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2020-08-13 07:21 1196 查看


The annual round-up of statistics about cloud computing has now been published by the major research companies and these have provided a wealth of valuable insights into how the cloud landscape is changing. In this post, we’ve chosen some of the more relevant statistics which highlight the areas where cloud computing is developing and where companies are spending their IT budgets. Hopefully, you’ll find these informative.  

大型研究公司现已发布了有关云计算的年度统计摘要,它们为了解云格局的变化提供了宝贵的见解。 在本文中,我们选择了一些更相关的统计数据,这些统计数据突出显示了云计算正在发展的领域以及公司在IT预算方面的支出。 希望您会发现这些信息。

1. 绝大多数使用云的公司 (1. Vast majority of companies using cloud)

The latest figures from the 451 Research Group show that 90% of companies are now using cloud computing for some of their services. Indeed, the number of workloads running on cloud-hosted servers rose from 48% in 2018 to 60% in 2019.  According to Cisco, this will rise to over 90% within the next two years.

451 Research Group的最新数据显示,现在90%的公司正在将云计算用于某些服务。 实际上,在云托管服务器上运行的工作负载数量已从2018年的48%增长到2019年的60%。据思科称,在未来两年内,这一数字将上升到90%以上。

2. 英国是云计算的主要投资国 (2. UK is a major investor in the cloud)

The UK is the world’s third-biggest investor in cloud computing, with companies spending £7.6 billion in 2019. This is just short of the £8 billion invested in China. Both countries, however, are well behind first placed US, which spent almost £100 billion on cloud computing last year.

英国是全球第三大云计算投资国,企业在2019年的支出为76亿英镑。仅略低于在中国投资的80亿英镑。 然而,这两个国家都远远落后于排名第一的美国,美国去年在云计算上的支出接近1000亿英镑。

3. 私有云与公共云 (3. Private vs public cloud)

Though more expensive, the average company runs more workloads, 41%, in the private cloud compared to 38% in the public cloud. There is, however, a disparity between how larger businesses and SMEs use these forms of computing. Bigger organisations carry out 46% of workloads in the private cloud and 33% in the public cloud whereas SMEs do almost the opposite: 43% in public cloud and 35% in private. The fact that the spending on public cloud is increasing three times faster than that of private cloud indicates that more small and mid-sized companies are migrating and opting for the public solution when they do.

尽管价格更高,但平均而言,公司在私有云中运行的工作量更多,为41%,而在公共云中则为38%。 但是,大型企业和中小型企业如何使用这些形式的计算之间存在差异。 更大的组织在私有云中执行46%的工作负载,在公共云中执行33%的工作,而中小企业则几乎相反:在公共云中执行43%,在私有云中执行3%。 公共云上的支出增长比私有云上的增长快三倍的事实表明,越来越多的中小型公司正在迁移并选择公共解决方案。

4. 流行的云服务呈上升趋势 (4. Popular cloud services on the rise)

According to tech media giant, IDG, almost 90% of companies use Software as a Service (SaaS) which enables them to access and make use of software, such as Microsoft 365, over the internet. Cisco predicts that, by 2021, SaaS will handle three-quarters of all cloud workloads.

据技术媒体巨头IDG称,几乎90%的公司使用软件即服务(SaaS),这使他们能够通过Internet访问和使用Microsoft 365等软件。 思科预测,到2021年,SaaS将处理所有云工作负载的四分之三。

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) has also become very popular with over 80% of companies now using it to provide them with resources, such as servers, virtualisation, data storage and networking, that they need to run apps and carry out workloads.


5. 明确的云迁移原因 (5. Clear reasons for cloud migration)

The cloud’s ability to give access to data from anywhere with a connection is the driving force behind over 40% of cloud migrations. The opportunities it provides for collaboration, global networking, BYOD environments and flexible, work-from-home working conditions, together with all the benefits these bring, has made this the primary reason for cloud adoption.

云能够通过连接从任何地方访问数据的能力是推动40%以上的云迁移的动力。 它为协作,全球联网,BYOD环境和灵活的在家工作条件提供的机会,以及这些带来的所有好处,使这成为采用云的主要原因。

Other major factors to have influenced companies’ decisions include using the cloud for disaster recovery and for reducing the burden on IT staff so that they can concentrate on more business-oriented tasks.


6. 云计算比内部数据中心更安全 (6. Cloud more secure than in-house data centres)

According to Gartner, this year will see workloads carried out in public cloud, IaaS environments experience 60% fewer security events than in-house data centres. The main reason for this is that the expense and complexities of maintaining secure in-house systems is difficult for most businesses to achieve. Public cloud providers, on the other hand, have the resources and the income to develop first-class security that uses a multi-faceted approach. As this security comes as part of the cloud service, customers who opt for IaaS can often forgo the issues of developing their own, in-house solution.

据Gartner称,今年将看到在公共云中执行的工作负载,IaaS环境比内部数据中心的安全事件少60%。 这样做的主要原因是,大多数企业很难实现维护安全的内部系统的费用和复杂性。 另一方面,公共云提供商拥有使用多方面方法开发一流安全性的资源和收入。 由于此安全性是云服务的一部分,因此选择IaaS的客户通常可以避免开发自己的内部解决方案的问题。

While there are still risks when using the cloud, Garner believes that within 2 years over 95% of problems will be caused by customers. Problems resulting from employee errors will be much reduced due to the increasing use of automation.

尽管使用云仍存在风险,但Garner认为,在两年内,超过95%的问题将由客户引起。 由于越来越多地使用自动化技术,将大大减少员工错误造成的问题。

7. 云的主要用途 (7. Main uses of cloud  )

Analysis of companies’ cloud spend gives a clear indication about how companies are using it. Currently, large businesses spend a quarter of their IT budgets on cloud services compared to a fifth for SMEs. The biggest spend goes on remote, online backups and disaster recovery solutions, which account for 15% of all cloud expenditure. Web and email hosting, together with online productivity, each account for around 10% of overall spend. 2019 saw companies that had already adopted cloud increase their spending by a quarter. Much of this was to help them better manage the increasing number of workloads they were migrating to the cloud.

对公司云支出的分析清楚地表明了公司如何使用它。 当前,大型企业将其IT预算的四分之一用于云服务,而中小企业则占五分之一。 最大的支出用于远程,在线备份和灾难恢复解决方案,占所有云支出的15%。 网络和电子邮件托管以及在线生产力分别占总支出的10%。 2019年,已经采用云的公司的支出增加了四分之一。 这在很大程度上是为了帮助他们更好地管理正在迁移到云的越来越多的工作负载。

结论 (Conclusion)

As these statistics show, cloud computing is now an integral part of almost every company’s IT strategy. With IaaS helping to drive down IT costs and increase security, SaaS opening the doors to access-anywhere data and flexible working conditions and the ability of the cloud to help with disaster recovery, it is not surprising that 90% of businesses now use it. And these figures don’t even take into consideration the cloud’s ability to provide companies with artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data analysis and all the other powerful technologies available.

如这些统计数据所示,云计算现在已成为几乎每个公司的IT战略不可或缺的一部分。 随着IaaS有助于降低IT成本并提高安全性,SaaS为访问任何位置的数据和灵活的工作条件以及云帮助灾难恢复的能力打开了大门,如今90%的企业都在使用它。 这些数字甚至都没有考虑到云为公司提供人工智能,机器学习,大数据分析和所有其他可用强大技术的能力。

If you are considering migrating to the cloud, take a look at our cloud servers or our enterprise-level, bespoke managed solutions.


翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/new-statistics-show-the-advance-of-cloud-computing/


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