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数据结构 顺序表

2017-10-23 20:17 99 查看


#include <iostream>

using namespace std ;

int Error = 0 ;
#define MAXLISTLEN 100

int ListLen = 0 ;

int SeqList [MAXLISTLEN + 1] ;


int SearchSeqList (int i)


    if ((i > ListLen) || (i < 1) || (ListLen == 0))


        Error = -1 ;

        return (-1) ;    //查找出错返回




        return SeqList [i] ;    //返回指定位置的元素值




void InsertSeqList (int NewItem , int i)


    int j ;
    if ((i > ListLen + 1) || (i < 1) || (ListLen == MAXLISTLEN))


        Error = -2 ;    //插入出错返回

        cout << "插入出错啦!!!";




        for (j = ListLen ; j >= i ; j -- )    //从后往前移


            SeqList [j+1] = SeqList [j] ;


        SeqList [i] = NewItem ;        //插入新元素

        ListLen = ListLen + 1 ;        //表长加一




void DeleteSeqList (int i)


    int j ;
    if ((i > ListLen)||(i < 1) || (ListLen == 0))


        Error = -3 ;    //删除出错返回

        cout << "删除出错啦!!!" ;




        for (j = i ; j < ListLen ; j ++ )    //从前往后移


            SeqList [j] = SeqList [j+1] ;


        ListLen = ListLen - 1 ;        //表长减一




void ShowSeqList ()


    int i ;
    cout << "The list : " ;

    for (i = 1 ; i <= ListLen ; i ++ )


        cout <<SeqList[i]<<" " ;    //逐个显示数据元素


    cout << endl ;            //换行


int main (int argc , char * argv[])


int r[MAXLISTLEN] , i , SearchPos , NewPos , NewItem , DelPos ;
cout << "Please input the ListLen : " ;

cin >> ListLen ;    //输入样本数目(表长)


for (i = 1 ; i <= ListLen ; i++)


    cout << "Please input No." << i <<"Item : " ;

    cin >> SeqList[i] ;


ShowSeqList () ;    //显示顺序表
cout << "Please input the search pos : " ;

cin >> SearchPos ;    //输入查找位置
cout << "Your Searched Item is : " <<SearchSeqList (SearchPos) << endl ;    //输出查找的数据元素值
cout << "Please input the NewPos where you want to insert : " ;

cin >> NewPos ;        //插入位置输入

cout << "Please input the NewItem what you want to insert : " ;

cin >> NewItem ;    //插入元素输入

InsertSeqList (NewItem , NewPos) ;    //新数据插入顺序表中

cout << "After insert : " ;

ShowSeqList () ;        //插入数
cout << "Please input the DelPos where you want to delete : " ;

cin >> DelPos ;        //输入删除元素位置

DeleteSeqList (DelPos) ;    //按位置删除数据

cout << "After delete : " ;

ShowSeqList () ;
if (Error < 0) cout <<"Error" << Error << endl ;
return 0 ;

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