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  • 下载android kernel
  • repo sync技巧
  • android源代码标记:
  • 简介


    1. 使用国内镜像下载android源码,这里以
    2. ubuntu20.04系统下编译





    • ubuntu20.04


    sudo apt-get install -y git curl python
    git config --global user.name "Your Name"
    git config --global user.email "you@example.com"


    mkdir ~/bin
    PATH=~/bin:$PATH  #注意,这个是临时配置,重启终端后需重新配置
    curl https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo
    #curl https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo -o repo
    chmod a+x ~/bin/repo




    export REPO_URL='https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/git-repo'





    mkdir android-10.0.0_r39
    cd android-10.0.0_r39

    初始化仓库,以某个特定的 Android 版本(详细列表见本文附表


    repo init -u https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/git/AOSP/platform/manifest -b android-10.0.0_r39




    #repo sync -j4 #建议使用下面的命令
    repo sync -c --no-tags --prune -f -j4

    注意: 由于 AOSP 镜像造成CPU/内存负载过重,我们限制了并发数量,因此建议:

    • sync的时候并发数不宜太高,否则会出现 503 错误,即-j后面的数字不能太大,建议选择4。
    • 请尽量选择流量较小时错峰同步。
    • 同步的过程中,会出现各种断连或者卡着不动情况,可以直接
      ctrl + C
      repo sync

    下载android kernel



    repo sync技巧

    在使用 repo sync 同步 Android 源码时,可以添加一些选项来减少同步时间和要下载的代码空间。具体的命令是

    repo sync -c --no-tags --prune -f -j4

    • -c, --current-branch fetch only current branch from server.
      这个选项指定只获取执行 repo init 时 -b 选项所指定的分支,不会获取远端服务器的分支信息。
      例如服务器上新增了其他分支,使用 -c 选项同步后,在本地 git 仓库执行 git branch -r 命令看不到服务器新增的分支名。如果不加 -c 选项,那么同步的时候,会打印 [new branch] 这样的信息,使用 git branch -r 命令可查看到服务器新增的分支。
    • –no-tags don’t fetch tags.
    • –prune delete refs that no longer exist on the remote.
      如果远端服务器已经删除了某个分支,在 repo sync 时加上 --prune 选项,可以让本地仓库删除对这个分支的跟踪引用。
    • -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS projects to fetch simultaneously (default 2).
      例如上面的 -j 4 指定用4个线程来同步。如果没有提供该选项,默认是用2个线程。
    • -f:即使某个项目同步失败,也继续同步其他项目。

    总的来说,在 repo sync -c --no-tags --prune -j 4 命令中,使用 -c 和 --no-tags 选项可以减少需要同步的内容,从而减少要占用的本地代码空间,也可以减少一些同步时间。

