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2017-12-04 15:59 309 查看
练习使用账号 scott (个人喜欢使用子查询来解题,,所以解题答案基本都是子查询的,,,)


select * from dept where deptno in (select deptno from emp group by deptno having count(*) > 3);


select * from emp e1,emp e2 where e1.hiredate > e2.hiredate and e1.mgr = e2.empno;


select e.ename,
(select count(*)
from emp emp1
group by deptno
having emp1.deptno = e.deptno)
from emp e, dept d
where job = 'CLERK'
and e.deptno = d.deptno;


select emp1.*,
(select dname from dept d where d.deptno = emp1.deptno) 部门名称
from emp emp1
where job = (select job from emp e where e.ename = 'SCOTT');


select round(avg(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy'))) 服务月份
from emp
group by deptno;

select deptno 部门编号,count(*) 人数,avg(sal) 平均工资,round(avg(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy'))) 服务月份
from emp
group by deptno;

–、列出各个部门的MANAGER 的最低薪金:

这题主要的坑就是如下, 分组了就不能判断了,这里相关的知识点就是  having 后面只能跟聚合函数,  结论, 如果分组要加聚合之外的条件,那么得拆成俩步,先用子查询查一部分,
select min(sal) from emp e group by deptno having job = 'Manager';

select min(sal), deptno
from (select * from emp e where e.job = 'MANAGER')
group by deptno;


select ename, sal * 1.1 加薪后
from emp
where round(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy')) > 10;

update emp
set sal = sal * 1.1
where round(to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy') - to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy')) > 10;


select *
from emp e
where sal = (select sal from emp where ename = 'SCOTT')
and ename <> 'SCOTT';


select *
from emp e
where sal >(select sal from emp where ename = 'SCOTT');


需要注意的是,这里不能使用not in , 因为老板的mgr 是没有的,in 的相关语法规定不能比较null值,因为任何一个数跟 null 比较都会变成null,

select *
from emp
where empno <> any (select distinct mgr from emp)
and mgr is not null;


select deptno,avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) > 2000;


select * from dept d where exists(select * from emp e where d.deptno = e.deptno );


select *
from (select avg(sal) avgSal, deptno from emp group by deptno) a, emp e
where e.deptno = a.deptno
and sal > avgSal;


select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy'), count(*)
from emp
group by to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy');


select *
from (select rownum line, e.* from emp e) e
where e.line > 6
and e.line < 10;


统计薪资大于 薪资最高的员工所在部门的平均工资 和 薪资最低的员工所在部门的平均工资的 平均工资 的员工信息

select deptno from emp where sal = (select max(sal) from emp);

select avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having deptno = (select deptno
from emp
where sal = (select max(sal) from emp))

select deptno from emp where sal = (select min(sal) from emp);

select avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having deptno = (select deptno
from emp
where sal = (select min(sal) from emp))

薪资最高的员工所在部门的平均工资 和 薪资最低的员工所在部门的平均工资的 平均工资,也就是 俩个部门的平均工资和/2
select * from emp where sal >
(select avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having deptno = (select deptno
from emp
where sal = (select max(sal) from emp)))
(select avg(sal)
from emp
group by deptno
having deptno = (select deptno
from emp
where sal = (select min(sal) from emp)))/2


having与where的唯一区别是 当查询语句中有 聚合函数 的时候 就不能用where 了 只能用having

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标签:  sql oracle mysql