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2020-08-17 20:57 435 查看


material-table is a relatively new addition to the suite of libraries providing data table functionality in React. The particular claims to fame for material-table is that it is quick to get running and built on Material-UI. In this intro to material-table, I’ll implement a few material-table examples and discuss the pros and cons.

material-table是在React中提供数据表功能的库套件中相对较新的功能。 在Material-Table上成名的特殊说法是它可以快速运行并基于Material-UI构建。 在本材料表简介中,我将实现一些材料表示例,并讨论其优缺点。

First, some stats:


  • The first material-table version was released in 2018.

  • As of writing this, material-table runs about 100k weekly downloads (one-quarter of react-table).

  • 292KB unpacked size (one-third of react-table) but it does require Material-UI, which is pretty hefty.


So we’ve got a table that is relatively popular (read: good community support) and, if you’re already using MUI in your app, material-table doesn’t add too much additional weight. From here, let’s dive into actual code. I will investigate the following:

因此,我们有了一个相对受欢迎的表格(阅读:良好的社区支持),并且,如果您已经在应用程序中使用了MUI,则材质表不会增加太多额外的重量。 从这里开始,让我们深入研究实际代码。 我将调查以下内容:

  • How quickly can I spin up the most basic table?

  • How quickly can we add a few out-of-the-box features? I will add an action and override a component. These are the first two features listed in the docs. I will also add styling because that will be almost universally desired.

    我们多快可以添加一些现成的功能? 我将添加一个动作并覆盖一个组件。 这些是文档中列出的前两个功能。 我还将添加样式,因为这几乎是普遍希望的。
  • How quickly can I find a solution to some kind of customization I want to do? I decided I simply wanted to remove the title but not the search box.

    我要多快才能找到想要进行某种定制的解决方案? 我决定只想删除标题,而不要删除搜索框。

Here’s the final code sandbox. We’ll build it together in the steps below.

这是最终的代码沙箱 。 我们将在以下步骤中一起构建它。

material-table example 物料表示例

If you prefer live coding with commentary, I embedded a video at the end in the Resources section. I also include a gist with the final code there.

如果您喜欢带有注释的实时编码,我将在最后的“资源”部分中嵌入一个视频。 我还将在最后的代码中包含要点。

基本材料表 (A Basic material-table)

I’d peg spinning up the most basic material-table example in CodeSandbox or with create-react-app at less than two minutes. It was as simple as:

我想用不到两分钟的时间来整理CodeSandbox或create-react-app中最基本的材料表示例。 这很简单:

  • Use the code sandbox React template (or create-react-app).

  • Include @material-ui/core, @material-ui/icons, and material-table as dependencies.

    包括@ material-ui / core,@ material-ui / icons和material-table作为依赖项。
  • Use code like the following from the material-table Getting Started docs:


The docs were easy to follow and the only dependency is @material-ui/core (m-ui icons are recommended). I’d label this a beginner-friendly library.

该文档易于遵循,唯一的依赖项是@ material-ui / core(建议使用m-ui图标)。 我将其标记为适合初学者使用的库。

两种现成的功能+样式 (Two Out-of-the-Box Features + Styling)

Being relatively unfamiliar with material-table before jumping into this article, I of course chose a very unscientific approach to deciding how to explore the library: I picked the first two key features listed and implemented them.


The first feature I will explore is Actions.


The Simple Action Example from the docs was as short as the following (I added TypeScript to mine):


icon: () => <SaveIcon />,
tooltip: "Save User",
onClick: (event, rowData) => (
alert("You saved " + (rowData as unknown as Column).name)

This results in an alert popping up. So far, so good. But….

这将导致弹出警报。 到目前为止,一切都很好。 但…。

I tried the Duplicate Action Example in the docs and was unsuccessful in getting it to run. The sample code still uses Class syntax (most material-table examples are functional components), and I believe it is not compatible with functional components. I kept getting a “_this.props.data is not a function” error even after two hours of attempted workarounds.

