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AutoCloseable接口: 通过一个例子 举例自动关闭流的实现。

public interface BaseStream<T, S extends BaseStream<T, S>>
extends AutoCloseable{}  // BaseStream 继承了这个接口。 Stream继承了Stream
public class AutoCloseableTest implements AutoCloseable {
public void dosomething() {
System.out.println(" do something ");

public void close() throws Exception {
System.out.println(" close invoked ");

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
try ( AutoCloseableTest autoCloseableTest = new AutoCloseableTest()){

运行结果如下: 自动调用了关闭流的方法


* A sequence of elements supporting sequential and parallel aggregate
* operations.  The following example illustrates an aggregate operation using
* {@link Stream} and {@link IntStream}:
* <pre>{@code   // 举例:
*     int sum = widgets.stream()
*                      .filter(w -> w.getColor() == RED)
*                      .mapToInt(w -> w.getWeight())
*                      .sum();
* }</pre>
* In this example, {@code widgets} is a {@code Collection<Widget>}.  We create
* a stream of {@code Widget} objects via {@link Collection#stream Collection.stream()},
* filter it to produce a stream containing only the red widgets, and then
* transform it into a stream of {@code int} values representing the weight of
* each red widget. Then this stream is summed to produce a total weight.
* <p>In addition to {@code Stream}, which is a stream of object references,
* there are primitive specializations for {@link IntStream}, {@link LongStream},
* and {@link DoubleStream}, all of which are referred to as "streams" and
* conform to the characteristics and restrictions described here.
jdk提供了平行的 特化的流。
* <p>To perform a computation, stream
* <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">operations</a> are composed into a
* <em>stream pipeline</em>.  A stream pipeline consists of a source (which
* might be an array, a collection, a generator function, an I/O channel,
* etc), zero or more <em>intermediate operations</em> (which transform a
* stream into another stream, such as {@link Stream#filter(Predicate)}), and a
* <em>terminal operation</em> (which produces a result or side-effect, such
* as {@link Stream#count()} or {@link Stream#forEach(Consumer)}).
* Streams are lazy; computation on the source data is only performed when the
* terminal operation is initiated, and source elements are consumed only
* as needed.



* <p>Collections and streams, while bearing some superficial similarities,
* have different goals.  Collections are primarily concerned with the efficient
* management of, and access to, their elements.  By contrast, streams do not
* provide a means to directly access or manipulate their elements, and are
* instead concerned with declaratively describing their source and the
* computational operations which will be performed in aggregate on that source.
* However, if the provided stream operations do not offer the desired
* functionality, the {@link #iterator()} and {@link #spliterator()} operations
* can be used to perform a controlled traversal.

如果流操作并没有提供我们需要的功能,那么我们可以使用传统的iterator or spliterator去执行操作。

* <p>A stream pipeline, like the "widgets" example above, can be viewed as
* a <em>query</em> on the stream source.  Unless the source was explicitly
* designed for concurrent modification (such as a {@link ConcurrentHashMap}),
* unpredictable or erroneous behavior may result from modifying the stream
* source while it is being queried.


* <p>Most stream operations accept parameters that describe user-specified
* behavior, such as the lambda expression {@code w -> w.getWeight()} passed to
* {@code mapToInt} in the example above.  To preserve correct behavior,
* these <em>behavioral parameters</em>:
* <ul>
* <li>must be <a href="package-summary.html#NonInterference">non-interfering</a>
* (they do not modify the stream source); and</li>
* <li>in most cases must be <a href="package-summary.html#Statelessness">stateless</a>
* (their result should not depend on any state that might change during execution
* of the stream pipeline).</li>
* </ul>


* <p>Such parameters are always instances of a
* <a href="../function/package-summary.html">functional interface</a> such
* as {@link java.util.function.Function}, and are often lambda expressions or
* method references.  Unless otherwise specified these parameters must be
* <em>non-null</em>.


* <p>A stream should be operated on (invoking an intermediate or terminal stream
* operation) only once.  This rules out, for example, "forked" streams, where
* the same source feeds two or more pipelines, or multiple traversals of the
* same stream.  A stream implementation may throw {@link IllegalStateException}
* if it detects that the stream is being reused. However, since some stream
* operations may return their receiver rather than a new stream object, it may
* not be possible to detect reuse in all cases.


* <p>Streams have a {@link #close()} method and implement {@link AutoCloseable},
* but nearly all stream instances do not actually need to be closed after use.
* Generally, only streams whose source is an IO channel (such as those returned
* by {@link Files#lines(Path, Charset)}) will require closing.  Most streams
* are backed by collections, arrays, or generating functions, which require no
* special resource management.  (If a stream does require closing, it can be
* declared as a resource in a {@code try}-with-resources statement.)