    使用 -j 选项来指定启用多线程进行同步,可以加快执行速度,也就减少了同步时间。

    使用 --prune 选项去掉已删除分支的跟踪引用,一般不会用到,这个选项可加可不加。

    <引自:repo sync同步Android源码时减少同步时间和代码空间>


    Build 标记 版本 支持的设备 安全补丁程序级别
    QQ3A.200605.002.A1 android-10.0.0_r39 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020 年 6 月 5 日
    QQ3A.200605.002 android-10.0.0_r38 Android10 Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL 2020 年 6 月 5 日
    QQ3A.200605.001 android-10.0.0_r37 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020 年 6 月 5 日
    QQ2A.200501.001.B3 android-10.0.0_r36 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL 2020-05-05
    QQ2A.200501.001.B2 android-10.0.0_r35 Android10 Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020-05-05
    QQ2A.200501.001.A3 android-10.0.0_r34 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020-05-05
    QQ2A.200405.005 android-10.0.0_r33 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020-04-05
    QQ2A.200305.004.A1 android-10.0.0_r32 Android10 Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020-03-05
    QQ2A.200305.003 android-10.0.0_r31 Android10 Pixel 4、Pixel 4 XL 2020-03-05
    QQ2A.200305.002 android-10.0.0_r30 Android10 Pixel 2、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3a XL 2020-03-05
    QQ1D.200205.002 android-10.0.0_r29 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-02-05
    QQ1C.200205.002 android-10.0.0_r28 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-02-05
    QQ1B.200205.002 android-10.0.0_r27 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-02-05
    QQ1A.200205.002 android-10.0.0_r26 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2020-02-05
    QQ1D.200105.002 android-10.0.0_r25 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-01-01
    QQ1C.200105.004 android-10.0.0_r24 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-01-01
    QQ1B.200105.004 android-10.0.0_r23 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2020-01-01
    QQ1A.200105.003 android-10.0.0_r22 Android10 Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2020-01-01
    QQ1A.200105.002 android-10.0.0_r21 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2020-01-01
    QQ1C.191205.016.A1 android-10.0.0_r20 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-12-05
    QQ1B.191205.012.A1 android-10.0.0_r19 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-12-05
    QQ1B.191205.011 android-10.0.0_r18 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-12-05
    QP1A.191005.007.A3 android-10.0.0_r17 Android10 Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-10-06
    QQ1A.191205.011 android-10.0.0_r16 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-12-05
    QQ1A.191205.008 android-10.0.0_r15 Android10 Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2019-12-05
    QD1A.190821.014.C2 android-10.0.0_r14 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-11-05
    QD1A.190821.014 android-10.0.0_r13 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-11-05
    QD1A.190821.007.A3 android-10.0.0_r12 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-11-05
    QP1A.191105.004 android-10.0.0_r11 Android10 Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2019-11-05
    QP1A.191105.003 android-10.0.0_r10 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-11-05
    QD1A.190821.011.C4 android-10.0.0_r9 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-10-05
    QD1A.190821.011 android-10.0.0_r8 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-10-05
    QD1A.190821.007 android-10.0.0_r7 Android10 Pixel 4 XL、Pixel 4 2019-10-05
    5933585 android-10.0.0_r6 Android10 2019-09-05
    QP1A.191005.007.A1 android-10.0.0_r5 Android10 Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-10-06
    QP1A.191005.007 android-10.0.0_r4 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-10-05
    QP1A.190711.020.C3 android-10.0.0_r3 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-09-05
    QP1A.190711.020 android-10.0.0_r2 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-09-05
    QP1A.190711.019 android-10.0.0_r1 Android10 Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a、Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-09-05
    6454888 android-9.0.0_r57 Pie 2018-08-05
    6440158 android-9.0.0_r56 Pie 2018-08-05
    6197209 android-9.0.0_r55 Pie 2018-08-05
    6127072 android-9.0.0_r54 Pie 2018-08-05
    6107734 android-9.0.0_r53 Pie 2018-08-05
    6037698 android-9.0.0_r52 Pie 2018-08-05
    5948683 android-9.0.0_r51 Pie 2018-08-05
    5887210 android-9.0.0_r50 Pie 2018-08-05
    5794013 android-9.0.0_r49 Pie 2018-08-05
    5748468 android-9.0.0_r48 Pie 2018-08-05
    PQ3B.190801.002 android-9.0.0_r47 Pie Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-08-01
    PQ3A.190801.002 android-9.0.0_r46 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-08-01
    PQ3B.190705.003 android-9.0.0_r45 Pie Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-07-05
    PQ3A.190705.003 android-9.0.0_r44 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-07-05
    PQ3A.190705.001 android-9.0.0_r43 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-07-05
    PQ3B.190605.006 android-9.0.0_r42 Pie Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-06-05
    PQ3A.190605.004.A1 android-9.0.0_r41 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-06-05
    PQ3A.190605.003 android-9.0.0_r40 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-06-05
    PD2A.190115.032 android-9.0.0_r39 Pie Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-03-05
    PD2A.190115.029 android-9.0.0_r38 Pie Pixel 3a XL、Pixel 3a 2019-03-05
    PQ3A.190505.002 android-9.0.0_r37 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-05-05
