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[IOS 开发] Facebook开源动画库 POP-POPBasicAnimation运用

2017-10-30 15:24 369 查看

POP: 一个流行的可扩展的动画引擎iOS,它支持spring和衰变动态动画,使其可用于构建现实,基于物理交互。
Objective - C
API允许快速集成, 对于所有的动画和过渡他是成熟的.

POP默认支持三种动画 但同时也支持自定义动画
POPBasicAnimation //基本动画
POPSpringAnimation //类似弹簧一般的动画效果
POPDecayAnimation //过阻尼效果,衰减效果
POPCustomAnimation //自定义动画
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];

self.view.backgroundColor=[UIColor whiteColor];

if (self.myView==nil) {
self.myView=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(100, 100, 100, 100)];
self.myView.backgroundColor=[UIColor redColor];
[self.view addSubview:self.myView];

POPBasicAnimation *basicAnimation=[POPBasicAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPViewAlpha];
basicAnimation.duration=5; //设置动画的间隔时间 默认是0.4秒
basicAnimation.repeatCount=HUGE_VALF; //重复次数 HUGE_VALF设置为无限次重复
[self.myView pop_addAnimation:basicAnimation forKey:@"myViewAnimation"];
其实POP创建动画的步骤分为三步,a:创建相应的动画类 b:增加相应的属性 c:附加到相应的对象上;
Common CALayer property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerBackgroundColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerBounds;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerCornerRadius;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerBorderWidth;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerBorderColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerOpacity;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerPosition;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerPositionX;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerPositionY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerRotation;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerRotationX;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerRotationY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleX;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleXY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSize;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSubscaleXY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationX;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationXY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationZ;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationX;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationXY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationY;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationZ;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerZPosition;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowOffset;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowOpacity;
extern NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowRadius;

Common CAShapeLayer property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeStart;
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeEnd;
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerFillColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerLineWidth;
extern NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerLineDashPhase;

Common NSLayoutConstraint property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPLayoutConstraintConstant;


Common UIView property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPViewAlpha;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewBackgroundColor;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewBounds;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewCenter;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewFrame;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewScaleX;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewScaleXY;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewScaleY;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewSize;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewTintColor;

Common UIScrollView property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPScrollViewContentOffset;
extern NSString * const kPOPScrollViewContentSize;
extern NSString * const kPOPScrollViewZoomScale;
extern NSString * const kPOPScrollViewContentInset;
extern NSString * const kPOPScrollViewScrollIndicatorInsets;

Common UITableView property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPTableViewContentOffset;
extern NSString * const kPOPTableViewContentSize;

Common UICollectionView property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPCollectionViewContentOffset;
extern NSString * const kPOPCollectionViewContentSize;

Common UINavigationBar property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPNavigationBarBarTintColor;

Common UIToolbar property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPToolbarBarTintColor;

Common UITabBar property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPTabBarBarTintColor;

Common UILabel property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPLabelTextColor;


Common NSView property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPViewFrame;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewBounds;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewAlphaValue;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewFrameRotation;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewFrameCenterRotation;
extern NSString * const kPOPViewBoundsRotation;

Common NSWindow property names.
extern NSString * const kPOPWindowFrame;
extern NSString * const kPOPWindowAlphaValue;
extern NSString * const kPOPWindowBackgroundColor;


NSString * const kPOPLayerBackgroundColor = @"backgroundColor";  //背景色
NSString * const kPOPLayerBounds = @"bounds";  //坐标
NSString * const kPOPLayerCornerRadius = @"cornerRadius";  //圆形 值越大,角就越圆
NSString * const kPOPLayerBorderWidth = @"borderWidth";  //边框宽度
NSString * const kPOPLayerBorderColor = @"borderColor";  //边框色
NSString * const kPOPLayerOpacity = @"opacity"; //透明度
NSString * const kPOPLayerPosition = @"position"; //位置 position是相对于屏幕的
NSString * const kPOPLayerPositionX = @"positionX";
NSString * const kPOPLayerPositionY = @"positionY";
NSString * const kPOPLayerRotation = @"rotation"; //旋转
NSString * const kPOPLayerRotationX = @"rotationX";
NSString * const kPOPLayerRotationY = @"rotationY";
NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleX = @"scaleX"; //缩放系数
NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleXY = @"scaleXY"; //XY缩放系数
NSString * const kPOPLayerScaleY = @"scaleY"; //Y缩放系数
NSString * const kPOPLayerSize = @"size";  //大小
NSString * const kPOPLayerSubscaleXY = @"subscaleXY";
NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationX = @"subtranslationX";
NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationXY = @"subtranslationXY";
NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationY = @"subtranslationY";
NSString * const kPOPLayerSubtranslationZ = @"subtranslationZ";
NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationX = @"translationX"; //X轴平移量
NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationXY = @"translationXY"; //XY轴平移量
NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationY = @"translationY"
; //Y轴平移量
NSString * const kPOPLayerTranslationZ = @"translationZ"; //Z轴平移量
NSString * const kPOPLayerZPosition = @"zPosition";  //遮挡属性
NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowColor = @"shadowColor"; //设置阴影
NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowOffset = @"shadowOffset"; //阴影偏移
NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowOpacity = @"shadowOpacity"; //阴影透明度
NSString * const kPOPLayerShadowRadius = @"shadowRadius"; //阴影半径