流拥有一个closed方法,实现了AutoCloseable,在他的父类里。 最上面以举例实现。
但是一个流 除了是I/O流(因为持有句柄等资源)才需要被关闭外,是不需要被关闭的。
大多数的流底层是集合、数组或者是生成器函数。 他们并不需要特别的资源管理。如果需要被关闭,可以用try()操作。

* <p>Stream pipelines may execute either sequentially or in
* <a href="package-summary.html#Parallelism">parallel</a>.  This
* execution mode is a property of the stream.  Streams are created
* with an initial choice of sequential or parallel execution.  (For example,
* {@link Collection#stream() Collection.stream()} creates a sequential stream,
* and {@link Collection#parallelStream() Collection.parallelStream()} creates
* a parallel one.)  This choice of execution mode may be modified by the
* {@link #sequential()} or {@link #parallel()} methods, and may be queried with
* the {@link #isParallel()} method.

流管道可以被串行或者并行操作。这种模式只是一个属性而已。 初始化的时候会进行一个选择。
比如说  stream() 是串行流。parallelStream()是并行流。
还可以通过sequential()or parallel() 来进行修改。 以最后一个被调用的方法为准。

* @param <T> the type of the stream elements
* @since 1.8
* @see IntStream
* @see LongStream
* @see DoubleStream
* @see <a href="package-summary.html">java.util.stream</a>
public interface Stream<T> extends BaseStream<T, Stream<T>> {

// 具体举例, 源码中有例子
Stream<T> filter(Predicate<? super T> predicate);    // 过滤
<R> Stream<R> map(Function<? super T, ? extends R> mapper);  //映射
IntStream mapToInt(ToIntFunction<? super T> mapper);
LongStream mapToLong(ToLongFunction<? super T> mapper);
DoubleStream mapToDouble(ToDoubleFunction<? super T> mapper);
<R> Stream<R> flatMap(Function<? super T, ? extends Stream<? extends R>> mapper); //压平
IntStream flatMapToInt(Function<? super T, ? extends IntStream> mapper);
LongStream flatMapToLong(Function<? super T, ? extends LongStream> mapper);
DoubleStream flatMapToDouble(Function<? super T, ? extends DoubleStream> mapper);、
Stream<T> distinct();// 去重
Stream<T> sorted(); //排序
Stream<T> sorted(Comparator<? super T> comparator);
Stream<T> peek(Consumer<? super T> action);
Stream<T> limit(long maxSize);  // 截断
void forEach(Consumer<? super T> action); // 遍历
void forEachOrdered(Consumer<? super T> action); // 遍历时执行操作
Object[] toArray();  // 转数组
T reduce(T identity, BinaryOperator<T> accumulator); //  汇聚, 返回一个汇聚的结果
<R> R collect(Supplier<R> supplier,
BiConsumer<R, ? super T> accumulator,
BiConsumer<R, R> combiner);     // 收集器





* Returns a spliterator for the elements of this stream.
* <p>This is a <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">terminal
* operation</a>.
* @return the element spliterator for this stream
Spliterator<T> spliterator();

baseStream 源码讲解

BaseStream 是所有流的父类 。

* Base interface for streams, which are sequences of elements supporting
* sequential and parallel aggregate operations.  The following example
* illustrates an aggregate operation using the stream types {@link Stream}
* and {@link IntStream}, computing the sum of the weights of the red widgets:
* <pre>{@code
*     int sum = widgets.stream()
*                      .filter(w -> w.getColor() == RED)
*                      .mapToInt(w -> w.getWeight())
*                      .sum();
* }</pre>
* See the class documentation for {@link Stream} and the package documentation
* for <a href="package-summary.html">java.util.stream</a> for additional
* specification of streams, stream operations, stream pipelines, and
* parallelism, which governs the behavior of all stream types.
* @param <T> the type of the stream elements
* @param <S> the type of of the stream implementing {@code BaseStream}
* @since 1.8
* @see Stream
* @see IntStream
* @see LongStream
* @see DoubleStream
* @see <a href="package-summary.html">java.util.stream</a>
public interface BaseStream<T, S extends BaseStream<T, S>> extends AutoCloseable

public interface Stream<T> extends BaseStream<T, Stream<T>>

Iterator<T> iterator(); 迭代器
Spliterator<T> spliterator();  分割迭代器  。 这是一个流的终止操作。
boolean isParallel();  是否是并行。
S sequential();  // 返回一个等价的串行流。   返回S是一个新的流对象
S parallel();   //返回一个并行流。
S unordered();   // 返回一个无序的流。
S onClose(Runnable closeHandler);   //当前流.onClose、 当close调用时,调用此方法。
void close();      // 关闭流



