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nginx upstream模块详解(处理流程篇二 upstream与event_pipe交互)

2018-03-15 12:13 681 查看
ngx_event_pipe 提供了upstream对上游服务器返回包体数据 同时能做将包体数据发送请求端 
ngx_event_pipe函数负责在upstream包体数据处理过程中读取上游服务器包体数据 并且在处理上游包体数据的过程中 发送到请求端 这种处理流程经过测试验证 的确如此。
提供给upstream模块服务的函数只有ngx_event_pipe 其内置处理的函数有:
ngx_event_pipe_read_upstream  负责读取上游返回的包体  ngx_event_pipe_write_to_downstream负责将包体发送到请求端

ngx_event_pipe_write_chain_to_temp_file 会将包体的数据逐步写入到一个临时文件 这里的临时文件到后面被用作缓存文件



ngx_event_pipe(ngx_event_pipe_t *p, ngx_int_t do_write)
for ( ;; ) {
if (do_write) {
p->log->action = "sending to client";

rc = ngx_event_pipe_write_to_downstream(p); //写标记 包体数据写入到下游请求端

if (rc == NGX_ABORT) {
return NGX_ABORT;

if (rc == NGX_BUSY) { //来不及处理
return NGX_OK;

p->read = 0;
p->upstream_blocked = 0;

p->log->action = "reading upstream";

if (ngx_event_pipe_read_upstream(p) == NGX_ABORT) { //执行上游包体数据读取处理
return NGX_ABORT;

if (!p->read && !p->upstream_blocked) { //在上游包体读取未阻塞状态下 没有读取到数据 跳出

do_write = 1; //包体读取一般先执行

if (p->upstream->fd != (ngx_socket_t) -1) { //对上游连接的socket是有效的
rev = p->upstream->read;

flags = (rev->eof || rev->error) ? NGX_CLOSE_EVENT : 0; //上游包体读取出错或者没有数据可读 事件会被清理 否则什么也不做

if (ngx_handle_read_event(rev, flags) != NGX_OK) { //满足flag标记对读事件的处理
return NGX_ABORT;

... //添加定时器

if (p->downstream->fd != (ngx_socket_t) -1
&& p->downstream->data == p->output_ctx) //同上
wev = p->downstream->write;
if (ngx_handle_write_event(wev, p->send_lowat) != NGX_OK) { //对低潮值进行发送(如果有) 同时会对请求端的写事件进行处理
return NGX_ABORT;

... //定时器

return NGX_OK;
}nginx_event_pipe_read_upstream 处理说明static ngx_int_t
ngx_event_pipe_read_upstream(ngx_event_pipe_t *p)

if (p->upstream_eof || p->upstream_error || p->upstream_done) {
return NGX_OK;


ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe read upstream: %d", p->upstream->read->ready);

for ( ;; ) {

if (p->upstream_eof || p->upstream_error || p->upstream_done) {

if (p->preread_bufs == NULL && !p->upstream->read->ready) {

if (p->preread_bufs) { //pre-read 预读取buffer (包含了缓存header头部和key信息 以及http头) 实际由u->buffer传入

/* use the pre-read bufs if they exist */

chain = p->preread_bufs;
p->preread_bufs = NULL;
n = p->preread_size;

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe preread: %z", n);

if (n) { //已经读取了数据read标记
p->read = 1;

} else {


* kqueue notifies about the end of file or a pending error.
* This test allows not to allocate a buf on these conditions
* and not to call c->recv_chain().

if (p->upstream->read->available == 0
&& p->upstream->read->pending_eof)
p->upstream->read->ready = 0;
p->upstream->read->eof = 1;
p->upstream_eof = 1;
p->read = 1;

if (p->upstream->read->kq_errno) {
p->upstream->read->error = 1;
p->upstream_error = 1;
p->upstream_eof = 0;

ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, p->log,
"kevent() reported that upstream "
"closed connection");


if (p->limit_rate) { //有限速设置
if (p->upstream->read->delayed) {

limit = (off_t) p->limit_rate * (ngx_time() - p->start_sec + 1)
- p->read_length;

if (limit <= 0) {
p->upstream->read->delayed = 1;
delay = (ngx_msec_t) (- limit * 1000 / p->limit_rate + 1); //设置上游读取延时并加入到定时器
ngx_add_timer(p->upstream->read, delay);

} else {
limit = 0; //

if (p->free_raw_bufs) {

/* use the free bufs if they exist */

chain = p->free_raw_bufs;
if (p->single_buf) { //只有一个buffer
p->free_raw_bufs = p->free_raw_bufs->next;
chain->next = NULL;
} else {
p->free_raw_bufs = NULL;

} else if (p->allocated < p->bufs.num) { //已经分配的buffer数量没有超过配置的值 配置的数量的缓冲尽可能地申请

/* allocate a new buf if it's still allowed */

b = ngx_create_temp_buf(p->pool, p->bufs.size);
if (b == NULL) {
return NGX_ABORT;


chain = ngx_alloc_chain_link(p->pool);
if (chain == NULL) {
return NGX_ABORT;

chain->buf = b;
chain->next = NULL;

} else if (!p->cacheable
&& p->downstream->data == p->output_ctx
&& p->downstream->write->ready
&& !p->downstream->write->delayed)
* if the bufs are not needed to be saved in a cache and
* a downstream is ready then write the bufs to a downstream

p->upstream_blocked = 1;

ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe downstream ready");


} else if (p->cacheable
|| p->temp_file->offset < p-&g
t;max_temp_file_size) //满足可缓冲的条件

* if it is allowed, then save some bufs from p->in
* to a temporary file, and add them to a p->out chain

rc = ngx_event_pipe_write_chain_to_temp_file(p); //响应包体写入临时文件

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe temp offset: %O", p->temp_file->offset);

if (rc == NGX_BUSY) {

if (rc != NGX_OK) {
return rc;

chain = p->free_raw_bufs;
if (p->single_buf) {
p->free_raw_bufs = p->free_raw_bufs->next;
chain->next = NULL;
} else {
p->free_raw_bufs = NULL;

} else {

/* there are no bufs to read in */ //没有buffer缓冲去读取数据了

ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"no pipe bufs to read in");


n = p->upstream->recv_chain(p->upstream, chain, limit); //开始接收上游包体数据

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe recv chain: %z", n);

if (p->free_raw_bufs) {
chain->next = p->free_raw_bufs;
p->free_raw_bufs = chain;

if (n == NGX_ERROR) { //读取包体出错
p->upstream_error = 1;

if (n == NGX_AGAIN) {
if (p->single_buf) { //只有一个buffer 移除掉buffer的shadow_link


p->read = 1; //读取标记设置为真

if (n == 0) { //没有数据可读 upstream_eof标记 并且跳出
p->upstream_eof = 1;

delay = p->limit_rate ? (ngx_msec_t) n * 1000 / p->limit_rate : 0; //根据读取的字节数及配置的值设置读取延时

p->read_length += n; //读取包体长度更新
cl = chain;
p->free_raw_bufs = NULL;

while (cl && n > 0) { //有效数据长度 这里要先移除掉buffer的shadow_link


size = cl->buf->end - cl->buf->last; //buffer可用字节数

if (n >= size) { //buffer不够用
cl->buf->last = cl->buf->end;

/* STUB */ cl->buf->num = p->num++; //stub信息更新

if (p->input_filter(p, cl->buf) == NGX_ERROR) {
return NGX_ABORT;

n -= size;
ln = cl;
cl = cl->next;
ngx_free_chain(p->pool, ln); //缓冲chain释放

} else {
cl->buf->last += n;
n = 0;

if (cl) {
for (ln = cl; ln->next; ln = ln->next) { /* void */ } //取得cl最尾部buffer chain

ln->next = p->free_raw_bufs;
p->free_raw_bufs = cl;

if (delay > 0) { //有设置延时 则加入到定时器中
p->upstream->read->delayed = 1;
ngx_add_timer(p->upstream->read, delay);

