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IOS基础--@private|@protected| @public|@package

2017-08-09 10:52 465 查看
@privatethe instance variable isaccessible only within the class that declares it. 声明的变量只能在内部使用
Theinstance variable is accessible within the class that declares itand within classes that inherit it. All instance variables withoutan explicit scope directive have @protected scope.

Theinstance variable is accessible everywhere.

@packageUsing themodern runtime, an @package instance variablehas @public scope inside theexecutable image that implements the class, but acts like@private outside.使用modern运行时,一个@package实例变量在实现这个类的可执行文件镜像中实际上是@public的,但是在外面就是@private【runtime需要再看一下苹果文档Runtime Programming Guide】The @package scope for Objective-Cinstance variables is analogous to private_extern for C variables andfunctions. Any code outside the class implementation’s image thattries to use the instance variable gets a link error.Objective-C中的@package与C语言中变量和函数的private_extern类似。任何在实现类的镜像之外的代码想使用这个实例变量都会引发linkerrorThisscope is most useful for instance variables in framework classes,where @private may be too restrictivebut @protected or @public toopermissive.这个类型最常用于框架类的实例变量,使用@private太限制,使用@protected或者@public又太开放
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