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2018-02-09 22:57 405 查看
假设: 某公司的员工请假单审批流程是 发起者-->部门主管--->部门经理 共三个节点


java  Activiti工作流引擎共有23张数据表用来存储审批  这里我只是使用了核心的几张表


mysql>  UPDATE act_ge_property
SET    rev_ = 2,
value_ = '101'
WHERE  name_ = 'next.dbid'
AND rev_ = 1;

mysql>  select * from act_ge_property;
| NAME_          | VALUE_       | REV_ |
| next.dbid      | 101          |    2 |
| schema.history | create(5.12) |    1 |
| schema.version | 5.12         |    1 |
3 rows in set


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_re_deployment`
SET id_ = '1',
name_ = '员工请假申请单',
category_ = NULL,
deploy_time_ = '2018-02-09 20:23:36';

mysql>  select * from act_re_deployment;
| ID_ | NAME_        | CATEGORY_ | DEPLOY_TIME_            |
| 1   | 员工请假申请单 | NULL      | 2018-02-09 20:23:36 |
1 row in set


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ge_bytearray` SET id_='2',
rev_= 1,
name_= 'diagram/diagram.bpmn',
bytes_= _binary'<?xml..?>..中间xml省去..</definitions>',
deployment_id_= '1',
generated_= 0;


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_re_procdef`
SET id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
rev_ = 1,
category_ = 'http://www.activiti.org/test',
name_ = 'my process',
key_ = 'myprocess',
version_ = 1,
deployment_id_ = '1',
resource_name_ = 'diagram/diagram.bpmn',
dgrm_resource_name_ = 'diagram/diagram.png',
description_ = NULL,
has_start_form_key_ = 0,
suspension_state_ = 1;

mysql>  select * from `act_re_procdef`\g;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: myprocess:1:4
rev_: 1
category_: http://www.activiti.org/test name_: my process
key_: myprocess
version_: 1
deployment_id_: 1
resource_name_: diagram/diagram.bpmn
dgrm_resource_name_: diagram/diagram.png
description_: null
has_start_form_key_: 0
suspension_state_: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


通过流程定义 processDefinitionKey 来启动一个流程流程

mysql>  UPDATE act_ge_property
SET    rev_ = 3,
value_ = '201'
WHERE  name_ = 'next.dbid'
AND rev_ = 2;

mysql>  select * from act_ge_property;
| NAME_          | VALUE_       | REV_ |
| next.dbid      | 201          |    3 |
| schema.history | create(5.12) |    1 |
| schema.version | 5.12         |    1 |
3 rows in set


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ru_execution`
SET id_ = '101',
rev_ = 1,
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
business_key_ = NULL,
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
act_id_ = 'one',
is_active_ = 1,
is_concurrent_ = 0,
is_scope_ = 1,
is_event_scope_ = 0,
parent_id_ = NULL,
super_exec_ = NULL,
suspension_state_ = 1,
cached_ent_state_ = 2;

mysql>  select * from `act_ru_execution`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 101
rev_: 1
proc_inst_id_: 101
business_key_: null
parent_id_: null
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
super_exec_: null
act_id_: one
is_active_: 1
is_concurrent_: 0
is_scope_: 1
is_event_scope_: 0
suspension_state_: 1
cached_ent_state_: 2
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_procinst`
SET id_ = '101',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
business_key_ = NULL,
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
end_time_ = NULL,
duration_ = NULL,
start_user_id_ = NULL,
start_act_id_ = 'startevent1',
end_act_id_ = NULL,
super_process_instance_id_ = NULL,
delete_reason_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_procinst`\g;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
business_key_: null
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
end_time_: null
duration_: null
start_user_id_: null
start_act_id_: startevent1
end_act_id_: null
super_process_instance_id_: null
delete_reason_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_actinst`
SET id_ = '102',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
act_id_ = 'startevent1',
task_id_ = NULL,
call_proc_inst_id_ = NULL,
act_name_ = 'start',
act_type_ = 'startevent',
assignee_ = NULL,
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
duration_ = 6;

mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_actinst`
SET id_ = '103',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
act_id_ = 'one',
task_id_ = '104',
call_proc_inst_id_ = NULL,
act_name_ = '部门主管审批',
act_type_ = 'usertask',
assignee_ = 'aaa',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
end_time_ = NULL,
duration_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_actinst`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 102
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: startevent1
task_id_: null
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: start
act_type_: startevent
assignee_: null
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
end_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
duration_: 6
*************************** 2. row ***************************
id_: 103
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: one
task_id_: 104
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: 部门主管审批
act_type_: usertask
assignee_: aaa
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
end_time_: null
duration_: null
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ru_task`
SET id_ = '104',
rev_ = 1,
name_ = '部门主管审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
create_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'aaa',
delegation_ = NULL,
execution_id_ = '101',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
task_def_key_ = 'one',
due_date_ = NULL,
suspension_state_ = 1;

