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ES6 Proxy实现Vue的变化检测问题

2019-06-11 08:32 806 查看

Vue变化检测Object使用DefineProperty、数组使用方法拦截实现。最近,Vue3.0将采用ES6 Proxy的形式重新实现Vue的变化检测,在官方还没给出新方法之前,我们先实现一个基于Proxy的变化检测。


参照之前Vue变化检测的代码,将Vue 变化检测的功能分为以下几个部分。

  • Observer
  • Dep
  • Watcher
  • Utils

首先,我们要确定的问题是,将Dep依赖搜集存在哪里。Vue 2.x里,Object的依赖收集放在defineRactive,Array的依收集存入到Observer中。ES6 Proxy里,考虑到让handler访问dep,我们将依赖放入到Observer中。



import Dep from './dep';
import { isObject } from './utils';
export default class Observer {
constructor (value) {
// 递归处理子元素
// 实现当前元素的代理
this.value = this.proxyTarget(value);
proxyTarget (targetBefore, keyBefore) {
const dep = new Dep();
targetBefore.__dep__ = dep;
let self = this;
const filtersAtrr = val => ['__dep__', '__parent__'].indexOf(val) > -1;
return new Proxy(targetBefore, {
get: function(target, key, receiver){
if (filtersAtrr(key)) return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);
if (!Array.isArray(target)) {
// sort/reverse等不改变数组长度的,在get里触发
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
if ((key === 'sort' || key === 'reverse') && target.__parent__) {
return Reflect.get(target, key, receiver);
set: function(target, key, value, receiver){
if (filtersAtrr(key)) return Reflect.set(target, key, value, receiver);
// 新增元素,需要proxy
const { newValue, isChanged } = self.addProxyTarget(value, target, key, self);
// 设置key为新元素
Reflect.set(target, key, newValue, receiver);
// notify
self.depNotify(target, key, keyBefore, dep, isChanged);
return true;
addProxyTarget(value, target, key, self) {
let newValue = value;
let isChanged = false;
if (isObject(value) && !value.__parent__) {
newValue = self.proxyTarget(newValue, key);
newValue.__parent__ = target;
isChanged = true;
return {
depNotify(target, key, keyBefore, dep, isChanged) {
if (isChanged && target.__parent__) {
if (Array.isArray(target)) {
if (key === 'length' && target.__parent__) {
} else {
obeserve(target) {
// 只处理对象类型,包括数组、对象
if (!isObject(target)) return;
for (let key in target) {
if (isObject(target[key]) && target[key] !== null) {
target[key] = this.proxyTarget(target[key], key);
// 设置__parent__,方便子元素调用
target[key].__parent__ = target;

在Observer中,针对对象,只需要执行 dep.depend(key) dep.notify(key) 即可。添加 key 是为了能正确的触发收集,不知道怎么说明白为什么要这样做,只能一切尽在不言中了。

Array, 如何实现依赖的收集和触发那。依赖收集与Object类似, dep.depend(key) 完成数组的收集。关于触发,可以分为两个方面,一是改变数组长度、二未改变数组长度的。改变数组长度的,在set里,通过长度属性的设置触发父级元素的notify。为什么要使用父级元素的notify那?我们可以分析以下,在你设置数组的长度时,这时候的target\key\value分别是[]\length*, 这个时候,数组的依赖收集是没有的,你watcher的是数组,并不是数组本身。这个时候只能通过 target.__parent__.__dep__.notify(keyBefore) 触发父级的收集,完成数据变化的检测。二对于未改变数组长度的,这里的做法,虽然是直接 target.__parent__.__dep__.notify(keyBefore) 触发依赖,但是有个严重的问题,实际上更新的数据不是最新的,这个地方暂时还没想到比较好的方法,欢迎大家讨论。



let uid = 0;
export default class Dep {
constructor () {
this.subs = {};
this.id = uid++;
addSub(prop, sub) {
this.subs[prop] = this.subs[prop] || [];
removeSub(prop, sub) {
this.remove(this.subs[prop] || [], sub);
depend(prop) {
if (Dep.target) {
// 传入的是当前依赖
Dep.target.addDep(prop, this)
notify(prop) {
const subs = (this.subs[prop] || []).slice();
for (let i = 0, l = subs.length; i < l; i++) {
remove(arr, item) {
if (arr.length) {
const index = arr.indexOf(item);
if (index > -1) {
return arr.splice(index, 1);
Dep.target = null
const targetStack = []
export function pushTarget (_target) {
if (Dep.target) targetStack.push(Dep.target)
Dep.target = _target
export function popTarget () {
Dep.target = targetStack.pop()

dep 添加prop实现类型的绑定,为什么要这么做那?使用proxy代理后,你假如wahcter对象下的几个元素,此时的deps将同时存在这几个元素,你触发依赖的时候,这些依赖都会执行。因此,通过key值绑定观察事件,触发时,能完成对象的正确触发。


import { parsePath } from './utils';
import { pushTarget, popTarget } from './dep'
export default class Watcher {
constructor(vm, expOrFn, cb) {
// dep id集合
this.depIds = new Set();
this.vm = vm;
this.getter = parsePath(expOrFn);
this.cb = cb;
this.value = this.get();
get () {
let value = this.getter.call(this.vm, this.vm);
return value;
update() {
const oldValue = this.value;
this.value = this.get();
this.cb.call(this.vm, this.value, oldValue);
addDep (prop, dep) {
const id = dep.id;
if (!this.depIds.has(id)) {
dep.addSub(prop, this);