    PQ3A.190505.001 android-9.0.0_r36 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-05-05
    PQ2A.190405.003 android-9.0.0_r35 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-04-05
    PQ2A.190305.002 android-9.0.0_r34 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-03-05
    PQ2A.190205.003 android-9.0.0_r33 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-02-05
    PQ2A.190205.002 android-9.0.0_r32 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2019-02-05
    PQ2A.190205.001 android-9.0.0_r31 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2019-02-05
    PQ1A.190105.004 android-9.0.0_r30 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2019-01-05
    PQ1A.181205.006.A1 android-9.0.0_r22 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2018-12-05
    PQ1A.181205.006 android-9.0.0_r21 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2018-12-05
    PQ1A.181205.002.A1 android-9.0.0_r20 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-12-05
    PQ1A.181205.002 android-9.0.0_r19 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-12-05
    PPR2.181005.003.A1 android-9.0.0_r18 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-11-01
    PPR1.181005.003.A1 android-9.0.0_r17 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-11-01
    PQ1A.181105.017.A1 android-9.0.0_r16 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-11-05
    PD1A.180720.031 android-9.0.0_r12 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2018-09-05
    PD1A.180720.030 android-9.0.0_r11 Pie Pixel 3 XL、Pixel 3 2018-09-05
    PPR2.181005.003 android-9.0.0_r10 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-10-05
    PPR1.181005.003 android-9.0.0_r9 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-10-05
    PPR2.180905.006.A1 android-9.0.0_r8 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-09-05
    PPR2.180905.006 android-9.0.0_r7 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-09-05
    PPR2.180905.005 android-9.0.0_r6 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-09-05
    PPR1.180905.003 android-9.0.0_r5 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-09-05
    PPR1.180610.011 android-9.0.0_r3 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-08-05
    PPR1.180610.010 android-9.0.0_r2 Pie Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-08-05
    PPR1.180610.009 android-9.0.0_r1 Pie Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-08-05
    6454887 android-8.1.0_r77 Oreo 2017-12-05
    6440157 android-8.1.0_r76 Oreo 2017-12-05
    6197208 android-8.1.0_r75 Oreo 2017-12-05
    6127071 android-8.1.0_r74 Oreo 2017-12-05
    6107733 android-8.1.0_r73 Oreo 2017-12-05
    6037697 android-8.1.0_r72 Oreo 2017-12-05
    5948682 android-8.1.0_r71 Oreo 2017-12-05
    5887208 android-8.1.0_r70 Oreo 2017-12-05
    5794017 android-8.1.0_r69 Oreo 2017-12-05
    5725752 android-8.1.0_r68 Oreo 2017-12-05
    OPM8.190605.005 android-8.1.0_r67 Oreo Pixel C 2019-06-05
    5650812 android-8.1.0_r66 Oreo 2017-12-05
    OPM8.190605.003 android-8.1.0_r65 Oreo Pixel C 2019-06-05
    OPM8.190505.001 android-8.1.0_r64 Oreo Pixel C 2019-05-05
    OPM8.190405.001 android-8.1.0_r63 Oreo Pixel C 2019-04-05
    OPM8.190305.001 android-8.1.0_r62 Oreo Pixel C 2019-03-05
    OPM8.190205.001 android-8.1.0_r61 Oreo Pixel C 2019-02-05
    OPM8.190105.002 android-8.1.0_r60 Oreo Pixel C 2019-01-05
    OPM8.181205.001 android-8.1.0_r53 Oreo Pixel C 2018-12-05
    OPM7.181205.001 android-8.1.0_r52 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-12-05
    OPM8.181105.002 android-8.1.0_r51 Oreo Pixel C 2018-11-05
    OPM7.181105.004 android-8.1.0_r50 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-11-05
    OPM8.181005.003 android-8.1.0_r48 Oreo Pixel C 2018-10-05
    OPM7.181005.003 android-8.1.0_r47 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-10-05
    OPM6.171019.030.K1 android-8.1.0_r46 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-09-05
    OPM4.171019.021.Z1 android-8.1.0_r45 Oreo Pixel C 2018-09-05
    OPM6.171019.030.H1 android-8.1.0_r43 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-08-05
    OPM4.171019.021.Y1 android-8.1.0_r42 Oreo Pixel C 2018-08-05
    OPM6.171019.030.E1 android-8.1.0_r41 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-07-05
    OPM4.171019.021.R1 android-8.1.0_r40 Oreo Pixel 2 XL 2018-07-05
    OPM4.171019.021.Q1 android-8.1.0_r39 Oreo Pixel 2 2018-07-05
    OPM4.171019.021.P1 android-8.1.0_r38 Oreo Pixel、Pixel XL 2018-07-05
    OPM4.171019.021.N1 android-8.1.0_r37 Oreo Pixel C 2018-07-05
    OPM2.171026.006.H1 android-8.1.0_r36 Oreo Pixel 2 XL 2018-07-05
    OPM2.171026.006.G1 android-8.1.0_r35 Oreo Pixel 2 2018-07-05
    OPM6.171019.030.B1 android-8.1.0_r33 Oreo Nexus 6P、Nexus 5X 2018-06-05
    OPM4.171019.021.E1 android-8.1.0_r32 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-06-05
    OPM4.171019.021.D1 android-8.1.0_r31 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-06-05
    OPM2.171026.006.C1 android-8.1.0_r30 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-06-05
    OPM4.171019.016.C1 android-8.1.0_r29 Oreo Pixel C 2018-05-05
    OPM4.171019.016.B1 android-8.1.0_r28 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-05-05
    OPM4.171019.016.A1 android-8.1.0_r27 Oreo Nexus 5X 2018-05-05
    OPM2.171019.029.B1 android-8.1.0_r26 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-05-05
    OPM2.171019.029.A1 android-8.1.0_r25 Oreo Nexus 6P 2018-05-05
    OPM4.171019.015.A1 android-8.1.0_r23 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-04-01
    OPM5.171019.019 android-8.1.0_r22 Oreo Nexus 6P 2018-04-01
