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Integrates Git with Sublime 3 to pull or push to Github by using Sublime plugin Git

2017-10-26 17:37 459 查看
1. Git must be installed, Sublime plugin "Git" only connects Sublime with Git.

Download URL


2. Enable Sublime 3 Package Control, which is a sublime package manage tool


Install Package Control

3. Install Package (Plugin) "Git"


Install Package -> Search "Git", then install

4. After installed, most of Git Cmd could be issued from follow operation


Type "Git: "

5. The common operations as below

1). Git: Init --> Initialize current directory as Git Directory

2). Git: Add All --> Add all changed files to staging area, Git: Add Current File --> To add current file into staging area.

3). Git: Commint --> Add staged files to commit area. It will promt another page to add commit message. This page will show all code hunks that will be part of this commit. Add a commit message and close the file to commit files.

4). Git: Push Current Branch --> Push Changes to remote origin. will push your local committed changes to associated remote repository. This command will give error in sublime console if remote repository is not associated with local repo.

Open Git at Windows CMD, try to make a remote repo.

git remote add origin https://github.com/username/reponame.git
5). Git: Pull Current Branch --> Pull changes from remote origin

After making remote repo, we can Push to Github and Pull from Github

Notes: When using git pull, there will be an error -->
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories

Open Git at Windows CMD, try to pull from remote repo with a parameter

git pull origin master --allow-unrelated-histories

Then it's able to pull from sublime

6). Git: Diff All Files --> will show all changes in the code which are not committed. This will open up new window which is showing all the changes in the code hunks.

7). Git: Log All --> Will prompt to select the list of previous commit. Once you select specific commit, it will show log of all changes happend in that commit.

Notes: If you occurred any problem when running GIT commands at Sublime, you just need to run the GIT commands at terminal / Windows CMD successfully, then you can run the GIT commands at Sublime without errors.


1. http://smoothprogramming.com/sublime-text/how-to-use-git-in-sublime-text/

2. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37937984/git-refusing-to-merge-unrelated-histories
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