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【PL/SQL】 INSERT IN PROCEDURE Analysis & Example | oracle数据库: 用procedure插入数据的案例分析

2019-06-20 04:28 901 查看
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/* procedure practice */
--display original table
select * from regions;

--test sequence before declare the procedure
drop sequence s_regions;
create sequence s_regions
start with 12
increment by 1
cache 2;

--ceshi procedure
create or replace procedure ceshi(
p_id regions.region_id%type,
p_name regions.region_name%type) IS

--temp to store the value from sequence 1
--not working
tem number;
insert into regions
values (10, 'qin');

--all or following
insert into regions
values (p_id, p_name);

--try sequence after
insert into regions
values (s_regions.nextval, 'wei');

insert into regions
values (s_regions.nextval, 'qi');

insert into regions
values (s_regions.nextval, 'yan');

insert into regions
values (s_regions.nextval, 'han');

--tem := S_REGIONS.nextval;
--try to creat a sequence inside of block
/* adding the following block will cause line 36 error
execute immediate 'create sequence s2';-- start with 20 increment by 1';

select s2.nextval
into tem
from dual;

tem := tem + 50;

insert into regions
values (tem, 'qi');

end ceshi;

--test 1
--not working
--nothing chnages
select * from regions;

--the folloing line is not working
--since the prroedure is not executing
--the rollback is meaning less

--test 4
--whether rollback working
--select * from regions;

--the sequence does not work here
--coz this is used in the definition body of procedure
--move it before the procedure
create sequence s_regions
start with 12
increment by 1

--test 2
--qin is added
--zhao is added
execute ceshi(11, 'zhao');
select * from regions;

--reset table to init
--and test whether it works

select * from regions;

--manualy delete in case does not write rollback process
--test the table again
delete from regions
where region_id in (10,11);
select * from regions;

--try sequence
--not working if processed after execute the procedure
--deleted this and move it before procedure
--drop sequence s_regions;
create sequence s_regions
start with 12
increment by 1
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