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2019-08-23 00:06 1401 查看
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[code]return adminJpa.findAll(
adminJpa.support().like("username",name).or(support -> support.like("nickName",name)),
PageRequest.of(pageNum - 1,pageSize)


[code]Hibernate: select * from table table0_ where table0_.nick_name like ? or table0_.username like ? limit ?





* @author hexm
* @date 2019/8/20 10:54
public interface BaseJpa<T, ID> extends JpaRepository<T, ID>, JpaSpecificationExecutor<T> {

* 批量删除
* @param ids
* @return
int deleteByIdIn(Iterable<ID> ids);

* 提供默认复杂查询支持
* @return
default SpecificationSupport<T> support(){
return SpecificationSupport.of();


* Jpa复杂查询支持
* @author hexm
* @date 2019/8/19 15:25
public class SpecificationSupport<T> implements Specification<T> {

* 额外添加的or或者and条件
private Map<OptionType, SpecificationSupport<T>> AND_OR = new LinkedHashMap<>();

* 里面都是and条件
private List<FieldOption> condition = new ArrayList<>();

* 被忽略的属性
private List<String> ignoreColumn = new ArrayList<>();

* 忽略大小写
private List<String> ignoreCase = new ArrayList<>();

private T t;

private boolean ignoreNullString = true;

private SpecificationSupport() {

* 得到一个查询构造器
* @param probe
* @param <T>
* @param <K>
* @return
public static <T, K extends T> SpecificationSupport<T> of(K probe) {
SpecificationSupport<T> s = new SpecificationSupport<>();
s.t = probe;
return s;

* 得到一个查询构造器
* @param <T>
* @return
public static <T> SpecificationSupport<T> of(Class<T> clazz) {
return new SpecificationSupport<>();

* 得到一个查询构造器
* @param <T>
* @return
public static <T> SpecificationSupport<T> of() {
return new SpecificationSupport<>();

* 前匹配 like %column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> startsLike(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.STARTS_LIKE);
return this;

* 后匹配 like column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> endLike(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.END_LIKE);
return this;

* 匹配 like %column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> like(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LIKE);
return this;

* 匹配 = column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> eq(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.EQ);
return this;

* 匹配 != column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> neq(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_EQ);
return this;

* 匹配 not like %column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notStartLike(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_STARTS_LIKE);
return this;

* 匹配 not like column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notEndLike(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_END_LIKE);
return this;

* 匹配 not like %column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notLike(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_LIKE);
return this;

* 匹配 > column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型,或字符串的数字
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> gt(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.GT);
return this;

* 匹配 >= column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型,或字符串的数字
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> ge(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.GE);
return this;

* 匹配 < column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型,或字符串的数字
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> lt(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LT);
return this;

* 匹配 <= column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型,或字符串的数字
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> le(String column) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LE);
return this;

* 前匹配 like %column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> startsLike(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.STARTS_LIKE, value);
return this;

* 后匹配 like column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> endLike(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.END_LIKE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 like %column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> like(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LIKE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 = column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> eq(String column, Object value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.EQ, value);
return this;

* 匹配 != column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> neq(String column, Object value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_EQ, value);
return this;

* 匹配 not like %column
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notStartLike(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_STARTS_LIKE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 not like column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notEndLike(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_END_LIKE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 not like %column%
* @param column
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> notLike(String column, String value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.NOT_LIKE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 > column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> gt(String column, Number value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.GT, value);
return this;

* 匹配 >= column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> ge(String column, Number value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.GE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 < column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> lt(String column, Number value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LT, value);
return this;

* 匹配 <= column
* @param column 字段属性必须为数字类型
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> le(String column, Number value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.LE, value);
return this;

* 匹配 between column1 and column2
* @param column 字段
* @param value1 继承了比较接口的对象
* @param value2 继承了比较接口的对象
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> between(String column, Comparable value1, Comparable value2) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.BETWEEN, value1, value2);
return this;

* 匹配 in (column)
* @param column 字段
* @param value 多个比较值
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> in(String column, Object... value) {
addCondition(column, OptionType.IN, value);
return this;

* 忽略某个字段属性
* @param columns
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> ignoreProperty(String... columns) {
return this;

* 忽略大小写匹配 = lower(column)
* @param columns
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> ignoreCase(String... columns) {
return this;

* 添加条件
* @param column
* @param optionType
private void addCondition(String column, OptionType optionType) {
try {
addCondition(column, optionType, ObjectUtils.getField(t, column).get(t));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {

* 添加条件
* @param column
* @param optionType
private final <K> void addCondition(String column, OptionType optionType, K... value) {
boolean flag = true;
for (K k : value) {
if (k == null) {
flag = false;
if ("".equals(k) && ignoreNullString) {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
condition.add(new FieldOption<>(column, optionType, value));

* and操作,创建一个消费者,依靠lambed表达式,消费一个创建好的对象,以添加到定义的队列中
* @param and
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> and(Consumer<SpecificationSupport<T>> and) {
if (and != null) {
SpecificationSupport<T> s = SpecificationSupport.of();
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
AND_OR.put(OptionType.AND, s);
return this;

* or操作,创建一个消费者,依靠lambed表达式,消费一个创建好的对象,以添加到定义的队列中
* @param or
* @return
public SpecificationSupport<T> or(Consumer<SpecificationSupport<T>> or) {
if (or != null) {
SpecificationSupport<T> s = SpecificationSupport.of();
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
AND_OR.put(OptionType.OR, s);
return this;