    OPM3.171019.019 android-8.1.0_r21 Oreo Nexus 6P 2018-04-01
    OPM2.171019.029 android-8.1.0_r20 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel、Nexus 5X 2018-04-05
    OPM1.171019.026 android-8.1.0_r19 Oreo Pixel C 2018-04-05
    OPM5.171019.017 android-8.1.0_r18 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-03-05
    OPM3.171019.016 android-8.1.0_r17 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-03-05
    OPM1.171019.022.A1 android-8.1.0_r16 Oreo Pixel C 2018-03-05
    OPM1.171019.021 android-8.1.0_r15 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-03-05
    OPM5.171019.015 android-8.1.0_r14 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-02-05
    OPM3.171019.014 android-8.1.0_r13 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-02-05
    OPM1.171019.019 android-8.1.0_r12 Oreo Pixel 2 2018-02-05
    OPM1.171019.018 android-8.1.0_r11 Oreo Pixel 2 XL 2018-02-05
    OPM1.171019.016 android-8.1.0_r10 Oreo Pixel、Pixel XL、Pixel C 2018-02-05
    OPM5.171019.014 android-8.1.0_r9 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-01-05
    OPM2.171019.016 android-8.1.0_r8 Oreo Pixel 2 2018-01-05
    OPM3.171019.013 android-8.1.0_r7 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2018-01-05
    OPM1.171019.015 android-8.1.0_r6 Oreo Pixel C 2018-01-05
    OPM1.171019.014 android-8.1.0_r5 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-01-05
    OPM1.171019.013 android-8.1.0_r4 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2018-01-05
    OPM1.171019.012 android-8.1.0_r3 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2018-01-05
    OPM2.171019.012 android-8.1.0_r2 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-12-05
    OPM1.171019.011 android-8.1.0_r1 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2、Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel C、Nexus 6P、Nexus 5X 2017-12-05
    6454886 android-8.0.0_r47 Oreo 2017-10-01
    6349210 android-8.0.0_r46 Oreo 2017-10-01
    6197207 android-8.0.0_r45 Oreo 2017-10-01
    6127070 android-8.0.0_r44 Oreo 2017-10-01
    6107732 android-8.0.0_r43 Oreo 2017-10-01
    6037696 android-8.0.0_r42 Oreo 2017-10-01
    5948681 android-8.0.0_r41 Oreo 2017-10-01
    5887206 android-8.0.0_r40 Oreo 2017-10-01
    5796467 android-8.0.0_r39 Oreo 2017-10-01
    5729099 android-8.0.0_r38 Oreo 2017-10-01
    5650811 android-8.0.0_r37 Oreo 2017-10-01
    OPR5.170623.014 android-8.0.0_r36 Oreo Nexus 6P 2017-12-01
    OPR4.170623.020 android-8.0.0_r35 Oreo Nexus 5X 2017-12-01
    OPD3.170816.023 android-8.0.0_r34 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-11-05
    OPD1.170816.025 android-8.0.0_r33 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-11-05
    OPR6.170623.023 android-8.0.0_r32 Oreo Nexus 5X 2017-11-05
    OPR5.170623.011 android-8.0.0_r31 Oreo Nexus 6P 2017-11-05
    OPR3.170623.013 android-8.0.0_r30 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-11-05
    OPR2.170623.027 android-8.0.0_r29 Oreo Nexus Player 2017-11-05
    OPR1.170623.032 android-8.0.0_r28 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel C 2017-11-05
    OPD3.170816.016 android-8.0.0_r27 Oreo Pixel 2 2017-11-05
    OPD2.170816.015 android-8.0.0_r26 Oreo Pixel 2 2017-11-05
    OPD1.170816.018 android-8.0.0_r25 Oreo Pixel 2 2017-11-05
    OPD3.170816.012 android-8.0.0_r24 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-09-05
    OPD1.170816.012 android-8.0.0_r23 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-09-05
    OPD1.170816.011 android-8.0.0_r22 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-09-05
    OPD1.170816.010 android-8.0.0_r21 Oreo Pixel 2 XL、Pixel 2 2017-09-05
    OPR5.170623.007 android-8.0.0_r17 Oreo Nexus 6P 2017-10-05
    OPR4.170623.009 android-8.0.0_r16 Oreo Nexus 5X 2017-10-05
    OPR3.170623.008 android-8.0.0_r15 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-10-05
    OPR1.170623.027 android-8.0.0_r13 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel C 2017-10-05
    OPR6.170623.021 android-8.0.0_r12 Oreo Nexus Player 2017-09-05
    OPR6.170623.019 android-8.0.0_r11 Oreo Nexus 6P 2017-09-05
    OPR4.170623.006 android-8.0.0_r10 Oreo Nexus 5X 2017-09-05
    OPR3.170623.007 android-8.0.0_r9 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-09-05
    OPR1.170623.026 android-8.0.0_r7 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel C 2017-09-05
    OPR6.170623.013 android-8.0.0_r4 Oreo Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2017-08-05
    OPR6.170623.012 android-8.0.0_r3 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    OPR6.170623.011 android-8.0.0_r2 Oreo Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    OPR6.170623.010 android-8.0.0_r1 Oreo Pixel C 2017-08-05
    5787804 android-7.1.2_r39 Nougat 2017-10-01
    5725750 android-7.1.2_r38 Nougat 2017-10-01
    5650810 android-7.1.2_r37 Nougat 2017-10-01
    N2G48H android-7.1.2_r36 Nougat 2017-10-05
    NZH54D android-7.1.2_r33 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    NKG47S android-7.1.2_r32 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    NHG47Q android-7.1.2_r30 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    NJH47F android-7.1.2_r29 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-08-05
    N2G48C android-7.1.2_r28 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Nexus Player、Pixel C 2017-08-05
    NZH54B android-7.1.2_r27 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-07-05
    NKG47M android-7.1.2_r25 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-07-05
    NJH47D android-7.1.2_r24 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-07-05
