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2017-07-19 20:01 399 查看

1. Docker for Windows安装


建议下载稳定版Stable channel

2017-7-19 官网 InstallDocker.msi下载


Docker for Windows 需要安装系统版本 Windows 10 64位 专业版 和 Microsoft Hyper-V(Docker安装包自带,不需额外下载).

如果你的系统不满足以上条件请安装 2017-7-19 官网 Docker Toolbox下载, 使用了 Oracle Virtual Box 替代 Hyper-V

模拟开发环境不建议安装使用DockerToolbox ->Win10家庭版升级至Win10专业版,控制面板-系统和安全-系统-更换产品密钥 “VK7JG-NPHTM-C97JM-9MPGT-3V66T”

Hyper-V需开启硬件虚拟化 教程

2. 常见安装及运行问题

安装Docker for Windows后会提示安装Hyper-V虚拟机,安装完成后需重启电脑才可使用



若偶尔docker for windows启动失败,属抽风正常现象,请重新启动docker或重启电脑,仍无法启动请考虑尝试恢复默认设置(谨慎!将清空已安装好的所有镜像)


3. Docker的使用


docker ps -a 查看所有运行镜像

docker images 查看已安装镜像

docker start/stop CONTAINER_ID 启动或关闭相应镜像

4. What is docker 什么是docker


Docker is the world’s leading software container platform. Developers

use Docker to eliminate “works on my machine” problems when

collaborating on code with co-workers. Operators use Docker to run and

manage apps side-by-side in isolated containers to get better compute

density. Enterprises use Docker to build agile software delivery

pipelines to ship new features faster, more securely and with

confidence for both Linux and Windows Server apps.

What is a Container?

Using containers, everything required to make a piece of software run

is packaged into isolated containers. Unlike VMs, containers do not

bundle a full operating system - only libraries and settings required

to make the software work are needed. This makes for efficient,

lightweight, self-contained systems and guarantees that software will

always run the same, regardless of where it’s deployed.

Docker For Developers

Docker automates the repetitive tasks of setting up and configuring

development environments so that developers can focus on what matters:

building great software.

docker for developers Developers using Docker don’t have to install

and configure complex databases nor worry about switching between

incompatible language toolchain versions. When an app is dockerized,

that complexity is pushed into containers that are easily built,

shared and run. Onboarding a co-worker to a new codebase no longer

means hours spent installing software and explaining setup procedures.

Code that ships with Dockerfiles is simpler to work on: Dependencies

are pulled as neatly packaged Docker images and anyone with Docker and

an editor installed can build and debug the app in minutes.

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