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geometry-api-java 学习笔记(四)多线段 polyline

2017-07-05 13:26 531 查看


API Reference

A polyline is an ordered collection of paths. Each path is a collection of contiguous line segments.A line segment is defined by a pair of consecutive points.


Polyline with 3 paths

Boundary, Interior & Exterior

The boundary of a polyline is the set of start and end points of each path. Theinterior of a polylineis the set of points in the polyline that are not in the boundary. Theexterior of a polyline is the set ofpoints that are not
in the boundary or the interior. It is important to understand the boundary, interior and exteriorof a geometry when using the various operators. The relational operators, for example, rely heavily on theseconcepts.

For the polyline shown below, the set of points comprising the boundary is shown in red. The interior of the polyline is shown in black.

Red is boundary, black is interior

If a vertex is contained in several paths, how do we determine if it is in the boundary of the polyline?To determine if a vertex is in the boundary of a polyline count the number of segments in which it is itis contained. If that number is even, then the
vertex is not in the boundary. If that number is odd, thenthe vertex is in the boundary.

For example, consider the polyline shown below.

Red is boundary, green is ?

Clearly, the red vertices are in the boundary of the polyline. But what about the green one? The answeris that the green vertex is not in the boundary since it is contained in four segments.

Here is another example.

Red is boundary, green is ?

In this case, since the green vertex is contained in five segments, it is in the boundary of the polyline.

One way to remember this rule is to think of a single path with three vertices.

Red is boundary

It is easy to see that the red vertices are in the boundary and the black vertex is not. Notice that thenumber of segments containing each of the red vertices is one, an odd number. Now count the number of segmentscontaining the black vertex. Two, an even

Valid polylines

A valid polyline is such that every path has at least two distinct points. Tolerance is used to determine iftwo points are distinct. In other words, if the distance between two points is less than the tolerance specifiedby the spatial reference, then the
points are considered equal.

A closed path is a path with more than two distinct points and the start point equals the end point.A closed path is a valid polyline.

Closed path is valid

A valid polyline is said to be simple.See the
Simplify operator for a more detailed specificationof simple polylines. Note that a simple polyline may not be OGC compliant. See theSimplify operator
with OGC restrictions.


Let's look at some examples of polylines.

In the first group of examples, the green circles are the vertices of the polyline.


This example shows polylines which represent some of the major highways in the United States.

U.S. Highways

JSON format

A polyline can be represented as a JSON string. A polyline in JSON format contains an array of
and an optional
. A polyline can also have boolean-valued
fields. The default value is false for both the

Each path is represented by an array of points. Each point in a path is represented as an array of numbers.See the description ofJSON multipoints
for details on theinterpretation of the point arrays.

An empty polyline is represented with an empty array for the


"hasZ" : true | false,
"hasM" : true | false,
"paths": [
[[<x11>,<y11>,<z11>,<m11>],[<x12>,<y12>,<z12>,<m12>], ... ,[<x1j>,<y1j>,<z1j>,<m1j>]],
... ,
[[<xn1>,<yn1>,<zn1>,<mn1>],[<xn2>,<yn2>,<zn2>,<mn2>], ... ,[<xnk>,<ynk>,<znk>,<mnk>]]
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : <wkid>}

2D polyline

"paths": [
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 54004}

3D polyline with Ms

Note that the third point does not have a z-value, and the second ring does not have any m-values.

"hasZ" : true,
"hasM" : true,
"paths": [
"spatialReference" : {"wkid" : 54004}

Empty polyline

{"paths": []}

Creating a polyline

To create a polyline, we can use the
class methods or one of the import operators.

Each of the code samples below creates a polyline with three paths.

The polyline looks like this:

Create this polyline

class methods

To begin each path, we call the
method and then successsive calls to the


static Polyline createPolyline1() {

Polyline line = new Polyline();

// Path 1
line.startPath(6.9, 9.1);
line.lineTo(7, 8.8);

// Path 2
line.startPath(6.8, 8.8);
line.lineTo(7, 9);
line.lineTo(7.2, 8.9);
line.lineTo(7.4, 9);

// Path 3
line.startPath(7.4, 8.9);
line.lineTo(7.25, 8.6);
line.lineTo(7.15, 8.8);

return poly;

Import from JSON

We first create the JSON string which represents the polyline. Note that the order of the paths doesn'tmatter. Only the order of the points within each path is important. We then call the
method of

static Polyline createPolygonFromJson() throws JsonParseException, IOException {

String jsonString = "{\"paths\":[[[6.8,8.8],[7,9],[7.2,8.9],[7.4,9]],"
+ "[[7.4,8.9],[7.25,8.6],[7.15,8.8]],[[6.9, 9.1],[7, 8.8]]],"
+ "\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":4326}}";

MapGeometry mapGeom = OperatorImportFromJson.local().execute(Geometry.Type.Polyline, jsonString);

return (Polyline)mapGeom.getGeometry();

Import from GeoJSON

We first create the GeoJSON string which represents the polyline. We then call the
method of

The code shown below creates the same polygon as in the previous examples.

static Polyline createPolylineFromGeoJson() throws JsonParseException, IOException {

String geoJsonString = "{\"type\":\"MultiLineString\","
+ "\"coordinates\":[[[6.8,8.8],[7,9],[7.2,8.9],[7.4,9]],"
+ "[[7.4,8.9],[7.25,8.6],[7.15,8.8]],[[6.9, 9.1],[7, 8.8]]],"
+ "\"crs\":\"EPSG:4326\"}";

MapGeometry mapGeom = OperatorImportFromGeoJson.local().execute(GeoJsonImportFlags.geoJsonImportDefaults, Geometry.Type.Polyline, geoJsonString, null);

return (Polyline)mapGeom.getGeometry();

Import from WKT

We first create the WKT string which represents the polyline. We then call the
method of

The code shown below creates the same polygon as in the previous examples.

static Polyline createPolylineFromWKT() throws JsonParseException, IOException {

String wktString = "MULTILINESTRING ((6.9 9.1,7 8.8),(6.8 8.8,7 9,7.2 8.9,7.4 9),(7.4 8.9,7.25 8.6,7.15 8.8))";
Geometry geom = OperatorImportFromWkt.local().execute(WktImportFlags.wktImportDefaults, Geometry.Type.Polyline, wktString, null);

return (Polyline)geom;
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