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volatile关键字对 - What is the volatile keyword useful for

2020-07-14 06:54 951 查看



At work today, I came across the volatile keyword in Java. 今天的工作中,我遇到了Java中的volatile关键字。 Not being very familiar with it, I found this explanation: 不太熟悉,我发现了以下解释:

Java theory and practice: Managing volatility Java理论与实践:管理波动

Given the detail in which that article explains the keyword in question, do you ever use it or could you ever see a case in which you could use this keyword in the correct manner? 鉴于该文章详细解释了所讨论的关键字,您是否曾经使用过它,或者是否曾见过可以正确使用该关键字的情况?


参考一: https://stackoom.com/question/RjD/volatile关键字对
参考二: https://oldbug.net/q/RjD/What-is-the-volatile-keyword-useful-for
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标签:  java