我在文档中尝试了“重复操作示例”,但未成功运行。 该示例代码仍然使用Class语法(大多数材料表示例都是功能组件),我相信它与功能组件不兼容。 即使尝试了两个小时的解决方法后,我仍然收到“ _this.props.data不是函数”错误。

There were several other action examples that didn’t use Class syntax, and I expect they would work fine. Also, I explored the editable feature in this post. It encapsulates three actions and worked great.

还有其他一些不使用Class语法的操作示例,我希望它们可以正常工作。 另外,我在本文中探讨了可编辑功能。 它封装了三个动作,效果很好。

The second feature I will explore is Component Overriding. The docs were excellent here.

我将探讨的第二个功能是Component Overriding 。 这些文档在这里很棒。

I tried the Action override (the second example) and that worked perfectly:


Action: props => (
onClick={event => props.action.onClick(event, props.data)}
style={{ textTransform: "none" }}

Remember that this button is a MUI button; that is where the configs on it come from.

请记住,此按钮是MUI按钮; 那就是配置的来源。

I also attempted a Row override. It took me a bit to figure out, but you are required to use

somewhere in the Row override.
is imported from material-table. This implies that these overrides are more about adding additional functionality than fundamentally changing the table behavior.

我还尝试了行替代。 我花了一点时间才知道,但是您需要在Row重写中的某处使用

是从材料表导入的。 这意味着这些替代项更多地是要添加其他功能,而不是从根本上改变表的行为。

Finally, I took a look at Styling.


Styling was a breeze. It was reminiscent of Material-UI styling where specific names are provided in the API to make styling easy. I ran into no issues.

造型轻而易举。 这让人想起Material-UI样式,在API中提供了特定名称以简化样式。 我没有遇到任何问题。

This is a way to provide default styling to the header.


headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: '#01579b',
color: '#FFF'

One cool feature was that the individual columns could receive a style to override the default provided:


title: "Name",
field: "name",
headerStyle: {
backgroundColor: "green"

定制和支持 (Customization and Support)

I decided to remove the title as a quick test of customization. A quick Google search returned an issue opened in February. I was impressed to see the library creator with a same-day response to the issue. Furthermore, another user responded with an alternative suggestion. While my request was pretty simple, I was still surprised at how easy it was to find a solution. Essentially no digging was required.

我决定删除标题,以快速进行自定义测试。 快速的Google搜索返回了2月份打开问题 。 看到库创建者当天就此问题做出的回应给我留下了深刻的印象。 此外,另一位用户提出了另一条建议。 尽管我的请求非常简单,但我仍然对找到解决方案如此容易感到惊讶。 基本上不需要挖掘。

外卖 (Takeaways)

High fives:


  • Consider material-table if you are already using Material UI.

    如果您已经在使用Material UI,请考虑Material-Table。
  • The docs are easy to follow and a simple example can be spun up in less than five minutes.

  • Customization is relatively easy if you consider the fact that someone else has probably done the thing you are trying to do.

  • There’s impressive support from the library creator and community.




  • At least one doc example didn’t work as-is, and it seems the docs need to be fully updated for React hooks syntax.

  • The docs also don’t include TypeScript examples. Sometimes it was tedious getting TypeScript working.

    该文档也没有包含TypeScript示例。 有时让TypeScript运行很乏味。

If you want an example of the customization options with material-table, take a look at this post where I override the first column component and give it autoFocus functionality. material-table is well thought out and designed for this kind of flexibility.

如果您想要一个带有物料表的自定义选项的示例,请看一下这篇文章 ,在该文章中我将覆盖第一列组件并为其提供autoFocus功能。 物料台经过了深思熟虑,并为实现这种灵活性而设计。

All things considered, material-table is a great library. I hope this introduction to material-table for React will give you another great data table to choose from when designing a great UI.

考虑到所有事物,材料表是一个不错的图书馆。 我希望对React的Material-Table的介绍将为您提供一个很棒的数据表,供您在设计出色的UI时选择。

资源资源 (Resources)

If you prefer to watch me code it with commentary, watch here:


Here is the final code:


Thanks for reading!


翻译自: https://medium.com/better-programming/intro-to-material-table-for-react-74db0fbd2d32


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