兼职工作。 它是通过大学课程提供的,我们基本上是与真正的客户一起完成一个项目的。 他们对我们的工作感到满意,并为我所有的队友提供了一个兼职工作的机会。

To be frank, I didn’t stay there long enough. I felt like I wasn’t doing what I thought I would love to do, plus the fact that I was a bit scared of losing my grades. In my previous semester, I just barely reached the lowest passing grade, and I realized that I needed to work harder on leveling up my grades. Maybe it wasn’t the right time for me to converge into the real world just yet. I mean, it’s completely normal, right? Maybe it wasn’t the right moment yet. I was meant to do something great, but I didn't’ think that was it.

坦率地说,我在那呆的时间不够长。 我觉得自己没有做自己想做的事,还有我有点害怕失去成绩的事实。 在上学期中,我勉强达到了最低的及格分数,我意识到我需要更加努力地提高自己的分数。 也许现在还不是时候让我进入现实世界。 我的意思是,这完全正常,对吧? 也许现在不是合适的时机。 我本来想做伟大的事情,但我不认为就是那样。

Now that I look back to that exact moment, things might be different if I had chosen to stay. I can positively say this: I would not be where I am now if it wasn’t for that experience.

现在,我回顾了那个确切的时刻,如果我选择留下来,情况可能会有所不同。 我可以肯定地说:如果不是那种经历,我就不会成为现在的我。

On the bright side, my internship experience was really useful in deciding the path that I’m currently taking. I realized that it was very beneficial for me, that I got to learn things that they didn’t teach me at school. I wouldn’t be able to grasp all of the inside scoops, industry standards, or what they need during day-to-day work, so I’m forever thankful for it.

从好的方面来说,我的实习经验对于确定我目前所走的道路非常有用。 我意识到这对我非常有益,因为我必须学习他们在学校没有教给我的东西。 在日常工作中,我将无法掌握所有内部消息,行业标准或它们所需要的东西,因此我对此永远感到感谢。

It’s true what they say: Experiences are invaluable. Get them while you can.

他们说的是真的:经验是无价的。 尽您所能获得它们。

快进到2017年,我毕业了 (Fast Forward to 2017, When I Have Graduated)

I don’t know if I ever shared this in public, but I actually struggled in finding a job. Unlike my friends, where it took more or less three months to find their dream jobs, it took me five to six months to finally get a position in a company. I got several callbacks during that period, but most of them told me that my background wasn’t pure interaction design, which seemed to make me look “less appealing” compared to others who actually took the exact major.

我不知道我是否曾在公开场合分享过此信息,但我实际上很难找到工作。 与我的朋友不同,他们大约需要三个月的时间才能找到他们理想的工作,而我却花了五到六个月的时间才能最终在一家公司找到工作。 在此期间,我收到了几次回调,但是大多数告诉我,我的背景不是纯粹的交互设计,与实际修读专业的其他人相比,这似乎使我看起来“吸引力不足”。

But then, when I had already signed a contract for my first job as a consultant, I was contacted by a person from Australia, offering me a UI/UX job. I decided to tell him about my situation, and he offered me to do part-time instead, remotely. I remember being very torn about it, and even asked my loved ones whether to consider it or not. It was such a big decision and it would be such a wasted opportunity if I missed it. Finally, I decided to do it anyway.

但是后来,当我已经签署了我的第一份顾问合同时,来自澳大利亚的一个人与我联系,为我提供UI / UX工作。 我决定告诉他我的情况,他改为让我兼职远程。 我记得当时对此感到非常痛苦,甚至问我的亲人是否考虑。 这是一个很大的决定,如果我错过了,那将是一个浪费的机会。 最后,我决定还是这样做。

I slowly grasped the tempo and the complexity of the task given as time went. For this part-time job, I agreed to do ten hours per week. It’s not easy to divide your productive time between full-time work and part-time work. Since my full-time job is quite hectic and time-consuming, I decided to take a break from the part-time job for five months, just to get back on track with my full time and make sure that I wasn’t slacking on it.

随着时间的流逝,我慢慢掌握了节奏和完成任务的复杂性。 对于这份兼职工作,我同意每周工作十个小时。 在全职工作和兼职工作之间划分工作时间并不容易。 由于我的全职工作非常忙碌且非常耗时,因此我决定从兼职工作中休假五个月,以恢复我的全职工作,并确保自己不懈怠它。

As time went on, I was referred by a friend of mine to another part-time job on top of what I was currently doing at that moment. So yes, there was a time where I had three jobs at once. The best part of this was that I actually loved it. The feeling of being overwhelmed didn’t hit me as hard because my values aligned with what they were doing, and that kept me going.

