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PostgreSQL 黑科技-递规二分法切分汉字

2017-12-29 11:39 155 查看



drop function if exists clear_punctuation(text);
create or replace function clear_punctuation(text)
returns text
as $$
select regexp_replace($1,
,' ','g');
$$ language sql strict immutable;



* 切分电话号码
* $1:为完整电话号
* 用途:当要查询电话号时,我们可能只记得其中的几个数字,每2个字做为一个电话号码关键词时,查询的数据较多。
* 因此选择每3个字做一个电话号码关键字,只要记得电话号码中的任意3个数字即可查询所有包含这3个数字的记录
drop function if exists split_mobile(text);
create or replace function split_mobile(text)
returns table(val text)
as $$
with recursive cte(pos,val) as(
values( 2,substring($1,1,3))
union all
select  (pos+1) as pos,(select substring($1,pos,3) ) as val
from cte as rec(pos,val) where char_length(val) = 3
)select val from cte where char_length(val) = 3;
$$ language sql;

* 切分汉字
* $1:要切分的汉字
* 汉字每两个字符做为一个词处理。例如“调用函数”经过切分后,结果为3个词,分别是“调用、用函、函数”。
drop function if exists dichotomy_split_sql(text);
create or replace function dichotomy_split_sql(text)
returns table(val text)
as $$
with recursive cte(pos,val) as(
values( 2,substring($1,1,2))
union all
select  (pos+1) as pos,(select substring($1,pos,2) ) as val
from cte as rec(pos,val) where char_length(val) = 2
)select val from cte where char_length(val) = 2;
$$ language sql;


drop function if exists array_to_rows(text[]);
create or replace function array_to_rows(text[])
returns table(val text)
as $$
select val from unnest( $1 ) AS val;
$$ language sql;


drop function if exists get_matche_results(text);
create or replace function get_matche_results(text)
returns table(val text)
as $$
with mobile as(
select a from regexp_matches($1,'1\d{10}','g') as a
),msplit as(
select split_mobile(array_to_rows(a)) as b from mobile
),marray as(
select array_agg(b) as c from msplit
),num_en as(
select e from regexp_matches($1, '-?\d+|[a-zA-Z_]+','g') as e
),txt as(
select regexp_replace(f,'[\ ]','','g') as f from regexp_split_to_table($1, '-?\d+|[a-zA-Z_\ ]+') as f
),arr as(
select c from marray
union all
select e from num_en
union all
select (select array_agg(g) from dichotomy_split_sql(f) as g) from txt where f<>''
) select array_to_rows(val) as h from arr as f(val) group by h order by h;
$$ language sql;

select * from get_matche_results(clear_punctuation('调用函数 SRF_PERCALL_SETUP() and work 为使用FuncCallContext做恰当的设置以及清除-2239768任何前面的轮9987回里面身下的已返回的数据。13000000000'));


drop function if exists dichotomy_split_tsv(text);
create or replace function dichotomy_split_tsv(text)
returns tsvector
as $$
select array_to_tsvector(array_agg(val)) from get_matche_results($1) as val;
$$ language sql;

select * from dichotomy_split_tsv(clear_punctuation('调用函数 SRF_PERCALL_SETUP() and work 为使用FuncCallContext做恰当的设置以及清除-2239768任何前面的轮9987回里面身下的已返回的数据。13000000000'));


drop function if exists dichotomy_split_tsq(text,boolean);
create or replace function dichotomy_split_tsq(text,boolean default true)
returns tsquery
as $$
select string_agg(val, (case when $2 then '&' else '|' end ) )::tsquery from get_matche_results($1) as val;
$$ language sql;

select * from dichotomy_split_tsq(clear_punctuation('调用函数 SRF_PERCALL_SETUP() and work 为使用FuncCallContext做恰当的设置以及清除-2239768任何前面的轮9987回里面身下的已返回的数据。13000000000'));
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