// CAShapeLayer
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeStart = @"shapeLayer.strokeStart";//strokeStart  动画的fromValue = 0,toValue = 1 表示从路径的0位置画到1 怎么画是按照清除开始的位置也就是清除0 一直清除到1 效果就是一条路径慢慢的消失  strokeStart  动画的fromValue = 1,toValue = 0 表示从路径的1位置画到0 怎么画是按照清除开始的位置也就是1 这样开始的路径是空的(即都被清除掉了)一直清除到0 效果就是一条路径被反方向画出来
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeEnd = @"shapeLayer.strokeEnd";// strokeEnd  动画的fromValue = 0,toValue = 1  表示 这里我们分3个点说明动画的顺序  strokeEnd从结尾开始清除 首先整条路径先清除后2/3,接着清除1/3 效果就是正方向画出路径     strokeEnd  动画的fromValue = 1,toValue = 0 效果就是反方向路径慢慢消失
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerStrokeColor = @"shapeLayer.strokeColor";  //画笔的色
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerFillColor = @"shapeLayer.fillColor";
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerLineWidth = @"shapeLayer.lineWidth"; //线的宽度
NSString * const kPOPShapeLayerLineDashPhase = @"shapeLayer.lineDashPhase";

if (self.myXView==nil) {
self.myXView=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(50, 210, 50, 50)];
self.myXView.backgroundColor=[UIColor blueColor];
[self.view addSubview:self.myXView];

//创建一个POPBasicAnimation动画 X轴的变化 从50移到300位置
POPBasicAnimation *anBasic = [POPBasicAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerPositionX];
anBasic.toValue = @(300);
anBasic.beginTime = CACurrentMediaTime() + 2.0f; //可以用来设置动画延迟执行时间,若想延迟2s,就设置为CACurrentMediaTime()+2,CACurrentMediaTime()为图层的当前时间
anBasic.duration=5;//设置动画的间隔时间 默认是0.4秒
[self.myXView pop_addAnimation:anBasic forKey:@"myBackColorViewAnimation”];
if (self.myBackColorView==nil) {
self.myBackColorView=[[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(250, 100, 50, 50)];
self.myBackColorView.backgroundColor=[UIColor blackColor];
[self.view addSubview:self.myBackColorView];

//创建一个POPBasicAnimation动画 视图的背影色从黑色经过5秒后渐进变成黄色
POPBasicAnimation *anBackGroundBasic = [POPBasicAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPViewBackgroundColor];
anBackGroundBasic.toValue=[UIColor yellowColor];
[self.myBackColorView pop_addAnimation:anBackGroundBasic forKey:@"myBackColorViewAnimation”];


实例4:增加一个动画 类似心跳的效果,把动画封装在方法里面,方便进行递归调用;
@property(nonatomic)CALayer *myCriLayer;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL animated;


if (self.myCriLayer==nil) {
self.myCriLayer=[CALayer layer];
[self.myCriLayer pop_removeAllAnimations];
self.myCriLayer.opacity = 1.0;
self.myCriLayer.transform = CATransform3DIdentity;
[self.myCriLayer setMasksToBounds:YES];
[self.myCriLayer setBackgroundColor:[UIColor colorWithRed:0.16 green:0.72 blue:1 alpha:1].CGColor];
[self.myCriLayer setCornerRadius:15.0f];
[self.myCriLayer setBounds:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 30.0f, 30.0f)];
self.myCriLayer.position = CGPointMake(self.view.center.x, 380.0);
[self.view.layer addSublayer:self.myCriLayer];

//增加一个动画 类似心跳的效果
[self performAnimation];


[self.myCriLayer pop_removeAllAnimations];
POPBasicAnimation *anim = [POPBasicAnimation animationWithPropertyNamed:kPOPLayerScaleXY];

if (self.animated) {
anim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(1.0, 1.0)];
anim.toValue = [NSValue valueWithCGPoint:CGPointMake(2.0, 2.0)];

anim.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseInEaseOut]; //不同的类型 心跳会不一样

self.animated = !self.animated; //使每次都有区别

anim.completionBlock = ^(POPAnimation *anim, BOOL finished) {
if (finished) {

[self performAnimation]; //当动画结束后又递归调用,让它产生一种心跳的效果

[self.myCriLayer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"Animation"];


POPSpringAnimation *anim = [POPSpringAnimation animation];
[layer pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"myKey”];


[layer pop_removeAnimationForKey:@"myKey”];


[layer pop_removeAllAnimations];

anim = [layer pop_animationForKey:@"myKey"];
if (anim) {
/* update to value to new destination */
anim.toValue = @(42.0);
} else {
/* create and start a new animation */


// 初始化
POPBasicAnimation *anim = [POPBasicAnimation animation];
// 限时 1s. 2s.
anim.duration = 3.0;
POPAnimatableProperty * prop = [POPAnimatableProperty propertyWithName:@"count++" initializer:^(POPMutableAnimatableProperty *prop) {
prop.readBlock = ^(id obj, CGFloat values[]){ values[0] = [[obj description] floatValue]; };
prop.writeBlock = ^(id obj, const CGFloat values[])
[obj setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.2f",values[0]]];
prop.threshold = 0.01;

anim.property = prop;
anim.fromValue = @(0.0);
anim.toValue = @(1314.52);
[self.xt_countLabel pop_addAnimation:anim forKey:@"counting"];
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标签:  动画