随着时间的流逝,除了当时我正在做的事情之外,我的一个朋友将我转介到另一份兼职工作。 所以是的,有一段时间我一次有三份工作。 最好的部分是我真的很喜欢它。 不知所措的感觉并没有给我那么大的打击,因为我的价值观与他们所做的一致,这使我得以前进。

For those of you who have read my previous stories, you know that doing what you love actually matters. You get the drive to do things, not just for the money, but also for the cause and because you’re happy about it. Once you’re passionate about something, I guarantee that you won’t feel a thing. Spoken by someone who already went down that road.

对于那些阅读过我以前的故事的人来说,知道做自己喜欢做的​​事确实很重要。 您有动力去做事情,不仅是为了钱,而且是为了事业,因为您对此感到高兴。 一旦您对某件事充满热情,我保证您不会感到任何事情。 被已经走过那条路的人说了话。

Okay, enough storytelling. Let’s get back to the first question: How did you manage to do it?

好吧,讲故事了。 让我们回到第一个问题:您是如何做到的?

Aside from figuring out the formula from experience, I actually learned how to multitask. Yeah, I know, not everyone can master the art of multitasking. To be honest, it’s true. It’s even scientifically proven that people can’t focus on more than one thing, because our brain doesn’t work like that. But hey, try to look at it from a different perspective. You can always try to prioritize the important tasks, and that’s exactly how I did it.

除了从经验中找出公式外,我实际上还学会了如何执行多任务。 是的,我知道,不是每个人都能掌握多任务处理的艺术。 老实说,这是真的。 甚至已经科学证明,人们不能只专注于一件事,因为我们的大脑不能那样工作。 但是,请尝试从另一个角度看待它。 您可以随时尝试对重要任务进行优先级排序,而这正是我的工作方式。

是什么让我想首先做到这一点? (What Made Me Want to Do It in the First Place?)

There are simply a lot of benefits to start doing part-time work, such as:


  • Gaining more experience on top of your full-time job

  • Connect to various networks

  • Hone your skills even more

  • Discover how other companies work, their lifecycle and norms, where you might adapt it to your current workplace

  • Extra money

  • And many more


To me, gaining part-time experience was crucial. You get to deal with different kinds of clients, different kinds of tasks, and learn their work style. I get to discuss with plenty of people who have great ideas that I didn’t even think of before.

对我来说,获得兼职经验至关重要。 您可以处理不同类型的客户,不同类型的任务,并学习他们的工作风格。 我可以和很多人交流,这些人有我以前从未想到过的好主意。

But of course, it has some downsides as well:


  • Getting overloaded

  • Feeling like you don’t have much time for yourself

  • Forcing yourself too much, where you thought you can reach a level, but turns out you can’t give your all


The key is to find the balance of things, and how you want to use this opportunity as a boost for your current expertise. If you count the internship during university as part-time, then yes, you definitely should do it! It will be such a great addition to your CV and you’ll have something to bring whenever a future employer wants to hire you.

关键是要找到事物的平衡,以及如何利用此机会来增强当前的专业知识。 如果您将大学期间的实习视为兼职,那是的,您绝对应该这样做! 这将是您简历的绝佳补充,每当未来的雇主想要雇用您时,您都会有所收获。

如果有机会,您可以贡献多少时间 (How Much Time Can You Contribute, if You Take the Opportunity)

This is important, because you need to measure out the ability to add extra work on top of what you do. Let’s say, you’re working from 9 to 5. If you count the time taken on the road and aim to reach your house at 8, then you’ll have the 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. window. From that time range, figure out whether you will need one hour of “me-time,” fulfilling your daily needs, such as having dinner and quality time with your family. After you reduce that to the equation, I can safely say that you will have one hour of “free time” that you can count as your window of opportunity to do part-time. Multiply it by five weekdays, then you’ll have your five hours of productive time.

这很重要,因为您需要评估在执行操作的基础上添加额外工作的能力。 假设您的工作时间是从9点到5点。如果您计算在路上花费的时间,并打算在8点到达您的房子,那么您将有8点至10点的窗口。 在该时间范围内,确定您是否需要一个小时的“我的时间”来满足您的日常需求,例如与家人共进晚餐和享受美好时光。 将其简化为等式后,我可以放心地说,您将有一个小时的“空闲时间”,您可以将其视为兼职的机会之窗。 将其乘以五个工作日,便可以得到五个小时的生产时间。

You need to make sure that during this part-time hour, you will not allow any distractions to bother you. Otherwise, you won’t be as effective in doing your part-time work. Also, you need to have a sense of commitment to this, and treat it as just as important as your full-time job.

