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python3.6.1 time模块记录

2017-07-18 14:43 260 查看

tuple =(year, month(1-12), day(1-31), hours(0-23), minutes(0-59), seconds(0-59), weekday(0-6, Monday is 0), Julian day(1-366), DST(-1, 0, 1))


import time

#4 variables
print(time.timezone) #difference in seconds between UTC and local standard time
print(time.altzone) #difference in seconds between UTC and local DST time
print(time.daylight) #whether local time should reflect DST
print(time.tzname) #tuple of (standard time zone name, DST time zone)
altzone = -32400
daylight = 0
timezone = -28800
tzname = ('\xd6\xd0\xb9ú±ê×\xbc\xca±\xbc\xe4', '\xd6\xd0\xb9ú\xcf\xc4\xc1\xee\xca±')
# 11 functions
print(time.time()) #return current time in seconds since Epoch as a float
print(time.clock()) #return CPU time since process start as a float
print(time.sleep(5)) #delay for a number of seconds given as a float
print(gmtime(0)) #convert seconds since Epoch to UTC tuple
print(localtime()) #convert seconds to local time tuple
print(mktime(time.localtime())) #convert local time tuple to seconds since Epoch
print(time.asctime()) #convert time tuple to string
print(time.ctime()) #convert time in seconds to string
print(time.strftime()) #convert time tuple to string according to format specification
print(time.strptime()) #convert string to time tuple
print(tzset()) #change the local timezone

string = "Tue Jul 18 12:06:34 2017"
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标签:  python time class