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实战:区块链hyperledger fabric 初体验 - 2: 测试网络

2018-02-09 10:46 711 查看
1、make gen_config
generate the crypto-config and channel-artifacts.
$ hyperledger/docker-compose-files/hyperledger_fabric/v1.0.5
$ make gen_config
$ docker exec -it fabric-cli bash
3、Create Application Channel with default name of businesschannel.
# cd /tmp
# bash /tmp/scripts/test_channel_create.sh

4、Join Peers into Application Channel
# bash scripts/test_channel_join.sh

5、Intall Chaincode to All Peers
# bash scripts/test_cc_install.sh

6、Instantiate Chaincode in the Application Channel
instantiate chaincode example02
# bash scripts/test_cc_instantiate.sh

And there will be new chaincode container generated in the system, looks like

7、Test Chaincode
test chaincode example02 with invoke and query.
# bash scripts/test_cc_invoke_query.sh

8、Test System Chaincode
test LSCC and QSCC
# bash scripts/test_lscc.sh
# bash scripts/test_qscc.sh

9、Test Fetch Blocks
test fetching blocks from channels.
# bash scripts/test_fetch_blocks.sh

10、Test Configtxlator
test configtxlator to change the channel configuration.
# bash scripts/test_configtxlator.sh solo

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