您需要确保在这个兼职时间里,您不会因为任何干扰而烦扰您。 否则,您的兼职工作将不会那么有效。 此外,您需要对此有一种承诺感,并将其与您的全职工作一样重要。

您与另一方之间有明确的合同 (Have a Clear Contract Between You and the Other Party)

Once you counted the hours, be sure to inform your part-time employer about it. If needed, you can also describe your background and any situations that might occur during your weekdays, so they will have an idea and a clear expectation of your outcomes.

计算完工作时间后,请务必将其告知兼职雇主。 如果需要,您还可以描述您的背景以及工作日中可能发生的任何情况,因此他们将对您的结果有一个想法和明确的期望。

Most part-time jobs are usually counted hourly, but some also offer weekly, fortnightly, and even monthly compensation. Depending on the company itself, sometimes they might require you to do extra hours. If this happens, refer back to the contract. If you are able to do it, then go for it. But remember not to force it, otherwise, you will burn out. Always give yourself some space, and go back to the first point if you think you measured the hours wrong in the first place. Don’t be afraid to tell your situation to the employer. I’m sure they will understand, as you are not actually a full-time employee of the company.

大多数兼职工作通常按小时计,但有些还提供每周,每两周甚至每月的报酬。 视公司本身而定,有时他们可能会要求您加班。 如果发生这种情况,请参考合同。 如果您能够做到,那就去吧。 但是请记住不要强行使用,否则,您会精疲力尽。 始终给自己一些空间,如果您认为自己最初测量的小时数不正确,请回到第一点。 不要害怕告诉雇主您的情况。 我相信他们会理解,因为您实际上不是公司的全职员工。

选择适合您的兼职工作 (Pick a Part-Time Job That Suits You)

Doing a part-time job, especially when you already have a full time one, is a huge decision that you need to think carefully. It needs commitment from you. You can’t just bail on it if it turns out that you don’t have the time to do it. Again, treat them as important, because they open up that job vacancy for a reason.

做一份兼职工作,特别是当您已经有一份全职工作时,是一个巨大的决定,您需要仔细考虑。 它需要您的承诺。 如果事实证明您没有时间这样做,则不能只是保释。 同样,将它们视为重要的原因是,由于某种原因,它们会增加职位空缺。

Before you start on anything, be sure to know what you like to do in your spare time. If you are active on Instagram, perhaps doing social media management is good for you, because you will be very aware of it. If you want to hone your social skills, feel free to join any community and organization that has the same value as yourself. If you want to increase your technical skills, work on some external projects with your friends, or even real clients. Not only you are killing two birds with one stone, but you might also get better job opportunities from them.

在开始任何事情之前,请确保您知道在业余时间会做什么。 如果您活跃在Instagram上,那么进行社交媒体管理可能对您有好处,因为您会意识到这一点。 如果您想磨练自己的社交技巧,请随时加入与您具有同等价值的任何社区和组织。 如果您想提高自己的技术水平,请与您的朋友甚至真正的客户一起进行一些外部项目。 您不仅可以用一块石头杀死两只鸟,而且还可以从它们那里获得更好的工作机会。

您不需要抓住一切机会 (You Don’t Need to Take Every Opportunity)

If you feel that the offer demands too much, take a break. It doesn’t mean that you can quit easily after your first try, but it’s more about realizing your weekly bandwidth for things.

如果您觉得报价要求太多,请稍事休息。 这并不意味着您可以在第一次尝试后轻松退出,而是更多地了解每周的工作带宽。

One of the most important things in my decision on whether to take an opportunity is by measuring the time needed for the job. Let’s say, your full-time job demands you to work eight to nine hours a day, and you know that you won’t be able to spare some time when you get home, then don’t force yourself to take a part-time job.

在我决定是否抓住机会中,最重要的事情之一就是衡量工作所需的时间。 假设您的全职工作要求您每天工作八至九个小时,并且您知道自己回到家后将无法抽出时间,所以不要强迫自己打工工作。

If that’s your case, try to see if you can commit on weekends. If it works for you, then ask the employer if that option is available. I know it’s a tough thing being productive on weekends, but now I’m getting used to it.

如果是这种情况,请尝试看看是否可以在周末进行。 如果它适合您,请询问雇主该选项是否可用。 我知道在周末要工作很辛苦,但是现在我已经习惯了。

您如何平衡工作量? (How Do You Balance the Workload?)