* Returns an equivalent stream with an additional close handler.  Close
* handlers are run when the {@link #close()} method
* is called on the stream, and are executed in the order they were
* added.  All close handlers are run, even if earlier close handlers throw
* exceptions.  If any close handler throws an exception, the first
* exception thrown will be relayed to the caller of {@code close()}, with
* any remaining exceptions added to that exception as suppressed exceptions
* (unless one of the remaining exceptions is the same exception as the
* first exception, since an exception cannot suppress itself.)  May
* return itself.
* <p>This is an <a href="package-summary.html#StreamOps">intermediate
* operation</a>.
* @param closeHandler A task to execute when the stream is closed
* @return a stream with a handler that is run if the stream is closed
S onClose(Runnable closeHandler);
public static void main(String[] args) {

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("hello","world");
NullPointerException nullPointerException = new NullPointerException("myexception");
try (Stream<String> stream = list.stream()){
//                throw new NullPointerException("first");
throw nullPointerException;
throw nullPointerException;
// 出现异常会被压制,
// 如果是同一个异常对象,只会打印一次异常。 如果是多个异常对象。都会被打印。

javadoc 中的介绍比任何资料都详细。

Stream 源码分析。


* Returns a sequential {@code Stream} with this collection as its source.


* <p>This method should be overridden when the {@link #spliterator()}
* method cannot return a spliterator that is {@code IMMUTABLE},
* {@code CONCURRENT}, or <em>late-binding</em>. (See {@link #spliterator()}
* for details.)

当不能返回  三种方法 中的一个时,这个方法应该被重写。

* @implSpec
* The default implementation creates a sequential {@code Stream} from the
* collection's {@code Spliterator}.

默认会从集合中创建一个串行流。 返回

* @return a sequential {@code Stream} over the elements in this collection
* @since 1.8
default Stream<E> stream() {
return StreamSupport.stream(spliterator(), false);

spliterator(); 分割迭代器

* Creates a {@link Spliterator} over the elements in this collection.
* Implementations should document characteristic values reported by the
* spliterator.  Such characteristic values are not required to be reported
* if the spliterator reports {@link Spliterator#SIZED} and this collection
* contains no elements.

* <p>The default implementation should be overridden by subclasses that
* can return a more efficient spliterator.  In order to
* preserve expected laziness behavior for the {@link #stream()} and
* {@link #parallelStream()}} methods, spliterators should either have the
* characteristic of {@code IMMUTABLE} or {@code CONCURRENT}, or be
* <em><a href="Spliterator.html#binding">late-binding</a></em>.

默认的子类应该被重写。为了保留parallelStream  和 stream的延迟行为。特性需要满足IMMUTABLE 或者CONCURRENT

* If none of these is practical, the overriding class should describe the
* spliterator's documented policy of binding and structural interference,
* and should override the {@link #stream()} and {@link #parallelStream()}
* methods to create streams using a {@code Supplier} of the spliterator,
* as in:
* <pre>{@code
*     Stream<E> s = StreamSupport.stream(() -> spliterator(), spliteratorCharacteristics)
* }</pre>


* <p>These requirements ensure that streams produced by the
* {@link #stream()} and {@link #parallelStream()} methods will reflect the
* contents of the collection as of initiation of the terminal stream
* operation.


* @implSpec
* The default implementation creates a
* <em><a href="Spliterator.html#binding">late-binding</a></em> spliterator
* from the collections's {@code Iterator}.  The spliterator inherits the
* <em>fail-fast</em> properties of the collection's iterator.
* <p>
* The created {@code Spliterator} reports {@link Spliterator#SIZED}.

默认会从集合的迭代器中创建出一个延迟的分割迭代器。 默认的迭代器 会有默认大小的迭代器。

* @implNote
* The created {@code Spliterator} additionally reports
* {@link Spliterator#SUBSIZED}.
* <p>If a spliterator covers no elements then the reporting of additional
* characteristic values, beyond that of {@code SIZED} and {@code SUBSIZED},
* does not aid clients to control, specialize or simplify computation.
* However, this does enable shared use of an immutable and empty
* spliterator instance (see {@link Spliterators#emptySpliterator()}) for
* empty collections, and enables clients to determine if such a spliterator
* covers no elements.

如果分割迭代器不包含任何元素。 其他的属性对客户端是没有任何帮助的。 然而会促进分割迭代器共享的作用。

* @return a {@code Spliterator} over the elements in this collection
* @since 1.8
default Spliterator<E> spliterator() {
return Spliterators.spliterator(this, 0);
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