    NHG47O android-7.1.2_r23 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-07-05
    N2G48B android-7.1.2_r19 Nougat Nexus 6P、Nexus Player、Pixel C 2017-07-05
    N2G47Z android-7.1.2_r18 Nougat Nexus 5X 2017-07-05
    NJH47B android-7.1.2_r17 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-06-05
    NJH34C android-7.1.2_r16 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-06-05
    NKG47L android-7.1.2_r15 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-06-05
    NHG47N android-7.1.2_r14 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-06-05
    N2G47X android-7.1.2_r13 Nougat Nexus Player 2017-06-05
    N2G47W android-7.1.2_r12 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Pixel C 2017-06-05
    NHG47L android-7.1.2_r11 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-05-05
    N2G47T android-7.1.2_r10 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-05-05
    N2G47R android-7.1.2_r9 Nougat Nexus Player 2017-05-05
    N2G47O android-7.1.2_r8 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Pixel XL、Pixel、Pixel C 2017-05-05
    NHG47K android-7.1.2_r6 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-04-05
    N2G47J android-7.1.2_r5 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-04-05
    N2G47H android-7.1.2_r4 Nougat Nexus 6P、Nexus Player 2017-04-05
    N2G47F android-7.1.2_r3 Nougat Nexus 5X 2017-04-05
    N2G47E android-7.1.2_r2 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-04-05
    N2G47D android-7.1.2_r1 Nougat Pixel C 2017-04-05
    5787798 android-7.1.1_r61 Nougat 2017-10-01
    5725749 android-7.1.1_r60 Nougat 2017-10-01
    5650809 android-7.1.1_r59 Nougat 2017-10-01
    N9F27M android-7.1.1_r58 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis) 2017-10-05
    NGI77B android-7.1.1_r57 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-10-05
    N8I11F android-7.1.1_r56 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-10-05
    N6F27M android-7.1.1_r55 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-10-05
    N4F27P android-7.1.1_r54 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2017-10-05
    N9F27L android-7.1.1_r53 Nougat Nexus 9 2017-09-05
    NGI55D android-7.1.1_r52 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-09-05
    N4F27O android-7.1.1_r51 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2017-09-05
    N8I11B android-7.1.1_r50 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-08-05
    N9F27H android-7.1.1_r49 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis) 2017-08-05
    N6F27I android-7.1.1_r48 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-08-05
    N4F27K android-7.1.1_r47 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2017-08-05
    N9F27F android-7.1.1_r46 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis) 2017-07-05
    N6F27H android-7.1.1_r45 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-07-05
    N4F27I android-7.1.1_r44 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2017-07-05
    N9F27C android-7.1.1_r43 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis) 2017-06-05
    N6F27E android-7.1.1_r42 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-06-05
    N4F27E android-7.1.1_r41 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2017-06-05
    N6F27C android-7.1.1_r40 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-05-05
    N4F27B android-7.1.1_r39 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2017-05-05
    N6F26Y android-7.1.1_r38 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-04-01
    NOF27D android-7.1.1_r35 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-04-01
    N4F26X android-7.1.1_r33 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2017-04-01
    N4F26U android-7.1.1_r31 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2017-04-01
    N6F26U android-7.1.1_r28 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-03-05
    NUF26N android-7.1.1_r27 Nougat Nexus 6P 2017-03-05
    NOF27C android-7.1.1_r26 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-03-05
    NOF27B android-7.1.1_r25 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-03-05
    N4F26T android-7.1.1_r24 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Pixel C 2017-03-05
    NMF27D android-7.1.1_r23 Nougat Nexus Player 2017-03-05
    NMF26X android-7.1.1_r22 Nougat Nexus Player 2017-02-05
    NOF26W android-7.1.1_r21 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-02-05
    NOF26V android-7.1.1_r20 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-02-05
    N6F26R android-7.1.1_r17 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-02-05
    NUF26K android-7.1.1_r16 Nougat Nexus 6P 2017-02-05
    N4F26Q android-7.1.1_r15 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2017-02-05
    N4F26O android-7.1.1_r14 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Pixel C 2017-02-05
    N6F26Q android-7.1.1_r13 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-01-05
    N4F26M android-7.1.1_r12 Nougat Nexus 9 (volantis) 2017-01-01
    N4F26J android-7.1.1_r11 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2017-01-05
    N4F26I android-7.1.1_r10 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Pixel C 2017-01-05
    NMF26V android-7.1.1_r9 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-01-05
    NMF26U android-7.1.1_r8 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2017-01-05
    NMF26R android-7.1.1_r7 Nougat Nexus Player 2017-01-05
    NMF26Q android-7.1.1_r6 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-12-05
    NMF26O android-7.1.1_r4 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-12-05
