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#include <iostream.h>

class Base



        int b_number;


        Base( ){}

        Base(int i) : b_number (i) { }

        int get_number( ) {return b_number;}

        void print( ) {cout << b_number << endl;}       



class Derived : public Base



        int d_number;


// constructor, initializer used to initialize the base part of a Derived object.

        Derived( int i, int j ) : Base(i), d_number(j) { };       

        // a new member function that overrides the print( ) function in Base

        void print( )


                cout << get_number( ) << " ";       

                // access number through get_number( )

                cout << d_number << endl;



int main( )


        Base a(2);

        Derived b(3, 4);

        cout << "a is ";

        a.print( );                // print( ) in Base

        cout << "b is ";

        b.print( );                // print( ) in Derived

        cout << "base part of b is ";

        b.Base::print( );                // print( ) in Base

        return 0;




//Example:  non- virtual destructors for dynamically allocated objects.

#include <iostream.h>

#include <string.h>

class Thing

{ public:

virtual void what_Am_I( ) {cout << "I am a Thing./n";}

~Thing(){cout<<"Thing destructor"<<endl;}


class Animal : public Thing


virtual void what_Am_I( ) {cout << "I am an Animal./n";}

~Animal(){cout<<"Animal destructor"<<endl;}


void main( )


   Thing *t =new Thing;     

   Animal*x = new Animal;

   Thing* array[2];

   array[0] = t;                                // base pointer

   array[1] = x;               

    for (int i=0; i<2; i++)  array->what_Am_I( ) ;

   delete array[0];

   delete array[1];

   return ;



#include <iostream.h>

#include <math.h>

class Point



        double x;

        double y;


        Point(double i, double j) : x(i), y(j) { }

        void print( ) const

        { cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")"; }


class Figure



        Point center;


        Figure (double i = 0, double j = 0) : center(i, j) { }        


Point& location( )


return center;

}                  // return an lvalue

   void move(Point p)


center = p;

draw( );


        virtual void draw( ) = 0; // draw the figure

        virtual void rotate(double) = 0;

// rotate the figure by an angle               


class Circle : public Figure



        double radius;


        Circle(double i = 0, double j = 0, double r = 0) : Figure(i, j), radius(r) { }

        void draw( )


                cout << "A circle with center ";

                location( ).print( );

                cout << " and radius " << radius << endl;


        void rotate(double)


                cout << "no effect./n";

        }        // must be defined


class Square : public Figure



        double side;        // length of the side

        double angle;        // the angle between a side and the x-axis


        Square(double i = 0, double j = 0, double d = 0, double a = 0)        : Figure(i, j), side(d), angle(a) { }

   void draw( )


                cout << "A square with center ";

                location( ).print( );

                cout << " side length " << side << "./n" 

                << "The angle between one side and the X-axis is " << angle << endl;


        void rotate(double a)


               angle += a;

                cout << "The angle between one side and the X-axis is " << angle << endl;


        void vertices( )


                cout << "The vertices of the square are:/n";

                // calculate coordinates of the vertices of the square



int main( )


        Circle c(1, 2, 3);

        Square s(4, 5, 6);

   Figure *f = &c, &g = s;

        f -> draw( );

        f -> move(Point(2, 2));

        g.draw( );



s.vertices( );

// Cannot use g here since vertices( ) is not a member of Figure.

        return 0;



#include <iostream.h>

#include <string.h>

class Thing



virtual void what_Am_I( ) {cout << "I am a Thing./n";}

~Thing(){cout<<"Thing destructor"<<endl;}


class Animal : public Thing



virtual void what_Am_I( ) {cout << "I am an Animal./n";}

~Animal(){cout<<"Animal destructor"<<endl;}


void main( )


   Thing t ;

        Animal x ;

   Thing* array[2];

   array[0] = &t;                        // base pointer

   array[1] = &x;       

          for (int i=0; i<2; i++)  array->what_Am_I( ) ;

   return ;





#include <iostream.h>

class A



        int a;


        A(int i) : a(i) { }

        virtual void print( )        {cout << a << endl;}

        int get_a( ) {return a;}


class B



        int b;


        B(int j) : b(j) { }

        void print( )        {cout << b << endl;}

        int get_b( ) {return b;}


class C : public A, public B


        int c;


