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2017-06-06 13:21 113 查看



interface Runnable {
* When an object implementing interface <code>Runnable</code> is used
* to create a thread, starting the thread causes the object's
* <code>run</code> method to be called in that separately executing
* thread.
* <p>
* The general contract of the method <code>run</code> is that it may
* take any action whatsoever.
* @see     java.lang.Thread#run()
public abstract void run();



public interface Callable<V> {
* Computes a result, or throws an exception if unable to do so.
* @return computed result
* @throws Exception if unable to compute a result
V call() throws Exception;



public interface Future<V> {

* Attempts to cancel execution of this task.  This attempt will
* fail if the task has already completed, has already been cancelled,
* or could not be cancelled for some other reason. If successful,
* and this task has not started when <tt>cancel</tt> is called,
* this task should never run.  If the task has already started,
* then the <tt>mayInterruptIfRunning</tt> parameter determines
* whether the thread executing this task should be interrupted in
* an attempt to stop the task.
* <p>After this method returns, subsequent calls to {@link #isDone} will
* always return <tt>true</tt>.  Subsequent calls to {@link #isCancelled}
* will always return <tt>true</tt> if this method returned <tt>true</tt>.
* @param mayInterruptIfRunning <tt>true</tt> if the thread executing this
* task should be interrupted; otherwise, in-progress tasks are allowed
* to complete
* @return <tt>false</tt> if the task could not be cancelled,
* typically because it has already completed normally;
* <tt>true</tt> otherwise
boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);

* Returns <tt>true</tt> if this task was cancelled before it completed
* normally.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this task was cancelled before it completed
boolean isCancelled();

* Returns <tt>true</tt> if this task completed.
* Completion may be due to normal termination, an exception, or
* cancellation -- in all of these cases, this method will return
* <tt>true</tt>.
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this task completed
boolean isDone();

* Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then
* retrieves its result.
* @return the computed result
* @throws CancellationException if the computation was cancelled
* @throws ExecutionException if the computation threw an
* exception
* @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted
* while waiting
V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;

* Waits if necessary for at most the given time for the computation
* to complete, and then retrieves its result, if available.
* @param timeout the maximum time to wait
* @param unit the time unit of the timeout argument
* @return the computed result
* @throws CancellationException if the computation was cancelled
* @throws ExecutionException if the computation threw an
* exception
* @throws InterruptedException if the current thread was interrupted
* while waiting
* @throws TimeoutException if the wait timed out
V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;



* Creates a new {@code ThreadPoolExecutor} with the given initial
* parameters.
* @param corePoolSize the number of threads to keep in the pool, even
*        if they are idle, unless {@code allowCoreThreadTimeOut} is set
* @param maximumPoolSize the maximum number of threads to allow in the
*        pool
* @param keepAliveTime when the number of threads is greater than
*        the core, this is the maximum time that excess idle threads
*        will wait for new tasks before terminating.
* @param unit the time unit for the {@code keepAliveTime} argument
* @param workQueue the queue to use for holding tasks before they are
*        executed.  This queue will hold only the {@code Runnable}
*        tasks submitted by the {@code execute} method.
* @param threadFactory the factory to use when the executor
*        creates a new thread
* @param handler the handler to use when execution is blocked
*        because the thread bounds and queue capacities are reached
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if one of the following holds:<br>
*         {@code corePoolSize < 0}<br>
*         {@code keepAliveTime < 0}<br>
*         {@code maximumPoolSize <= 0}<br>
*         {@code maximumPoolSize < corePoolSize}
* @throws NullPointerException if {@code workQueue}
*         or {@code threadFactory} or {@code handler} is null
public ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize,
int maximumPoolSize,
long keepAliveTime,
TimeUnit unit,
BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue,
ThreadFactory threadFactory,
RejectedExecutionHandler handler) {
if (corePoolSize < 0 ||
maximumPoolSize <= 0 ||
maximumPoolSize < corePoolSize ||
keepAliveTime < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (workQueue == null || threadFactory == null || handler == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize;
this.maximumPoolSize = maximumPoolSize;
this.workQueue = workQueue;
this.keepAliveTime = unit.toNanos(keepAliveTime);
this.threadFactory = threadFactory;
this.handler = handler;