    NMF26J android-7.1.1_r3 Nougat Nexus Player 2016-12-05
    NMF26H android-7.1.1_r2 Nougat Pixel C 2016-12-05
    NMF26F android-7.1.1_r1 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2016-12-05
    NDE63X android-7.1.0_r7 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-11-05
    NDE63V android-7.1.0_r6 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-11-05
    NDE63U android-7.1.0_r5 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-11-05
    NDE63P android-7.1.0_r4 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-10-05
    NDE63L android-7.1.0_r2 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-10-05
    NDE63H android-7.1.0_r1 Nougat Pixel XL、Pixel 2016-10-05
    NBD92Y android-7.0.0_r36 Nougat 2019-03-01
    NBD92Q android-7.0.0_r35 Nougat 2017-11-01
    NBD92N android-7.0.0_r34 Nougat 2017-10-01
    NBD92G android-7.0.0_r33 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-04-01
    NBD92F android-7.0.0_r32 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-04-01
    NBD92E android-7.0.0_r31 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-03-05
    NBD92D android-7.0.0_r30 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-03-05
    NBD91Z android-7.0.0_r29 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-02-05
    NBD91Y android-7.0.0_r28 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-02-05
    NBD91X android-7.0.0_r27 Nougat Nexus 6 2017-01-05
    NBD91U android-7.0.0_r24 Nougat Nexus 6 2016-12-05
    N5D91L android-7.0.0_r21 Nougat Nexus 5X 2016-11-05
    NBD91P android-7.0.0_r19 Nougat Nexus 6 2016-11-05
    NRD91K android-7.0.0_r17 Nougat Nexus 6P 2016-11-05
    NRD91N android-7.0.0_r15 Nougat Nexus 5X、Pixel C、Nexus Player、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2016-11-05
    NBD90Z android-7.0.0_r14 Nougat Nexus 6 2016-10-05
    NBD90X android-7.0.0_r13 Nougat Nexus 6P 2016-10-05
    NBD90W android-7.0.0_r12 Nougat Nexus 5X 2016-10-05
    NRD91D android-7.0.0_r7 Nougat Pixel C、Nexus Player、Nexus 9 (WLAN) 2016-10-05
    NRD90U android-7.0.0_r6 Nougat Nexus 6P 2016-09-06
    NRD90T android-7.0.0_r5 Nougat Nexus 6P 2016-09-06
    NRD90S android-7.0.0_r4 Nougat Nexus 5X 2016-09-06
    NRD90R android-7.0.0_r3 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 9 (volantis)、Nexus Player、Pixel C 2016-09-06
    NRD90M android-7.0.0_r1 Nougat Nexus 5X、Nexus 9 (volantis)、Nexus Player、Pixel C 2016-08-05
    MOI10E android-6.0.1_r81 Marshmallow 2017-10-01
    MOB31Z android-6.0.1_r80 Marshmallow 2017-07-01
    MOB31T android-6.0.1_r79 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2017-02-01
    MOB31S android-6.0.1_r78 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2017-01-05
    M4B30Z android-6.0.1_r77 Marshmallow Nexus 5 2016-10-05
    MOB31K android-6.0.1_r74 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-11-05
    MMB31C android-6.0.1_r73 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-11-05
    M4B30X android-6.0.1_r72 Marshmallow Nexus 5 2016-10-05
    MOB31H android-6.0.1_r70 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-10-05
    MMB30Y android-6.0.1_r69 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-10-05
    MTC20K android-6.0.1_r67 Marshmallow Nexus 5X 2016-09-06
    MOB31E android-6.0.1_r66 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 9 (volantis) 2016-09-06
    MMB30W android-6.0.1_r65 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-09-06
    MXC89L android-6.0.1_r63 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-08-05
    MTC20F android-6.0.1_r62 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2016-08-05
    MOB30Y android-6.0.1_r60 Marshmallow Nexus 5 2016-08-05
    MOB30X android-6.0.1_r59 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb) 2016-08-05
    MOB30W android-6.0.1_r58 Marshmallow Nexus 6、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2016-08-05
    MMB30S android-6.0.1_r57 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb) 2016-08-05
    MMB30R android-6.0.1_r56 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-08-05
    MXC89K android-6.0.1_r55 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-07-05
    MTC19Z android-6.0.1_r54 Marshmallow Nexus 5X 2016-07-05
    MTC19X android-6.0.1_r53 Marshmallow Nexus 6P 2016-07-05
    MOB30P android-6.0.1_r50 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2016-07-05
    MOB30O android-6.0.1_r49 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-07-05
    MMB30M android-6.0.1_r48 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb) 2016-07-05
    MMB30K android-6.0.1_r47 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-07-05
    MOB30M android-6.0.1_r46 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2016-06-01
    MTC19V android-6.0.1_r45 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2016-06-01
    MOB30J android-6.0.1_r43 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb) 2016-05-01
    MOB30I android-6.0.1_r42 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2016-05-01
    MOB30H android-6.0.1_r41 Marshmallow Nexus 5 2016-05-01
    MOB30G android-6.0.1_r40 Marshmallow Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2016-05-01
    MXC89H android-6.0.1_r33 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-06-01
    MXC89F android-6.0.1_r32 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-05-01
    MMB30J android-6.0.1_r28 Marshmallow Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (deb) 2016-06-01
    MTC19T android-6.0.1_r25 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2016-05-01
    M5C14J android-6.0.1_r31 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-04-01
