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// ***********************************************************************
// Assembly         : HZH_Controls
// Created          : 2019-09-04
// ***********************************************************************
// <copyright file="UCConduit.cs">
//     Copyright by Huang Zhenghui(黄正辉) All, QQ group:568015492 QQ:623128629 Email:623128629@qq.com
// </copyright>
// Blog: https://www.cnblogs.com/bfyx
// GitHub:https://github.com/kwwwvagaa/NetWinformControl
// gitee:https://gitee.com/kwwwvagaa/net_winform_custom_control.git
// If you use this code, please keep this note.
// ***********************************************************************
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.ComponentModel;

namespace HZH_Controls.Controls.Conduit
/// <summary>
/// Class UCConduit.
/// Implements the <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.UserControl" />
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="System.Windows.Forms.UserControl" />
public class UCConduit : UserControl
/// <summary>
/// The conduit style
/// </summary>
private ConduitStyle conduitStyle = ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_None;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the conduit style.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The conduit style.</value>
[Description("样式"), Category("自定义")]
public ConduitStyle ConduitStyle
get { return conduitStyle; }
string strOld = conduitStyle.ToString().Substring(0, 1);
string strNew = value.ToString().Substring(0, 1);
conduitStyle = value;
if (strOld != strNew)
this.Size = new Size(this.Size.Height, this.Size.Width);

/// <summary>
/// The conduit color
/// </summary>
private Color conduitColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 77, 59);
[Description("颜色"), Category("自定义")]
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the color of the conduit.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The color of the conduit.</value>
public Color ConduitColor
get { return conduitColor; }
conduitColor = value;

/// <summary>
/// The liquid color
/// </summary>
private Color liquidColor = Color.FromArgb(3, 169, 243);

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the color of the liquid.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The color of the liquid.</value>
[Description("液体颜色"), Category("自定义")]
public Color LiquidColor
get { return liquidColor; }
liquidColor = value;
if (liquidDirection != Conduit.LiquidDirection.None)

/// <summary>
/// The liquid direction
/// </summary>
private LiquidDirection liquidDirection = LiquidDirection.Forward;

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the liquid direction.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The liquid direction.</value>
[Description("液体流动方向"), Category("自定义")]
public LiquidDirection LiquidDirection
get { return liquidDirection; }
liquidDirection = value;

/// <summary>
/// The liquid speed
/// </summary>
private int liquidSpeed = 100;

/// <summary>
/// 液体流速,越小,速度越快Gets or sets the liquid speed.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The liquid speed.</value>
[Description("液体流速,越小,速度越快"), Category("自定义")]
public int LiquidSpeed
get { return liquidSpeed; }
if (value <= 0)
liquidSpeed = value;
m_timer.Interval = value;

/// <summary>
/// The int pen width
/// </summary>
int intPenWidth = 0;

/// <summary>
/// The int line left
/// </summary>
int intLineLeft = 0;
/// <summary>
/// The m timer
/// </summary>
Timer m_timer;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UCConduit"/> class.
/// </summary>
public UCConduit()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.SupportsTransparentBackColor, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.None;
this.SizeChanged += UCConduit_SizeChanged;
this.Size = new Size(200, 50);
m_timer = new Timer();
m_timer.Interval = 100;
m_timer.Tick += timer_Tick;
m_timer.Enabled = true;

/// <summary>
/// Handles the Tick event of the timer control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
void timer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
intLineLeft += 2;
if (intLineLeft > 12)
intLineLeft = 0;

/// <summary>
/// Handles the SizeChanged event of the UCConduit control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
void UCConduit_SizeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
intPenWidth = conduitStyle.ToString().StartsWith("H") ? this.Height : this.Width;

/// <summary>
/// 引发 <see cref="E:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Paint" /> 事件。
/// </summary>
/// <param name="e">包含事件数据的 <see cref="T:System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs" />。</param>
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)
Graphics g = e.Graphics;

List<ArcEntity> lstArcs = new List<ArcEntity>();

GraphicsPath path = new GraphicsPath();
GraphicsPath linePath = new GraphicsPath();
switch (conduitStyle)
#region H    English:H
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height)
linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0+intPenWidth, this.Height)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(intPenWidth, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth + 1, this.Height / 2, this.Width, this.Height / 2);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_Up:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height),
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, 0)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);

linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_None_Down:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height),
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right-intPenWidth, 0)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);

linePath.AddLine(0, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_Up:
path.AddLine(new Point(intPenWidth, 0), new Point(this.Width, 0));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height), new Point(0, this.Height));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_Down:
path.AddLine(new Point(0, 0), new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, 0));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width, this.Height), new Point(intPenWidth, this.Height));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Up_Up:
path.AddLine(new Point(0, 0), new Point(this.Width, 0));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height), new Point(intPenWidth, this.Height));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, -1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 91, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Horizontal_Down_Down:
path.AddLine(new Point(intPenWidth, 0), new Point(this.Width - intPenWidth, 0));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);
path.AddLine(new Point(this.Width, this.Height), new Point(0, this.Height));
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2 + 1, this.Height / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 179, 91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth + 1, this.Height / 2, this.Width - intPenWidth - 1, this.Height / 2);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(0, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(this.ClientRectangle.Right - intPenWidth * 2, -1, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });

#region V    English:V
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height)
linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height);
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Left_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, intPenWidth),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height),
new PointF(0, 0)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Right_None:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
new PointF(0, this.Height),
new PointF(0, intPenWidth)
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 271, -91);
linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth + 1, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_Left:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(0, this.Height),
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height-intPenWidth),
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);

linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), -1, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_None_Right:
path.AddLines(new PointF[]
new PointF(0, this.Height-intPenWidth),
new PointF(0, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, 0),
new PointF(this.ClientRectangle.Right, this.Height),
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);

linePath.AddLine(this.Width / 2, 0, this.Width / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - 1);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Left_Right:
path.AddLine(this.Width, intPenWidth, this.Width, this.Height);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
path.AddLine(0, this.Height - intPenWidth, 0, 0);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 181, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Right_Left:
path.AddLine(this.Width, 0, this.Width, this.Height - intPenWidth);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
path.AddLine(0, this.Height, 0, intPenWidth);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 271, -91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), -1, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Left_Left:
path.AddLine(this.Width, intPenWidth, this.Width, this.Height - intPenWidth);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 0, 90);
path.AddLine(0, this.Height, 0, 0);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 270, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 269, 91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth / 2 - 1, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), -1, 91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 270, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1 * intPenWidth, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 0, sweepAngle = 90 });
case ConduitStyle.Vertical_Right_Right:
path.AddLine(this.Width, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 90, 90);
path.AddLine(0, this.Height - intPenWidth, 0, intPenWidth);
path.AddArc(new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), 180, 90);

linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth / 2 + 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 271, -91);
//linePath.AddLine(intPenWidth / 2, intPenWidth, intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth);
linePath.AddArc(new Rectangle(intPenWidth / 2, this.Height - intPenWidth - intPenWidth / 2 - 1, intPenWidth, intPenWidth), 180, -91);

lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, 0, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 180, sweepAngle = 90 });
lstArcs.Add(new ArcEntity() { rect = new Rectangle(-1, this.Height - intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2, intPenWidth * 2), startAngle = 90, sweepAngle = 90 });
g.FillPath(new SolidBrush(conduitColor), path);

int intCount = intPenWidth / 2 / 4;
int intSplit = (255 - 100) / intCount;
for (int i = 0; i < intCount; i++)
int _penWidth = intPenWidth / 2 - 4 * i;
if (_penWidth <= 0)
_penWidth = 1;
g.DrawPath(new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(40, Color.White.R, Color.White.G, Color.White.B)), _penWidth), linePath);
if (_penWidth == 1)

foreach (var item in lstArcs)
g.DrawArc(new Pen(new SolidBrush(this.BackColor)), item.rect, item.startAngle, item.sweepAngle);

if (LiquidDirection != Conduit.LiquidDirection.None)
Pen p = new Pen(new SolidBrush(liquidColor), 4);
p.DashPattern = new float[] { 6, 6 };
p.DashOffset = intLineLeft * (LiquidDirection == Conduit.LiquidDirection.Forward ? -1 : 1);
g.DrawPath(p, linePath);

/// <summary>
/// Class ArcEntity.
/// </summary>
class ArcEntity
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the rect.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The rect.</value>
public Rectangle rect { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the start angle.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The start angle.</value>
public float startAngle { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the sweep angle.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The sweep angle.</value>
public float sweepAngle { get; set; }


/// <summary>
/// Enum LiquidDirection
/// </summary>
public enum LiquidDirection
/// <summary>
/// The none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The forward
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// The backward
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// 管道样式Enum ConduitStyle
/// </summary>
public enum ConduitStyle
/// <summary>
/// 直线 The horizontal none none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左上The horizontal up none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左下The horizontal down none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 右上The horizontal none up
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 右下The horizontal none down
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左下右上The horizontal down up
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左上右下The horizontal up down
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左上,右上The horizontal up up
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 左下右下The horizontal down down
/// </summary>

/// <summary>
/// 竖线The vertical none none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上左The vertical left none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上右The vertical right none
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 下左The vertical none left
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 下右The vertical none right
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上左下右The vertical left right
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上右下左The vertical right left
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上左下左The vertical left left
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// 上右下右The vertical right left
/// </summary>
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