mysql>  select * from `act_ru_task`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 104
rev_: 1
execution_id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
name_: 部门主管审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
task_def_key_: one
owner_: null
assignee_: aaa
delegation_: null
priority_: 50
create_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
due_date_: null
suspension_state_: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_taskinst`
SET id_ = '104',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
name_ = '部门主管审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'aaa',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
claim_time_ = NULL,
end_time_ = NULL,
duration_ = NULL,
delete_reason_ = NULL,
task_def_key_ = 'one',
form_key_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
due_date_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_taskinst`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 104
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
task_def_key_: one
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
name_: 部门主管审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
owner_: null
assignee_: aaa
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
claim_time_: null
end_time_: null
duration_: null
delete_reason_: null
priority_: 50
due_date_: null
form_key_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ru_identitylink`
SET id_ = '105',
rev_ = 1,
type_ = 'participant',
user_id_ = 'aaa',
group_id_ = NULL,
task_id_ = NULL,
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
proc_def_id_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from  `act_ru_identitylink`\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 105
rev_: 1
group_id_: null
type_: participant
user_id_: aaa
task_id_: null
proc_inst_id_: 101
proc_def_id_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


第三步:部门主管审批 用户是(aaa) 这里我们是写死的 项目当中我们可以使用部门角色来动态查询到不同部门的主管人员审批


mysql>  SELECT DISTINCT RES.* FROM   act_ru_task RES ORDER  BY RES.id_ ASC
LIMIT  2147483647 offset 0\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 104
rev_: 1
execution_id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
name_: 部门主管审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
task_def_key_: one
owner_: null
assignee_: aaa
delegation_: null
priority_: 50
create_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
due_date_: null
suspension_state_: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_ge_property
SET    rev_ = 4,
value_ = '301'
WHERE  name_ = 'next.dbid'
AND rev_ = 3;


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_actinst`
SET id_ = '201',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
act_id_ = 'two',
task_id_ = '202',
call_proc_inst_id_ = NULL,
act_name_ = '部门经理审批',
act_type_ = 'usertask',
assignee_ = 'bbb',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:03:25',
end_time_ = NULL,
duration_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_actinst` where id_=201\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 201
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: two
task_id_: 202
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: 部门经理审批
act_type_: usertask
assignee_: bbb
start_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
end_time_: null
duration_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ru_task`
SET id_ = '202',
rev_ = 1,
name_ = '部门经理审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
create_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:03:25',
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'bbb',
delegation_ = NULL,
execution_id_ = '101',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
task_def_key_ = 'two',
due_date_ = NULL,
suspension_state_ = 1;

mysql>  select * from `act_ru_task` where id_=202\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 202
rev_: 1
execution_id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
name_: 部门经理审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
task_def_key_: two
owner_: null
assignee_: bbb
delegation_: null
priority_: 50
create_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
due_date_: null
suspension_state_: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_taskinst`
SET id_ = '202',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
name_ = '部门经理审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'bbb',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:03:25',
claim_time_ = NULL,
end_time_ = NULL,
duration_ = NULL,
delete_reason_ = NULL,
task_def_key_ = 'two',
form_key_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
due_date_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_taskinst` where id_=202\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 202
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
task_def_key_: two
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
name_: 部门经理审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
owner_: null
assignee_: bbb
start_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
claim_time_: null
end_time_: null
duration_: null
delete_reason_: null
priority_: 50
due_date_: null
form_key_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_ru_identitylink`
SET id_ = '203',
rev_ = 1,
type_ = 'participant',
user_id_ = 'bbb',
group_id_ = NULL,
task_id_ = NULL,
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
proc_def_id_ = NULL;

mysql>  select * from `act_ru_identitylink` where id_=203\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
ID_: 203
REV_: 1
TYPE_: participant
USER_ID_: bbb
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_hi_actinst
SET    execution_id_ = '101',
assignee_ = 'aaa',
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:03:25',
duration_ = 1505337
WHERE  id_ = '103';

mysql>  select * from act_hi_actinst where id_=103\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 103
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: one
task_id_: 104
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: 部门主管审批
act_type_: usertask
assignee_: aaa
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
duration_: 1505337
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_ru_execution
SET    rev_ = 2,
proc_def_id_ = 'myProcess:1:4',
act_id_ = 'two',
is_active_ = 1,
is_concurrent_ = 0,
is_scope_ = 1,
is_event_scope_ = 0,
parent_id_ = NULL,
super_exec_ = NULL,
suspension_state_ = 1,
cached_ent_state_ = 2
WHERE  id_ = '101'
AND rev_ = 1;

