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197. Spring Boot 2.0数据库迁移:Liquibase

2018-07-21 15:49 531 查看



à SpringBoot视频http://t.cn/R3QepWG

à SpringCloud视频http://t.cn/R3QeRZc

à Spring Boot源码:https://gitee.com/happyangellxq520/spring-boot

à Spring Boot交流平台:http://412887952-qq-com.iteye.comhttps://blog.csdn.net/blog/2321532

à Spring Boot Shiro视频http://t.cn/R3QDMbh

à Spring Boot 2.0 之Spring Data 和JPAhttp://t.cn/R1pSojf



193. Spring Boot 数据库迁移:概述

194. Spring Boot 数据库迁移:Flyway


195. Spring Boot 2.0数据库迁移:Flyway


196. Spring Boot 数据库迁移:Liquibase




(1)Spring Boot 版本:2.0.0.RELEASE




       在上一节中spring boot使用了1.5.12.RELEASE,这里我们要看看2.0.0.RELEASE的一个使用情况。大体的思路和上一篇是使用的,这里我们在上一篇文章的基础上进行调整。



       这里的Spring Boot版本使用的是2.0.0.RELEASE,Liquibase这里还是3.5.5的版本的。



spring.liquibase.change-log= classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.sql



liquibase.change-log= classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.sql



       到这里就可以运行测试了,顺利的话, 一切就会如之前一样的效果了。



# LIQUIBASE (LiquibaseProperties)
spring.liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml # Change log configuration path.
spring.liquibase.check-change-log-location=true # Whether to check that the change log location exists.
spring.liquibase.contexts= # Comma-separated list of runtime contexts to use.
spring.liquibase.default-schema= # Default database schema.
spring.liquibase.drop-first=false # Whether to first drop the database schema.
spring.liquibase.enabled=true # Whether to enable Liquibase support.
spring.liquibase.labels= # Comma-separated list of runtime labels to use.
spring.liquibase.parameters.*= # Change log parameters.
spring.liquibase.password= # Login password of the database to migrate.
spring.liquibase.rollback-file= # File to which rollback SQL is written when an update is performed.
spring.liquibase.url= # JDBC URL of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.
spring.liquibase.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.

Spring Boot 1.x的版本的配置如下:

# LIQUIBASE (LiquibaseProperties)
liquibase.change-log=classpath:/db/changelog/db.changelog-master.yaml # Change log configuration path.
liquibase.check-change-log-location=true # Check the change log location exists.
liquibase.contexts= # Comma-separated list of runtime contexts to use.
liquibase.default-schema= # Default database schema.
liquibase.drop-first=false # Drop the database schema first.
liquibase.enabled=true # Enable liquibase support.
liquibase.labels= # Comma-separated list of runtime labels to use.
liquibase.parameters.*= # Change log parameters.
liquibase.password= # Login password of the database to migrate.
liquibase.rollback-file= # File to which rollback SQL will be written when an update is performed.
liquibase.url= # JDBC url of the database to migrate. If not set, the primary configured data source is used.
liquibase.user= # Login user of the database to migrate.





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