... //buffer chain缓冲信息打印
ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe length: %O", p->length);


if (p->free_raw_bufs && p->length != -1) { //p->length 代表的是剩余包体的长度
cl = p->free_raw_bufs;

if (cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos >= p->length) {

p->free_raw_bufs = cl->next;

/* STUB */ cl->buf->num = p->num++;

if (p->input_filter(p, cl->buf) == NGX_ERROR) { //包体的input_filter处理
return NGX_ABORT;

ngx_free_chain(p->pool, cl);

if (p->length == 0) { //包体数据读取完成
p->upstream_done = 1;
p->read = 1;

if ((p->upstream_eof || p->upstream_error) && p->free_raw_bufs) { //在没有数据可读或者读取出错情况下 对数据进行处理

/* STUB */ p->free_raw_bufs->buf->num = p->num++;

if (p->input_filter(p, p->free_raw_bufs->buf) == NGX_ERROR) { //
return NGX_ABORT;

p->free_raw_bufs = p->free_raw_bufs->next;

if (p->free_bufs && p->buf_to_file == NULL) { //有空闲的buffer同时写入文件的buffer不存在时
for (cl = p->free_raw_bufs; cl; cl = cl->next) {
if (cl->buf->shadow == NULL) { //清除没有shadow的buffer
ngx_pfree(p->pool, cl->buf->start);

if (p->cacheable && (p->in || p->buf_to_file)) {

ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe write chain");

rc = ngx_event_pipe_write_chain_to_temp_file(p);

if (rc != NGX_OK) {
return rc;

return NGX_OK;
static ngx_int_t
ngx_event_pipe_write_to_downstream(ngx_event_pipe_t *p)

downstream = p->downstream;

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe write downstream: %d", downstream->write->ready);


if (p->writing) {
rc = ngx_event_pipe_write_chain_to_temp_file(p);
if (rc == NGX_ABORT) {
return NGX_ABORT;


flushed = 0;

for ( ;; ) {
if (p->downstream_error) { //往请求端发送出错
return ngx_event_pipe_drain_chains(p); //busy, out, in 三个缓冲chain释放 同时释放shadow缓冲并将空闲的buffer加入到pipe中

if (p->upstream_eof || p->upstream_error || p->upstream_done) { //满足上游包体数据读取"完成条件"

/* pass the p->out and p->in chains to the output filter */

for (cl = p->busy; cl; cl = cl->next) {
cl->buf->recycled = 0;

if (p->out) {
ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe write downstream flush out");

for (cl = p->out; cl; cl = cl->next) {
cl->buf->recycled = 0;

rc = p->output_filter(p->output_ctx, p->out); //响应到请求段的包体putput_filter过滤处理

if (rc == NGX_ERROR) { //写入到请求端出错
p->downstream_error = 1;
return ngx_event_pipe_drain_chains(p);

p->out = NULL;

if (p->writing) { //还有往请求端写入的缓冲链

if (p->in) {
ngx_log_debug0(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe write downstream flush in");

for (cl = p->in; cl; cl = cl->next) {
cl->buf->recycled = 0;

rc = p->output_filter(p->output_ctx, p->in); //upstream模块的output_filter会把数据发送给请求端

if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
p->downstream_error = 1;
return ngx_event_pipe_drain_chains(p); ... } } }
static ngx_int_t
ngx_event_pipe_write_chain_to_temp_file(ngx_event_pipe_t *p)


if (p->writing) {

... //多线程处理


if (p->buf_to_file) {  //写往临时文件的buffer加入到为发送到请求段的out 缓冲链
out = ngx_alloc_chain_link(p->pool);
if (out == NULL) {
return NGX_ABORT;

out->buf = p->buf_to_file;
out->next = p->in;

} else {
out = p->in;

if (!p->cacheable) {

size = 0;
cl = out;
ll = NULL;
prev_last_shadow = 1;

