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Eclipse Debug模式下 如何查看JDK代码变量的值

2018-01-30 17:59 417 查看
转自debug jdk source can't watch variable what it is

解决Debug JDK source 无法查看局部变量的问题方案

1. Create your working folder. I chose d:\
root folder
2. Inside your working folder create the source folder i.e. jdk7_src and output folder jdk_debug
3. From your JDK_HOME folder get the
src.zip file and unzip it inside jdk7_src
4. Select what you will compile and delete the rest. For all of them you might need additional steps. I have chosen the folders:


5. From your JDK_HOME\jre\lib get the file rt.jar and put in the work folder (this is only for convenience to not specify too large file names in the command line).

6. Execute the command: dir /B /S /X jdk7_src\*.java > filelist.txt to create a file named
filelist.txt with the list of all java files that will be compiled. This will be given as input to javac

7. Execute javac using the command:
javac -J-Xms16m -J-Xmx1024m -sourcepath d:\jdk7_src -cp d:\rt.jar -d d:\jdk_debug -g @filelist.txt >> log.txt 2>&1 This will compile all the files in the jdk_debug folder and will generate a
log.txt file in your working folder. Check the log contents. You should get a bunch of warnings but no error.

8. Go inside the jdk_debug folder and run the command: jar cf0 rt_debug.jar * This will generate your new runtime library with degug information.

9. Copy that new jar to the folder JDK_HOME\jre\lib\endorsed. If the
endorsed folder does not exist, create it.

10. eclipse->Window->Preferences->Installed JRES,选择相应的JDK,点击Edit,然后选择点击Add External jars,选择步骤9中的rt_debug.jar,就可以了。
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标签:  Eclipse Debug JDK