        C(int i, int j, int k) : A(i), B(j), c(k) { }

        void print( )        {A::print( ); B::print( );}

        // use print( ) with scope resolution

        void get_ab( )        {cout << get_a( ) << " " << get_b( ) << endl;}

        // use get_a( ) and get_b( ) without scope resolution


int main( )


        C x(5, 8, 10);

        A* ap = &x;

        B* bp = &x;

        ap -> print( );                // use C::print( );

        bp -> print( );                // use B::print( );

//        bp -> A::print( );                // as if x is inherited from B only,

                                                // cannot access A::print( );

        x.A::print( );                // use A::print( );

        x.get_ab( );

        return 0;





#include <iostream.h>

class R

{int r;


        R(int anInt){ r = anInt;};

       printOn(){ cout<<"r="<<r<<endl;} ; };

class A : public R


int a;


        A(int int1,int int2):R(int2){ a = int1;};};

class B : public R


int b;


        B(int int1,int int2):R(int2){ b = int1;};};

class C : public A, public B


int c;


C(int int1,int int2, int int3):A(int2,int3), B(int2,int3){ c = int1;}


int main( )


  int i;

        R rr(10);     

A aa(20,30);     

B bb (40,50);

        C cc(5, 7, 9);


aa.printOn();                  //inherits R printOn 

bb.printOn();                   //inherits R printOn

        //cc.printOn();                  //would give error

        return 0;}



#include <iostream.h>

class R

{ int r;


        R (int x = 0) : r(x) { }   // constructor in R

        void f( ){ cout<<"r="<<r<<endl;}    

        void printOn(){cout<<"printOn R="<<r<<endl;}


class A : public virtual R

{  int a;


        A (int x, int y) : R(x), a(y)  { } // constructor in A

        void f( ){ cout<<"a="<<a<<endl;R::f();}


class B : public virtual R

{int b;


        B(int x, int z) : R(x), b(z) { }// constructor in B

        void f( ){ cout<<"b="<<b<<endl;R::f();}


class C : public A, public B

{ int c;


// constructor in C, which constructs an R object first

C(int x, int y, int z, int w) : R(x), A(x, y), B(x, z), c(w) { }


void f( ){ cout<<"c="<<c<<endl;A::f(); B::f();}


void main()

{  R rr(1000);

   A aa(2222,444);

   B bb(3333,111);

   C cc(1212,345,123,45);

   cc.printOn();     //uses R printOn but only 1 R..no ambiguity

   cc.f();                // shows multiple call of the R::f()



#include <iostream.h>

class R

{ int r;


        R (int x = 0) : r(x) { }   // constructor in R

        void f( ){ cout<<"r="<<r<<endl;}


class A : virtual public R

{ int a ;


        void fA( ){cout<<"a="<<a<<endl;};


        A (int x, int y) : R(x), a(y)  { } // constructor in A

        void f( ) {fA( ); R::f( );}


class B : virtual public R

{  int b;


        void fB( ){cout<<"b="<<b<<endl;};


        B (int x, int y) : R(x), b(y)  { } // constructor in A

        void f( ) {fB( ); R::f( );}


class C : public A, public B

{ int c;


        void fC( ){ cout<<"c="<<c<<endl;};       


C(int x, int y, int z, int w) : R(x), A(x, y), B(x, z), c(w) { }

void f( )


                   R::f( );                    // acts on R stuff only

                A::fA( );            //acts on A stuff only

                B::fB( );                   // acts on B stuff only

                fC( );                  // acts on C stuff only



void main()

{  R rr(1000);

   A aa(2222,444);

   B bb(3333,111);

   C cc(1212,345,123,45);






// Access levels

#include <iostream.h>

class Base



        int priv;


        int prot;

        int get_priv( ) {return priv;}


        int publ;

        Base( );

        Base(int a, int b, int c) : priv(a), prot(b), publ(c) { }

        int get_prot( ) {return prot;}

        int get_publ( ) {return publ;}


class Derived1 : private Base        // private inheritance



        Derived1 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { }

        int get1_priv( ) {return get_priv( );}

        // priv not accessible directly

        int get1_prot( ) {return prot;}

      int get1_publ( ) {return publ;}


class Leaf1 : public Derived1



        Leaf1(int a, int b, int c) : Derived1(a, b, c) { }

        void print( )


                cout << "Leaf1 members: " << get1_priv( ) << " "

//                        << get_priv( )        // not accessible

                        << get1_prot( ) << " "

//                        << get_prot( )         // not accessible

//                        << publ         // not accessible

                        << get1_publ( ) << endl;

