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2019-06-07 15:21 691 查看

package com.fast.sky.util;

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut;
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSONObject;
import com.fast.sky.domain.UserEntity;


  • JDK version:1.8

  • extends:

  • implements:


  • V1.0 创建 杨光 2019年6月7日

    public class HttpRequestUtil {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HttpRequestUtil.class);
    private static CloseableHttpResponse response = null;
    private static HttpEntity httpEntity = null;
    private static StringEntity entity = null;


    执行HTTP GET类型请求

  • @param requestURL/请求地址

  • @return 响应字符串
    public synchronized static String httpGet(String requestURL)

    if(null==requestURL || !requestURL.startsWith("http"))
    logger.debug("The url is not exist ! Please check your Http request url .");
    HttpGet get = new HttpGet(requestURL);
    get.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
    response = HttpClients.custom().build().execute(get);
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();//获取执行之后的状态码,200执行正常
    if(200 != code)
    throw new RuntimeException("HTTP GET Request Failed with Error code : " + code);
    httpEntity = response.getEntity();
    return EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity , "UTF-8");

    catch (Exception e)
    return “请求异常”;


  • 执行HTTP POST类型请求

  • @param requestURL/请求地址

  • @param data/附带参数

  • @return 响应字符串
    public synchronized static String httpPostRequest(String requestURL , String data)
    if(null==requestURL || !requestURL.startsWith(“http”))
    logger.error(“The url is not exist ! Please check your Http request url.”);

    HttpPost post = new HttpPost(requestURL.trim());
    post.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
    entity = new StringEntity(data , ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON );
    response = HttpClients.custom().build().execute(post);
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if(200 != code) {
    throw new RuntimeException("HTTP POST Request Failed with Error code : " + code);
    httpEntity = response.getEntity();
    return EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity , "UTF-8");

    catch (Exception e)
    return “请求异常”;


  • 执行HTTP DELETE类型请求

  • @param requestURL/请求地址

  • @return 响应字符串
    public synchronized static String httpDeleteRequest(String requestURL)
    if(null == requestURL || !requestURL.startsWith(“http”))
    logger.debug(“The url is not exist ! Please check your Http request url.”);

    HttpDelete delete  = new HttpDelete(requestURL.trim());
    delete.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
    response = HttpClients.custom().build().execute(delete);
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if(200 != code)
    throw new RuntimeException("HTTP DELETE Request Failed with Error code : " + code);
    httpEntity = response.getEntity();
    return EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity , "UTF-8");

    catch (Exception e)
    return “请求异常”;


  • 执行HTTP PUT类型请求

  • @param requestURL/请求地址

  • @param data/附带参数

  • @return 响应字符串
    public synchronized static String httpPutRequest(String requestURL, String data)
    if(null==requestURL || !requestURL.startsWith(“http”))
    logger.debug(“The url is not exist ! Please check your Http request url.”);

    HttpPut put = new HttpPut(requestURL.trim());
    put.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8");
    entity = new StringEntity(data , ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON );
    response = HttpClients.custom().build().execute(put);
    int code = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
    if(200 != code)
    throw new RuntimeException("HTTP PUT Request Failed with Error code : " + code);
    httpEntity = response.getEntity();
    return EntityUtils.toString(httpEntity , "UTF-8");

    catch (Exception e)
    return “请求异常”;


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