* Method invoked prior to executing the given Runnable in the
* given thread.  This method is invoked by thread {@code t} that
* will execute task {@code r}, and may be used to re-initialize
* ThreadLocals, or to perform logging.
* <p>This implementation does nothing, but may be customized in
* subclasses. Note: To properly nest multiple overridings, subclasses
* should generally invoke {@code super.beforeExecute} at the end of
* this method.
* @param t the thread that will run task {@code r}
* @param r the task that will be executed
protected void beforeExecute(Thread t, Runnable r) { }

* Method invoked upon completion of execution of the given Runnable.
* This method is invoked by the thread that executed the task. If
* non-null, the Throwable is the uncaught {@code RuntimeException}
* or {@code Error} that caused execution to terminate abruptly.
* <p>This implementation does nothing, but may be customized in
* subclasses. Note: To properly nest multiple overridings, subclasses
* should generally invoke {@code super.afterExecute} at the
* beginning of this method.
* <p><b>Note:</b> When actions are enclosed in tasks (such as
* {@link FutureTask}) either explicitly or via methods such as
* {@code submit}, these task objects catch and maintain
* computational exceptions, and so they do not cause abrupt
* termination, and the internal exceptions are <em>not</em>
* passed to this method. If you would like to trap both kinds of
* failures in this method, you can further probe for such cases,
* as in this sample subclass that prints either the direct cause
* or the underlying exception if a task has been aborted:
*  <pre> {@code
* class ExtendedExecutor extends ThreadPoolExecutor {
*   // ...
*   protected void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) {
*     super.afterExecute(r, t);
*     if (t == null && r instanceof Future<?>) {
*       try {
*         Object result = ((Future<?>) r).get();
*       } catch (CancellationException ce) {
*           t = ce;
*       } catch (ExecutionException ee) {
*           t = ee.getCause();
*       } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
*           Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); // ignore/reset
*       }
*     }
*     if (t != null)
*       System.out.println(t);
*   }
* }}</pre>
* @param r the runnable that has completed
* @param t the exception that caused termination, or null if
* execution completed normally
protected void afterExecute(Runnable r, Throwable t) { }




* Creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads
* operating off a shared unbounded queue, using the provided
* ThreadFactory to create new threads when needed.  At any point,
* at most <tt>nThreads</tt> threads will be active processing
* tasks.  If additional tasks are submitted when all threads are
* active, they will wait in the queue until a thread is
* available.  If any thread terminates due to a failure during
* execution prior to shutdown, a new one will take its place if
* needed to execute subsequent tasks.  The threads in the pool will
* exist until it is explicitly {@link ExecutorService#shutdown
* shutdown}.
* @param nThreads the number of threads in the pool
* @param threadFactory the factory to use when creating new threads
* @return the newly created thread pool
* @throws NullPointerException if threadFactory is null
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code nThreads <= 0}
public static ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads, ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(nThreads, nThreads,
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(),

* Creates a thread pool that creates new threads as needed, but
* will reuse previously constructed threads when they are
* available.  These pools will typically improve the performance
* of programs that execute many short-lived asynchronous tasks.
* Calls to <tt>execute</tt> will reuse previously constructed
* threads if available. If no existing thread is available, a new
* thread will be created and added to the pool. Threads that have
* not been used for sixty seconds are terminated and removed from
* the cache. Thus, a pool that remains idle for long enough will
* not consume any resources. Note that pools with similar
* properties but different details (for example, timeout parameters)
* may be created using {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} constructors.
* @return the newly created thread pool
public static ExecutorService newCachedThreadPool() {
return new ThreadPoolExecutor(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE,
60L, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
new SynchronousQueue<Runnable>());

