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2017-10-23 20:08 302 查看
# BeautifulSoup可以将lxml作为默认的解析器使用,lxml亦可以单独使用;
# 比较BeautifulSoup和lxml:
# lxml的XPath比较麻烦,开发效率不如BeautifulSoup

from lxml import etree
html_str = """
<html><head><title>The Dormouse's story</title></head>
<p class="title"><b>The Dormouse's story</b></p>
<p class="story">Once upon a time there were three little sisters; and their names were
<a href="http://example.com/elseie" class="sister" id="link1"><!-- Elsie --></a>,
<a href="http://example.com/lacie" class="sister" id="link2"><!-- Lacie --></a> and
<a href="http://example.com/tillie" class="sister" id="link3">Tillie</a>;
and they lived at the bottom of a well.</p>
<p class="story">...</p>
html = etree.HTML(html_str)
result = etree.tostring(html)
print result

from lxml import etree
html = etree.parse('index.html')
result = etree.tostring(html, pretty_print=True)
print result

html = etree.HTML(html_str)
urls = html.xpath(".//*[@class='sister']/@href")
print urls
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