    MOB30D android-6.0.1_r30 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2016-04-02
    MHC19Q android-6.0.1_r24 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2016-04-02
    MHC19J android-6.0.1_r22 Marshmallow Nexus 5X 2016-03-01
    MHC19I android-6.0.1_r21 Marshmallow Nexus 6P 2016-03-01
    MMB29X android-6.0.1_r20 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (deb)、Nexus 9 (volantisg) 2016-04-02
    MXC14G android-6.0.1_r18 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-03-01
    MMB29V android-6.0.1_r17 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 5X、Nexus 6、Nexus 6P、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2016-03-01
    MXB48T android-6.0.1_r16 Marshmallow Pixel C 2016-02-01
    MMB29U android-6.0.1_r13 Marshmallow Nexus Player 2016-02-01
    MMB29R android-6.0.1_r12 Marshmallow Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2016-02-01
    MMB29Q android-6.0.1_r11 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 5X、Nexus 6、Nexus 6P、Nexus 7 (flo/deb) 2016-02-01
    MMB29T android-6.0.1_r10 Marshmallow Nexus Player 2016-01-01
    MMB29S android-6.0.1_r9 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2016-01-01
    MMB29P android-6.0.1_r8 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2016-01-01
    MMB29O android-6.0.1_r7 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb) 2016-01-01
    MXB48K android-6.0.1_r5 Marshmallow Pixel C 2015-12-01
    MXB48J android-6.0.1_r4 Marshmallow Pixel C 2015-12-01
    MMB29M android-6.0.1_r3 Marshmallow Nexus 6P、Nexus Player 2015-12-01
    MMB29K android-6.0.1_r1 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 5X、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg) 2015-12-01
    MMB29N android-6.0.0_r41 Marshmallow Nexus 6P 2015-11-01
    MDB08M android-6.0.0_r26 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2015-11-01
    MDB08L android-6.0.0_r25 Marshmallow Nexus 5X、Nexus 6P 2015-11-01
    MDB08K android-6.0.0_r24 Marshmallow Nexus 6P 2015-10-01
    MDB08I android-6.0.0_r23 Marshmallow Nexus 5X 2015-10-01
    MDA89E android-6.0.0_r12 Marshmallow Nexus 5X 2015-10-01
    MDA89D android-6.0.0_r11 Marshmallow Nexus 6P 2015-10-01
    MRA59B android-6.0.0_r7 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (deb) 2015-12-01
    MRA58X android-6.0.0_r6 Marshmallow Nexus 6 2015-11-01
    MRA58V android-6.0.0_r5 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo/deb) 2015-11-01
    MRA58U android-6.0.0_r4 Marshmallow Nexus 7 (flo) 2015-10-01
    MRA58N android-6.0.0_r2 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2015-11-01
    MRA58K android-6.0.0_r1 Marshmallow Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus Player 2015-10-01
    LMY49M android-5.1.1_r38 Lollipop Nexus 10 2016-07-05
    LMY49J android-5.1.1_r37 Lollipop Nexus 10 2016-04-01
    LMY49I android-5.1.1_r36 Lollipop Nexus 10 2016-03-01
    LMY49H android-5.1.1_r35 Lollipop Nexus 10 2016-03-01
    LMY49G android-5.1.1_r34 Lollipop Nexus 10 2016-02-01
    LMY49F android-5.1.1_r33 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantisg)、Nexus 10 2016-01-01
    LMY48Z android-5.1.1_r30 Lollipop Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (deb)、Nexus 9 (volantisg)、Nexus 10 2015-12-01
    LYZ28N android-5.1.1_r28 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile) 2015-11-01
    LMY48Y android-5.1.1_r26 Lollipop Nexus 6 2015-11-01
    LMY48X android-5.1.1_r25 Lollipop Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (deb)、Nexus 9 (volantisg)、Nexus 10 2015-11-01
    LMY48W android-5.1.1_r24 Lollipop Nexus 6
    LVY48H android-5.1.1_r23 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 Google Fi)
    LYZ28M android-5.1.1_r22 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile)
    LMY48U android-5.1.1_r20 Lollipop Nexus 7 (deb)
    LMY48T android-5.1.1_r19 Lollipop Nexus 4、Nexus 6、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus 10
    LVY48F android-5.1.1_r18 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 Google Fi)
    LYZ28K android-5.1.1_r17 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile)
    LMY48P android-5.1.1_r16 Lollipop Nexus 7 (deb)
    LMY48N android-5.1.1_r15 Lollipop Nexus Player
    LMY48M android-5.1.1_r14 Lollipop Nexus 4、Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus 10
    LVY48E android-5.1.1_r13 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 Google Fi)
    LYZ28J android-5.1.1_r12 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile)
    LMY48J android-5.1.1_r10 Lollipop Nexus Player
    LMY48I android-5.1.1_r9 Lollipop Nexus 4、Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (flo)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus 10
    LVY48C android-5.1.1_r8 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 Google Fi)
    LMY48G android-5.1.1_r6 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo)
    LYZ28E android-5.1.1_r5 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile)
    LMY47Z android-5.1.1_r4 Lollipop Nexus 6(面向除 T-Mobile(美国)之外的所有运营商)
    LMY48B android-5.1.1_r3 Lollipop Nexus 5
    LMY47X android-5.1.1_r2 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
    LMY47V android-5.1.1_r1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/grouper)、Nexus 10、Nexus Player
    LMY47O android-5.1.0_r5 Lollipop Nexus 4、Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
    LMY47M android-5.1.0_r4 Lollipop Nexus 6(仅面向 T-Mobile)
    LMY47I android-5.1.0_r3 Lollipop Nexus 5、Nexus 6
    LMY47E android-5.1.0_r2 Lollipop Nexus 6
    LMY47D android-5.1.0_r1 Lollipop Nexus 5、Nexus 6、Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 10、Nexus Player
    LRX22L android-5.0.2_r3 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)