        }  // data members not accessible.  get_ functions in Base not accessible


class Derived2 : protected Base // protected inheritance



        Derived2 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { }


class Leaf2 : public Derived2



        Leaf2(int a, int b, int c) : Derived2(a, b, c) { }

        void print( )


                cout << "Leaf2 members: " << get_priv( ) << " "

//                        << priv                 // not accessible

                        << prot << " "

                        << publ << endl;

        }  // public and protected data members accessible.  get_ functions in Base accessible.


class Derived3 : public Base  // public inheritance



        Derived3 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { }


class Leaf3 : public Derived3



        Leaf3(int a, int b, int c) : Derived3(a, b, c) { }

        void print( )


                cout << "Leaf3 members: " << get_priv( ) << " "

                        << prot << " "

                        << publ << endl;

        }  // public and protected data members accessible.  get_ functions in Base accessible


int main( )


        Derived1 d1(1, 2, 3);

        Derived2 d2(4, 5, 6);

        Derived3 d3(7, 8, 9);

//        cout << d1.publ;                // not accessible

//        cout << d1.get_priv( );        // not accessible

//        cout << d2.publ;                // not accessible

//        cout << d2.get_priv( );        // not accessible

        cout << d3.publ;                // OK

        cout << d3.get_prot( );        // OK

        Leaf1 lf1(1, 2, 3);

        Leaf2 lf2(4, 5, 6);

        Leaf3 lf3(7, 8, 9);

//         cout << lf1.publ << endl;                    // not accessible

//         cout << lf2.publ << endl;                // not accessible

        cout << lf3.publ << endl;                 // OK

        return 0;





// Point-Circle-Cylinder

#include <iostream.h>


class Point


friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,Point &);



//  constructor

        Point (double xval =0, double yval=0 )

        { x=xval; y=yval;};  

protected:       // accessed by derived class

        double  x;

        double  y;


ostream & operator << (ostream & os,

                              Point &  apoint)


cout <<" Point:X:Y: "<<apoint.x << ","

                      << apoint.y<< "/n";

  return os; 


//The Circle class  inherits from class Point

class Circle : public Point


friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,Circle&);


Circle (double r=0,double xval=0,double yval=0)

                             :Point(xval,yval), radius(r)


//radius = r;


double area()


return (3.14159* radius *radius);



  double radius;


//note casting circle to point

ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, Circle & aCircle)


cout<< "Circle:radius:" << aCircle.radius;

os<< aCircle.x << "/n";

os<< aCircle.y << "/n";       

return os;     



class  Cylinder  : public Circle


friend ostream & operator << (ostream & ,Cylinder &);


Cylinder (double hv=0,double rv=0,

                      double xv=0,double yv=0 )

                           : Circle( xv,yv,rv)


height = hv;


double  area ( );

protected:     // may have derived classes

        double  height;


double Cylinder :: area ( )

{ // Note that cylinder area uses Circle area

return  2.0* Circle::area() + 2.0*3.14159* radius*height;


ostream & operator << (ostream & os,

                        Cylinder & acylinder)


cout << "cylinder dimensions: ";

  cout << "x: " <<acylinder.x;

  cout << "  y: " <<acylinder.y ;

  cout << "  radius: " <<acylinder.radius ;

  cout << "  height: " <<acylinder.height

                        << endl;

  return os;


int main(void)


Point p(2,3);

Circle c(7,6,5);

Cylinder cyl(10,11,12,13);

cout << p;

cout << c;

cout << "area of cirle:" << c.area() << endl;

cout<< cyl;

cout<<"area of cylinder:"<< cyl.area()<<endl ;

cout<<"area of cylinder base is " 

                 << cyl.Circle::area() << endl;

return 0;




protected 访问控制属性在继承的意义


//Example of treating derived class object as base class objects. Point------Circle

#include <iostream.h>


class Point


friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,Circle&);


Point (double xval =0, double yval=0 ) { x=xval; y=yval;};  


void print()


cout <<" Point:X:Y: "<<x << "," <<y<< "/n";


protected:       // accessed by derived class

double  x;    double  y;


ostream & operator << (ostream & os, Point &  apoint)


cout <<" Point:X:Y: "<<apoint.x << ","<< apoint.y<< "/n";

  return os; 


//The Circle class  inherits from class Point

class Circle : public Point


friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &,Circle&);


Circle (double r=0,double xval=0,double yval=0):Point(xval,yval)

