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2017-10-07 14:38 323 查看
  192. Unnatural Influx of Links: A sudden (and unnatural) influx of links is a sure-fire sign of phony links.


  193. Penguin Penalty: Sites that were hit by Google Penguin are significantly less visible in search.


  194. Link Profile with High % of Low Quality Links: Lots of links from sources commonly used by black hatSEOs (like blog comments and forum profiles) may be a sign of gaming the system.

  高百分比的低质量链接 :如博客评论,博客软文等等低质量的关键词链接被视为一个黑帽SEO的标志。

  195. Linking Domain Relevancy: The famous analysis by MicroSiteMasters.comfound that sites with an unnaturally high amount of links from unrelated sites were more susceptible to Penguin.


  196. Unnatural Links Warning: Google sent out thousands of “Google Webmaster Tools notice of detected unnatural links” messages. This usually precedes a ranking drop, although not 100% of the time.


  197. Links from the Same Class C IP: Getting an unnatural amount of links from sites on the same server IP may be a sign of blog network link building.


  198. “Poison” Anchor Text: Having “poison” anchor text (especially pharmacy keywords) pointed to your site may be a sign of spam or a hacked site. Either way, it can hurt your site’s ranking.

  “毒”锚文本:网站的不良关键词锚文本(特别是药品、博彩、贷款关键字)很可能会被Google认定为网站遭受黑客攻击中毒而产生的输出链接。他会严重影响到你的排名。(通常 Google会在站长工具里发一封信,提醒该网站已中毒)男性阴茎根部胀痛是怎么回事

  199. Manual Penalty: Google has been known to hand out manual penalties, like in the well-publicized Interflora fiasco.

  人工处罚:以Matt Cutts为首的Google反垃圾小组是各大黑帽站长的噩梦。(相信不少朋友都经历过PR值从3、4甚至5直接到0的体验,没有错就是他们干的)。

  200. Selling Links: Selling links can definitely impact toolbar PageRank and may hurt your search visibility.


  201. Google Sandbox: New sites that get a sudden influx of links are sometimes put in the Google Sandbox, which temporarily limits search visibility.


  202. Google Dance: The Google Dance can temporarily shake up rankings. According to a Google Patent, this may be a way for them to determine whether or not a site is trying to game the algorithm.

  Google 舞蹈(排名更新):Google在每一次排名更新后都会影响到不少的网站。据一份Google专利指出,他可能是一个用算法来判断网站是否作弊的方法。男性小便刺痛怎么回事?

  203. Disavow Tool: Use of the Disavow Tool may remove a manual or algorithmic penalty for sites that were the victims of negative SEO.


  204. Reconsideration Request: A successful reconsideration request can lift a penalty.

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