* @param root
* @param query
* @param cb
* @return
public Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder cb) {
if (t != null){
Map<String, Field> fieldMap = ObjectUtils.getFieldMap(t.getClass());
fieldMap.forEach((s1, field) -> {
try {
if (!Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) {
if (!condition.contains(new FieldOption<>(field.getName(), null, null))) {
addCondition(field.getName(), OptionType.EQ, field.get(t));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Predicate p = null;
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
for (FieldOption option : condition) {
if (!ignoreColumn.contains(option.name)) {
Predicate predicate = getPredicate(root, cb, option);
if (predicate != null) {
if (!predicates.isEmpty()) {
p = cb.and(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[0]));
for (Map.Entry<OptionType, SpecificationSupport<T>> entry : AND_OR.entrySet()) {
OptionType optionType = entry.getKey();
SpecificationSupport<T> specificationSupport = entry.getValue();
if (optionType == OptionType.AND) {
if (p == null) {
p = cb.and(specificationSupport.toPredicate(root, query, cb));
} else {
p = cb.and(specificationSupport.toPredicate(root, query, cb), p);
} else {
if (p == null) {
p = cb.or(specificationSupport.toPredicate(root, query, cb));
} else {
p = cb.or(specificationSupport.toPredicate(root, query, cb), p);
return p;

* 设置是否忽略空串
* @param ignoreNullString
public void setIgnoreNullString(boolean ignoreNullString) {
this.ignoreNullString = ignoreNullString;

* 判断构造器条件是否为空
* @return
public boolean isEmpty(){
return condition.isEmpty() && AND_OR.isEmpty();

* 判断条件类型,添加到组合中
* @param root
* @param cb
* @param option
* @return
private Predicate getPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaBuilder cb, FieldOption option) {
switch (option.getOptionType()) {
case EQ:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.equal(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase());
return cb.equal(root.get(option.getName()), option.getValue()[0]);
case GE:
return cb.ge(root.get(option.getName()), (Number) option.getValue()[0]);
case GT:
return cb.gt(root.get(option.getName()), (Number) option.getValue()[0]);
case IN:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
CriteriaBuilder.In<Object> in = cb.in(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())));
for (Object o : option.getValue()) {
return cb.and(in);
return root.get(option.getName()).in(option.getValue());
case LE:
return cb.le(root.get(option.getName()), (Number) option.getValue()[0]);
case LT:
Number o = null;
if (option.getValue()[0] instanceof String) {
o = new BigInteger((String) option.getValue()[0]);
if (o == null) {
o = (Number) option.getValue()[0];
return cb.lt(root.get(option.getName()), o);
case LIKE:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), "%" + option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase() + "%");
return cb.like(root.get(option.getName()), "%" + option.getValue()[0] + "%");
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), "%" + option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase());
return cb.like(root.get(option.getName()), "%" + option.getValue()[0]);
case END_LIKE:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.like(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase() + "%");
return cb.like(root.get(option.getName()), option.getValue()[0] + "%");
case IS_NULL:
return root.get(option.getName()).isNull();
return root.get(option.getName()).isNotNull();
case NOT_LIKE:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.notLike(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), "%" + option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase() + "%");
return cb.notLike(root.get(option.getName()), "%" + option.getValue()[0] + "%");
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.notLike(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), "%" + option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase());
return cb.notLike(root.get(option.getName()), "%" + option.getValue()[0]);
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.notLike(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase() + "%");
return cb.notLike(root.get(option.getName()), option.getValue()[0] + "%");
case NOT_EQ:
if (ignoreCase.contains(option.getName())) {
return cb.notEqual(cb.lower(root.get(option.getName())), option.getValue()[0].toString().toLowerCase());
return cb.notEqual(root.get(option.getName()), option.getValue()[0]);
return cb.between(root.get(option.getName()), (Comparable) option.getValue()[0], (Comparable) option.getValue()[1]);
return null;

private enum OptionType {
BETWEEN,    //between x1 and x2
STARTS_LIKE,//like %s
END_LIKE,   //like s%
LIKE,       //like %s%
EQ,         //=
GT,         //>
LT,         //<
GE,         //>=
LE,         //<=
IN,         //in
REGEXP,     //regexp(column,regex)
IS_NULL,    // is null
IS_NOT_NULL,//is not null
NOT_EQ,     //!=
NOT_LIKE,   //not like %s%
NOT_STARTS_LIKE,//not like %s
NOT_END_LIKE,   //not like s%

private static class FieldOption<T> {
private String name;
private OptionType optionType;
private T[] value;

FieldOption(String name, OptionType optionType, T[] value) {
this.name = name;
this.optionType = optionType;
this.value = value;

public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) {
this.name = name;

public OptionType getOptionType() {
return optionType;

public void setOptionType(OptionType optionType) {
this.optionType = optionType;

public T[] getValue() {
return value;

public void setValue(T[] value) {
this.value = value;

public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
FieldOption option = (FieldOption) o;
return Objects.equals(name, option.name);

public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(name);


* 获取对象Field属性对象集合ap
* @param clazz
* @return
public static Map<String, Field> getFieldMap(Class clazz) {
Map<String, Field> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Field>(16);
for (; clazz != Object.class; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
result.put(field.getName(), field);
return result;




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