{ radius = r;};

void print()


cout<< "Circle:radius:" <<radius<<endl;

cout <<" Point:X:Y: "<<x << "," <<y<< "/n";


double area()

{ return (3.14159* radius *radius);};


double radius;


//note casting circle to point

ostream & operator <<(ostream & os, Circle & aCircle)


cout<< "Circle:radius:" << aCircle.radius;

cout<< (Point) aCircle << "/n";          

return os;     


//We will look at a few main programs based on previous class definitions. Casting and assignments

void main (void )


Point p(2,3);         cout <<"Point P=  "<< p;

Point pp(0,0);       cout <<"Point PP=  "<< pp;

Circle c(7,6,5);     cout <<"Circle c=  "<< c;        //radius =7

pp = p;             cout <<"Point PP=  "<< pp;    //built in assign =

// a circle is a member of the point class so assign a circle to a point.

pp = c;           //legal; also assignment O.K.

cout <<"Point PP=  "<< pp;

pp= (Point) c;    // but better  use the cast

cout <<"Point PP=  "<< pp;  //note we get only the point part of the Circle

//c = (Circle) pp;   //  illegal Cannot convert 'class Point' to 'class Circle'

//c=pp;                 //illegal assignment not defined

Point*  p;

p = &c;

P->print();    //call base class print


Point& r = c;






#include <iostream.h>

class Base



void func( )

{cout << "Base class function./n";}


class Derived : public Base



void func( )

{cout << "Derived class function./n";}


void foo(Base b)

{ b.func( ); }

int main( )


   Derived d;

   Base b;

   Base * p = &d;

   Base& br = d;

   b = d;

   b.func( );

   d.func( );

   p -> func( );


   br.func( );

   return 0;






#include <iostream.h>

#include <string.h>

class Base



        int id;

        char * name;


        // default constructor

        Base(int a = 0, char * s = "") : id(a)


                if (!s)


name = NULL;




                        name = new char[strlen(s) + 1];

                        strcpy(name, s);


                cout << "base default constructor/n";


                // copy constructor

        Base(const Base& b) : id(b.id)


                if (!b.name) { name = NULL; }



                        name = new char[strlen(b.name) + 1];

        strcpy(name, b.name);


                    cout << "base copy constructor/n";


        // destructor

      ~Base( )


            if( name != NULL )        delete [ ] name;

                cout << "base destructor/n";


        const Base& operator= (const Base& b);               

friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Base&);


const Base& Base:perator= (const Base& b)


        if (this != &b)                        // Check if an object is assigned to itself.


             id = b.id;

                delete [ ] name;                //  Destroy the old object.

                if (!b.name) { name = NULL; }



        name = new char[strlen(b.name) + 1];

        strcpy(name, b.name);



            cout << "base assignment operator/n";

        return *this;


ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Base& b)


        out << "Base member id = " << b.id << endl;

        out << "Base member name = " << b.name << endl;


        return out;


class Derived : public Base



        float f;

        char * label;


        // default constructor

        Derived(int a = 0, char * s = "", float x = 0, char * t = "") : Base(a, s), f(x)


                if (!t) { label = NULL; }



        label = new char [strlen(t) + 1];

        strcpy(label, t);


                cout << "derived default constructor/n";


        // copy constructor

        Derived(const Derived& d) : Base(d), f(d.f)

                // d used as an instance of Base


                if(!d.label) { label = NULL; }



                        label = new char [strlen(d.label) + 1];

        strcpy(label, d.label);


                cout << "derived copy constructor/n";


        // destructor

        ~Derived( )         


                delete [ ] label;

                cout << "derived destructor/n";


        const Derived& operator= (const Derived& d);

friend ostream& operator << (ostream&, const Derived&);


const Derived& Derived:perator= (const Derived& d)


        if (this != &d)


                delete [ ] label;

                Base:perator=(d);        //  Assign the Base part of d to the Base

// part of the object that calls this operator;

f = d.f;

if (!d.label) { label = NULL; }



        label = new char [strlen(d.label) + 1];

                        strcpy(label, d.label);


                cout << "derived assignment operator/n";


        return *this;


ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const Derived& d)


        out << (Base)d;                // Convert d to Base object to output Base members.

        out << "Derived member f = " << d.f << endl;

        out << "Derived member label = " << d.label << endl;

        return out;


int main( )


        Derived d1;

Derived  d2(d1);

        return 0;



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