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Yarn shell及application kill

2020-04-02 19:04 2121 查看


[root@bdpcm01 ~]# yarn application -kill application_1548925847050_1635244
Killing application application_1548925847050_1635244

Yarn Shell

[root@bdpnamenodemaster ~]# yarn
Usage: yarn [--config confdir] COMMAND
where COMMAND is one of:
resourcemanager -format-state-store   deletes the RMStateStore
resourcemanager                       run the ResourceManager
Use -format-state-store for deleting the RMStateStore.
Use -remove-application-from-state-store <appId> for
removing application from RMStateStore.
nodemanager                           run a nodemanager on each slave
timelineserver                        run the timeline server
rmadmin                               admin tools
version                               print the version
jar <jar>                             run a jar file
application                           prints application(s)
report/kill application
applicationattempt                    prints applicationattempt(s)
container                             prints container(s) report
node                                  prints node report(s)
queue                                 prints queue information
logs                                  dump container logs
classpath                             prints the class path needed to
get the Hadoop jar and the
required libraries
daemonlog                             get/set the log level for each
top                                   run cluster usage tool
CLASSNAME                             run the class named CLASSNAME

Most commands print help when invoked w/o parameters.
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