* 解析简单路径
const bailRE = /[^\w.$]/;
export function parsePath (path) {
if (bailRE.test(path)) {
const segments = path.split('.');
return function (obj) {
for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) {
if (!obj) return;
obj = obj[segments[i]];
return obj;
* Define a property.
export function def (obj, key, val, enumerable) {
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
value: val,
enumerable: !!enumerable,
writable: true,
configurable: true
* Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
* Objects from primitive values when we know the value
* is a JSON-compliant type.
export function isObject (obj) {
return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'
* Check whether an object has the property.
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty
export function hasOwn (obj, key) {
return hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)

Utils.js/Watchers.js与Vue 2.x类似,这里就不多介绍了。



import Observer from './observer';
import Watcher from './watcher';
let data = {
name: 'lijincai',
password: '***********',
address: {
home: '安徽亳州谯城区',
list: [{
name: 'lijincai',
password: 'you know it Object',
const newData = new Observer(data);
let index = 0;
const watcherName = new Watcher(newData, 'value.name', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: name newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
const watcherPassword = new Watcher(newData, 'value.password', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: password newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
const watcherAddress = new Watcher(newData, 'value.address', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: address newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
const watcherAddressHome = new Watcher(newData, 'value.address.home', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: address.home newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
const watcherAddProp = new Watcher(newData, 'value.addProp', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: addProp newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
const watcherDataObject = new Watcher(newData, 'value.list', (newValue, oldValue) => {
console.log(`${index++}: newValue:`, newValue, ', oldValue:', oldValue);
newData.value.name = 'resetName';
newData.value.password = 'resetPassword';
newData.value.name = 'hello world name';
newData.value.password = 'hello world password';
newData.value.address.home = 'hello home';
newData.value.address.home = 'hello home2';
newData.value.addProp = 'hello addProp';
newData.value.addProp ={
name: 'ceshi',
newData.value.addProp.name = 'ceshi2';
newData.value.list.splice(0, 1);
newData.value.list.unshift({name: 'nihao'});
newData.value.list[0] = {
name: 'lijincai',
password: 'you know it Array',
newData.value.list[0].name = 'you know it array after';
newData.value.list.length = 1;

我们使用对象、数组测试一下我们的ES6 Proxy检测。

20:17:44.725 index.js?afc7:20 0: name newValue: resetName , oldValue: lijincai
20:17:44.725 index.js?afc7:24 1: password newValue: resetPassword , oldValue: ***********
20:17:44.725 index.js?afc7:20 2: name newValue: hello world name , oldValue: resetName
20:17:44.725 index.js?afc7:24 3: password newValue: hello world password , oldValue: resetPassword
20:17:44.726 index.js?afc7:32 4: address.home newValue: hello home , oldValue: 安徽亳州谯城区
20:17:44.726 index.js?afc7:32 5: address.home newValue: hello home2 , oldValue: hello home
20:17:44.726 index.js?afc7:36 6: addProp newValue: hello addProp , oldValue: undefined
20:17:44.727 index.js?afc7:36 7: addProp newValue: Proxy {name: "ceshi", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: hello addProp
20:17:44.727 index.js?afc7:40 0: newValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.728 index.js?afc7:40 1: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.729 index.js?afc7:40 2: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.731 index.js?afc7:40 3: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.734 index.js?afc7:40 4: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.735 index.js?afc7:40 5: newValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.735 index.js?afc7:40 6: newValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.736 index.js?afc7:40 7: newValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", 2: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.737 index.js?afc7:40 8: newValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: Proxy, 1: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.738 index.js?afc7:40 9: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}
20:17:44.738 index.js?afc7:40 10: newValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}} , oldValue: Proxy {0: "1", __dep__: Dep, __parent__: {…}}

我们看到了ES6 Proxy后实现了Object/Array的检测,虽然还存在一些问题,但是基本的侦测变化的功能都已经具备了。


以上所述是小编给大家介绍的ES6 Proxy实现Vue的变化检测问题,希望对大家有所帮助,如果大家有任何疑问请给我留言,小编会及时回复大家的。在此也非常感谢大家对脚本之家网站的支持!


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标签:  ES6 Proxy Vue 变化检测