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe offset: %O", p->temp_file->offset);

do {
bsize = cl->buf->last - cl->buf->pos;

ngx_log_debug4(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0,
"pipe buf ls:%d %p, pos %p, size: %z",
cl->buf->last_shadow, cl->buf->start,
cl->buf->pos, bsize);

if (prev_last_shadow
&& ((size + bsize > p->temp_file_write_size) //缓冲链中的数据大小超过了配置的temp_file_write_size的大小 或者最大临时文件大小
|| (p->temp_file->offset + size + bsize
> p->max_temp_file_size)))

prev_last_shadow = cl->buf->last_shadow;

size += bsize;
ll = &cl->next;
cl = cl->next;

} while (cl); //while遍历

ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_EVENT, p->log, 0, "size: %z", size);

if (ll == NULL) {
return NGX_BUSY;

if (cl) { //out缓冲链最后一个buffer不为空
p->in = cl;
*ll = NULL;

} else { //为空 更新
p->in = NULL;
p->last_in = &p->in;

} else {
p->in = NULL;
p->last_in = &p->in;

if (p->thread_handler) {
p->temp_file->thread_write = 1;
p->temp_file->file.thread_task = p->thread_task;
p->temp_file->file.thread_handler = p->thread_handler;
p->temp_file->file.thread_ctx = p->thread_ctx;

n = ngx_write_chain_to_temp_file(p->temp_file, out); //out chain更新到临时文件中

if (n == NGX_ERROR) {
return NGX_ABORT;


if (n == NGX_AGAIN) {
p->writing = out;
p->thread_task = p->temp_file->file.thread_task;
return NGX_AGAIN;



if (p->buf_to_file) {
p->temp_file->offset = p->buf_to_file->last - p->buf_to_file->pos;
n -= p->buf_to_file->last - p->buf_to_file->pos;
p->buf_to_file = NULL;
out = out->next;

if (n > 0) { //成功有数据写入到临时文件
/* update previous buffer or add new buffer */

if (p->out) {
for (cl = p->out; cl->next; cl = cl->next) { /* void */ }

b = cl->buf;

if (b->file_last == p->temp_file->offset) {
p->temp_file->offset += n;
b->file_last = p->temp_file->offset;
goto free;

last_out = &cl->next;

} else {
last_out = &p->out;

cl = ngx_chain_get_free_buf(p->pool, &p->free);
if (cl == NULL) {
return NGX_ABORT;

b = cl->buf;

ngx_memzero(b, sizeof(ngx_buf_t));

b->tag = p->tag;

b->file = &p->temp_file->file;
b->file_pos = p->temp_file->offset;
p->temp_file->offset += n; //增加临时文件偏移
b->file_last = p->temp_file->offset; //更新buffer文件偏移信息

b->in_file = 1;
b->temp_file = 1;

*last_out = cl;


for (last_free = &p->free_raw_bufs;
*last_free != NULL;
last_free = &(*last_free)->next) //找到free_raw_bufs最后的空闲buffer
/* void */

for (cl = out; cl; cl = next) {
next = cl->next;

cl->next = p->free;
p->free = cl;

b = cl->buf;

if (b->last_shadow) {

tl = ngx_alloc_chain_link(p->pool);
if (tl == NULL) {
return NGX_ABORT;

tl->buf = b->shadow;
tl->next = NULL;

*last_free = tl;
last_free = &tl->next;

b->shadow->pos = b->shadow->start;
b->shadow->last = b->shadow->start;


return NGX_OK;
    函数 ngx_event_pipe会被upstream模块设置好的ngx_http_upstream_process_upstream 上游有包体数据过来,进行触发;同时也会被ngx_http_upstream_process_downstream这个设为下游请求端响应写处理触发。
    ngx_event_pipe先处理上游包体数据 这里的上游包体数据在event_pipe功能中由ngx_event_pipe_read_upstream负责处理;在处理读取上游包体数据的同时,会得到向下游请求端写入响应包体的处理,实际写入到下游请求端的功能是由ngx_event_pipe_write_to_downstream来完成。

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标签:  nginx web 代理 缓存 负载