* Creates an Executor that uses a single worker thread operating
* off an unbounded queue. (Note however that if this single
* thread terminates due to a failure during execution prior to
* shutdown, a new one will take its place if needed to execute
* subsequent tasks.)  Tasks are guaranteed to execute
* sequentially, and no more than one task will be active at any
* given time. Unlike the otherwise equivalent
* <tt>newFixedThreadPool(1)</tt> the returned executor is
* guaranteed not to be reconfigurable to use additional threads.
* @return the newly created single-threaded Executor
public static ExecutorService newSingleThreadExecutor() {
return new FinalizableDelegatedExecutorService
(new ThreadPoolExecutor(1, 1,
new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>()));

* Creates a thread pool that can schedule commands to run after a
* given delay, or to execute periodically.
* @param corePoolSize the number of threads to keep in the pool,
* even if they are idle.
* @return a newly created scheduled thread pool
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code corePoolSize < 0}
public static ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(int corePoolSize) {
return new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize);


public class FutureTask<V> implements RunnableFuture<V>

public interface RunnableFuture<V> extends Runnable, Future<V>


* Creates a {@code FutureTask} that will, upon running, execute the
* given {@code Callable}.
* @param  callable the callable task
* @throws NullPointerException if the callable is null
public FutureTask(Callable<V> callable) {
if (callable == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
this.callable = callable;
this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable

* Creates a {@code FutureTask} that will, upon running, execute the
* given {@code Runnable}, and arrange that {@code get} will return the
* given result on successful completion.
* @param runnable the runnable task
* @param result the result to return on successful completion. If
* you don't need a particular result, consider using
* constructions of the form:
* {@code Future<?> f = new FutureTask<Void>(runnable, null)}
* @throws NullPointerException if the runnable is null
public FutureTask(Runnable runnable, V result) {
this.callable = Executors.callable(runnable, result);
this.state = NEW;       // ensure visibility of callable


从它实现的接口我们就能猜出他的一些特性,他需要启动线程执行,并且可以返回执行结果。我们一般会弄一个线程池,将FutureTask提交( submit() )给线程池运行。这里说一下execute方法和submit方法的区别,他们可传的参数和可返回的值都不一样。

void execute(Runnable command);

* Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a
* Future representing the pending results of the task. The
* Future's <tt>get</tt> method will return the task's result upon
* successful completion.
* <p>
* If you would like to immediately block waiting
* for a task, you can use constructions of the form
* <tt>result = exec.submit(aCallable).get();</tt>
* <p> Note: The {@link Executors} class includes a set of methods
* that can convert some other common closure-like objects,
* for example, {@link java.security.PrivilegedAction} to
* {@link Callable} form so they can be submitted.
* @param task the task to submit
* @return a Future representing pending completion of the task
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
*         scheduled for execution
* @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
<T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task);

* Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future
* representing that task. The Future's <tt>get</tt> method will
* return the given result upon successful completion.
* @param task the task to submit
* @param result the result to return
* @return a Future representing pending completion of the task
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
*         scheduled for execution
* @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
<T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result);

* Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future
* representing that task. The Future's <tt>get</tt> method will
* return <tt>null</tt> upon <em>successful</em> completion.
* @param task the task to submit
* @return a Future representing pending completion of the task
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
*         scheduled for execution
* @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
Future<?> submit(Runnable task);




* Submits a value-returning task for execution and returns a Future
* representing the pending results of the task.  Upon completion,
* this task may be taken or polled.
* @param task the task to submit
* @return a Future representing pending completion of the task
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
*         scheduled for execution
* @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
Future<V> submit(Callable<V> task);

* Submits a Runnable task for execution and returns a Future
* representing that task.  Upon completion, this task may be
* taken or polled.
* @param task the task to submit
* @param result the result to return upon successful completion
* @return a Future representing pending completion of the task,
*         and whose <tt>get()</tt> method will return the given
*         result value upon completion
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the task cannot be
*         scheduled for execution
* @throws NullPointerException if the task is null
Future<V> submit(Runnable task, V result);



* Retrieves and removes the Future representing the next
* completed task, waiting if none are yet present.
* @return the Future representing the next completed task
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
Future<V> take() throws InterruptedException;

* Retrieves and removes the Future representing the next
* completed task or <tt>null</tt> if none are present.
* @return the Future representing the next completed task, or
*         <tt>null</tt> if none are present
Future<V> poll();





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