If your part-time work is quite demanding, and sometimes you get bugged in the middle of the day, I usually balance it by shifting tasks. I do that by prioritizing the list from my full-time work and also my part-time work.

如果您的兼职工作非常繁琐,并且有时您会在一天中遇到麻烦,那么我通常会通过轮班安排来平衡工作。 为此,我会优先考虑我的全职工作和兼职工作中的清单。

For instance, I usually list my tasks for the day for my full-time work. I’ll try to finish them one by one, depending on the complexity and the urgency of each. During the wait for the team’s review, I check on my part-time work, whether I can finish anything quickly or respond to anything in a short period of time. It seems like you’re cheating time, but technically you didn’t leave anything behind. If it might take quite some time, then I usually postpone that until I make sure that I finish my full-time needs first.

例如,我通常列出全天工作的一天的任务。 我将尝试逐一完成它们,具体取决于每种方法的复杂性和紧迫性。 在等待团队审核期间,我检查自己的兼职工作,是否可以快速完成任务或在短时间内做出响应。 看来您在欺骗时间,但是从技术上讲您没有留下任何东西。 如果可能要花费一些时间,那么我通常将其推迟到确定我先完成全职工作之前。

And yes, that’s the answer to why I usually respond fast to anything, because I kept my Slack channels open for both full-time and part-time work.


If all fails, I opt for weekends instead of weekdays. Try to spare four to five hours either on Saturday or Sunday, and you’ll be surprised how impactful it will be to fulfill the working hour. I actually get to a point where I’m super confused if I got nothing to do, which is really weird.

如果一切都失败了,我选择周末而不是工作日。 尝试在周六或周日抽出四到五个小时,您会惊讶于完成工作时间会产生多大的影响。 如果我无事可做,我实际上会感到非常困惑,这真的很奇怪。

您在哪里找到这些兼职机会? (Where Did You Find These Part-Time Opportunities?)

For this one, I can answer in terms of finding design works. Honestly, there are lots of places where you can search for one, whether it’s local or international. My opportunity came simply from posting about some of my past works on Behance. Compared to my recent works, my Behance portfolio was really outdated, but at least it shows some skills on what you can offer if a potential employer is sliding into your online portfolio. I’m actually in the middle of creating my own portfolio website so that it’s more centered and I can brand it under my own style.

对于这一点,我可以就寻找设计作品做出回答。 老实说,无论是本地的还是国际的,都有很多地方可以搜索。 我的机会仅仅是来自发布关于Behance的一些我过去的作品。 与我最近的作品相比,我的Behance投资组合确实过时了,但是至少它显示了一些技巧,说明如果潜在的雇主加入您的在线投资组合,您可以提供什么。 我实际上正处于创建自己的投资组合网站的过程中,以便使它更加居中,并可以按照自己的风格进行品牌推广。

Speaking of online portfolios, sites such as Behance and Dribbble has job posting pages that you can look at. They usually have this “remote work” and “part-time” filtering when you search there, which enables you to apply to those jobs, even when you’re not located in the same country. Try to look into their requirements, and see whether it fits your schedule. If it seems to be too demanding, try searching for project-based work, so that you don’t have to commit as long. Their range is quite various, spanning from two to three months up to yearly.

说到在线投资组合,诸如BehanceDribbble之类的网站都有您可以查看的职位发布页面。 当您在这里搜索时,他们通常具有“远程工作”和“兼职”过滤功能,即使您不在同一国家/地区,也可以将其应用于这些工作。 尝试查看他们的要求,看看是否符合您的计划。 如果要求太高,请尝试搜索基于项目的工作,这样就不必花很长时间了。 它们的范围很广,从两个月到三个月不等,直到每年一次。

If your background is not design, you can check out Freelancer, LinkedIn, or even as simple as friend referrals. Be sure to match your expertise with their needs, so that you’re not offering something that’s not your line of work.

如果您的背景不是设计背景,则可以签出FreelancerLinkedIn或什至像朋友推荐一样简单。 确保将您的专业知识与他们的需求相匹配,以免提供不属于您的工作范围的东西。

最后但并非最不重要的 (Last, but Not Least)

Always prioritize your full-time work over your part-time. Don’t stress yourself if you don’t have the time to do it. Try to find the balance between things, and hopefully, you’ll find the perfect match of combining your part-time and full-time work.

始终优先考虑您的全职工作而不是兼职。 如果您没有时间去做,那就不要压力自己。 尝试在事物之间找到平衡,并希望您将兼职和全职工作结合在一起。

翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/the-art-of-doing-part-time-40a58835d85


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