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2017-08-31 09:16 639 查看
(4)在函数体内用 ShellExecute(NULL,"open",".\\help.chm",NULL,NULL,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
说明:\\help.chm 为文件路途和文件名,\\为当前目录
SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED 为最大化文档窗口,参考MSDN,还有如下一些参数可选:

 SW_HIDEHides the window and activates the executable file.
 SW_MAXIMIZEMaximizes the window.
 SW_MINIMIZEMinimizes the window. The next top-level window in the Z-order is activated.
 SW_RESTOREActivates the window even if it is hidden or minimized
 SW_SHOWActivates the window and displays it in its original size and at its original position.
 SW_SHOWMAXIMIZEDActivates the window. The window is displayed as maximized.
 SW_SHOWMINIMIZEDActivates the window. The window is displayed as minimized.
 SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVEActivates the window as minimized. The active window retains the focus.
 SW_SHOWNAActivates the window in its current state but the active window retains the focus.
 SW_SHOWNOACTIVATEDisplays the window in its most recent size and in its most recent position. The active window retains the focus.
 SW_SHOWNORMALDisplays the window in its original size and at its original position.
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