mysql>  select * from act_ru_execution where id_=101\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 101
rev_: 2
proc_inst_id_: 101
business_key_: null
parent_id_: null
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
super_exec_: null
act_id_: two
is_active_: 1
is_concurrent_: 0
is_scope_: 1
is_event_scope_: 0
suspension_state_: 1
cached_ent_state_: 2
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_hi_taskinst
SET    execution_id_ = '101',
name_ = '部门主管审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'aaa',
claim_time_ = NULL,
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:03:25',
duration_ = 1505300,
delete_reason_ = 'completed',
task_def_key_ = 'one',
form_key_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
due_date_ = NULL
WHERE  id_ = '104';

mysql>  select * from act_hi_taskinst where id_=104\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 104
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
task_def_key_: one
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
name_: 部门主管审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
owner_: null
assignee_: aaa
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
claim_time_: null
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
duration_: 1505300
delete_reason_: completed
priority_: 50
due_date_: null
form_key_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  DELETE FROM act_ru_task
WHERE  id_ = '104'
AND rev_ = 1;


第四步:部门经理审批 用户(bbb) 也是最后一个节点审批
部门经理(bbb)办理自己的任务  也是最后一个审批节点


mysql>  SELECT DISTINCT RES.* FROM   act_ru_task RES ORDER  BY RES.id_ ASC
LIMIT  2147483647 offset 0\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 202
rev_: 1
execution_id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
name_: 部门经理审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
task_def_key_: one
owner_: null
assignee_: bbb
delegation_: null
priority_: 50
create_time_: 2018-02-09 21:58:15
due_date_: null
suspension_state_: 1
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_ge_property
SET    rev_ = 5,
value_ = '401'
WHERE  name_ = 'next.dbid'
AND rev_ = 4;

mysql>  select * from act_ge_property;
| NAME_          | VALUE_       | REV_ |
| next.dbid      | 401          |    5 |
| schema.history | create(5.12) |    1 |
| schema.version | 5.12         |    1 |


mysql>  INSERT INTO `act_hi_actinst`
SET id_ = '301',
proc_def_id_ = 'myprocess:1:4',
proc_inst_id_ = '101',
execution_id_ = '101',
act_id_ = 'endevent1',
task_id_ = NULL,
call_proc_inst_id_ = NULL,
act_name_ = 'end',
act_type_ = 'endevent',
assignee_ = NULL,
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:25:39',
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:25:39',
duration_ = 0;

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_actinst` where id_=301\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 301
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: endevent1
task_id_: null
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: end
act_type_: endevent
assignee_: null
start_time_: 2018-02-09 22:25:39
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:25:39
duration_: 0
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_hi_taskinst
SET    execution_id_ = '101',
name_ = '部门经理审批',
parent_task_id_ = NULL,
description_ = NULL,
owner_ = NULL,
assignee_ = 'bbb',
claim_time_ = NULL,
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:25:39',
duration_ = 1334701,
delete_reason_ = 'completed',
task_def_key_ = 'two',
form_key_ = NULL,
priority_ = 50,
due_date_ = NULL
WHERE  id_ = '202';

mysql>  select * from act_hi_taskinst where id_=202\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 202
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
task_def_key_: two
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
name_: 部门经理审批
parent_task_id_: null
description_: null
owner_: null
assignee_: bbb
start_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
claim_time_: null
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:25:39
duration_: 1334701
delete_reason_: completed
priority_: 50
due_date_: null
form_key_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_hi_procinst
SET    proc_def_id_ = 'myProcess:1:4',
start_time_ = '2018-02-09 21:38:20',
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:25:39',
duration_ = 2839765,
end_act_id_ = 'endevent1',
delete_reason_ = NULL
WHERE  id_ = '101';

mysql>  select * from `act_hi_procinst` where id_=101\g;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 101
proc_inst_id_: 101
business_key_: null
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
start_time_: 2018-02-09 21:38:20
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:25:39
duration_: 2839765
start_user_id_: null
start_act_id_: startevent1
end_act_id_: endevent1
super_process_instance_id_: null
delete_reason_: null
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  UPDATE act_hi_actinst
SET    execution_id_ = '101',
assignee_ = 'bbb',
end_time_ = '2018-02-09 22:25:39',
duration_ = 1334740
WHERE  id_ = '201';

mysql>  select * from act_hi_actinst where id_=201\g;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
id_: 201
proc_def_id_: myprocess:1:4
proc_inst_id_: 101
execution_id_: 101
act_id_: two
task_id_: 202
call_proc_inst_id_: null
act_name_: 部门经理审批
act_type_: usertask
assignee_: bbb
start_time_: 2018-02-09 22:03:25
end_time_: 2018-02-09 22:25:39
duration_: 1334740
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


mysql>  delete from act_ru_task where id_ = '202' and rev_ = 1;
mysql>  delete from act_ru_identitylink where id_ = '105';
mysql>  delete from act_ru_identitylink where id_ = '203';
mysql>  delete from act_ru_execution where id_ = '101' and rev_ = 2;

内容来自用户分享和网络整理,不保证内容的准确性,如有侵权内容,可联系管理员处理 点击这里给我发消息
标签:  java activiti 工作流