    LRX22G android-5.0.2_r1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 10
    LRX22C android-5.0.1_r1 Lollipop Nexus 4、Nexus 5、Nexus 6 (shamu)、Nexus 7 (flo)、Nexus 9 (volantis/volantisg)、Nexus 10
    LRX21V android-5.0.0_r7.0.1 Lollipop Nexus Player (fugu)
    LRX21T android-5.0.0_r6.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 4
    LRX21R android-5.0.0_r5.1.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
    LRX21Q android-5.0.0_r5.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
    LRX21P android-5.0.0_r4.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 7 (flo/grouper)、Nexus 10
    LRX21O android-5.0.0_r3.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 5 (hammerhead)、Nexus 6 (shamu)
    LRX21M android-5.0.0_r2.0.1 Lollipop Nexus Player (fugu)
    LRX21L android-5.0.0_r1.0.1 Lollipop Nexus 9 (volantis)
    KTU84Q android-4.4.4_r2 KitKat Nexus 5 (hammerhead)(仅面向新西兰的 2Degrees、澳大利亚的 Telstra 和印度)
    KTU84P android-4.4.4_r1 KitKat Nexus 5、Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    KTU84M android-4.4.3_r1.1 KitKat Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
    KTU84L android-4.4.3_r1 KitKat Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    KVT49L android-4.4.2_r2 KitKat Nexus 7 (deb Verizon)
    KOT49H android-4.4.2_r1 KitKat Nexus 5、Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    KOT49E android-4.4.1_r1 KitKat Nexus 5、Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    KRT16S android-4.4_r1.2 KitKat Nexus 7 (flo/deb/grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    KRT16M android-4.4_r1 KitKat Nexus 5 (hammerhead)
    JLS36I android-4.3.1_r1 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (deb)
    JLS36C android-4.3_r3 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (deb)
    JSS15R android-4.3_r2.3 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (flo)
    JSS15Q android-4.3_r2.2 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (flo)
    JSS15J android-4.3_r2.1 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (flo/deb)
    JSR78D android-4.3_r2 Jelly Bean Nexus 7 (deb)
    JWR66Y android-4.3_r1.1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JWR66V android-4.3_r1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JWR66N android-4.3_r0.9.1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7 (grouper/tilapia/flo)、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JWR66L android-4.3_r0.9 Jelly Bean Nexus 7
    JDQ39E android-4.2.2_r1.2 Jelly Bean Nexus 4
    JDQ39B android-4.2.2_r1.1 Jelly Bean Nexus 7
    JDQ39 android-4.2.2_r1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JOP40G android-4.2.1_r1.2 Jelly Bean Nexus 4
    JOP40F android-4.2.1_r1.1 Jelly Bean Nexus 10
    JOP40D android-4.2.1_r1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JOP40C android-4.2_r1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7、Nexus 4、Nexus 10
    JZO54M android-4.1.2_r2.1 Jelly Bean
    JZO54L android-4.1.2_r2 Jelly Bean
    JZO54K android-4.1.2_r1 Jelly Bean Nexus S、Galaxy Nexus、Nexus 7
    JRO03S android-4.1.1_r6.1 Jelly Bean Nexus 7
    JRO03R android-4.1.1_r6 Jelly Bean Nexus S 4G
    JRO03O android-4.1.1_r5 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus
    JRO03L android-4.1.1_r4 Jelly Bean Nexus S
    JRO03H android-4.1.1_r3 Jelly Bean
    JRO03E android-4.1.1_r2 Jelly Bean Nexus S
    JRO03D android-4.1.1_r1.1 Jelly Bean Nexus 7
    JRO03C android-4.1.1_r1 Jelly Bean Galaxy Nexus
    IMM76L android-4.0.4_r2.1 Ice Cream Sandwich
    IMM76K android-4.0.4_r2 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    IMM76I android-4.0.4_r1.2 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    IMM76D android-4.0.4_r1.1 Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus S、Nexus S 4G、Galaxy Nexus
    IMM76 android-4.0.4_r1 Ice Cream Sandwich
    IML77 android-4.0.3_r1.1 Ice Cream Sandwich
    IML74K android-4.0.3_r1 Ice Cream Sandwich Nexus S
    ICL53F android-4.0.2_r1 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    ITL41F android-4.0.1_r1.2 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    ITL41D android-4.0.1_r1.1 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    ITL41D android-4.0.1_r1 Ice Cream Sandwich Galaxy Nexus
    GWK74 android-2.3.7_r1 Gingerbread Nexus S 4G
    GRK39F android-2.3.6_r1 Gingerbread Nexus One、Nexus S
    GRK39C android-2.3.6_r0.9 Gingerbread Nexus S
    GRJ90 android-2.3.5_r1 Gingerbread Nexus S 4G
    GRJ22 android-2.3.4_r1 Gingerbread Nexus One、Nexus S、Nexus S 4G
    GRJ06D android-2.3.4_r0.9 Gingerbread Nexus S 4G
    GRI54 android-2.3.3_r1.1 Gingerbread Nexus S
    GRI40 android-2.3.3_r1 Gingerbread Nexus One、Nexus S
    GRH78C android-2.3.2_r1 Gingerbread Nexus S
    GRH78 android-2.3.1_r1 Gingerbread Nexus S
    GRH55 android-2.3_r1 Gingerbread 使用 Gingerbread 最早期版本的设备、Nexus S
    FRK76C android-2.2.3_r2 Froyo
    FRK76 android-2.2.3_r1 Froyo
    FRG83G android-2.2.2_r1 Froyo Nexus One
    FRG83D android-2.2.1_r2 Froyo Nexus One
    FRG83 android-2.2.1_r1 Froyo Nexus One
    FRG22D android-2.2_r1.3 Froyo
    FRG01B android-2.2_r1.2 Froyo
    FRF91 android-2.2_r1.1 Froyo Nexus One
    FRF85B android-2.2_r1 Froyo Nexus One
    EPF21B android-2.1_r2.1p2 Eclair
    ESE81 android-2.1_r2.1s Eclair
    EPE54B android-2.1_r2.1p Eclair Nexus One
    ERE27 android-2.1_r2 Eclair Nexus One
    ERD79 android-2.1_r1 Eclair Nexus One
    ESD56 android-2.0.1_r1 Eclair
    ESD20 android-2.0_r1 Eclair
    DMD64 android-1.6_r1.5 Donut
    DRD20 android-1.6_r1.4
    DRD08 android-1.6_r1.3
    DRC92 android-1.6_r1.2
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