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基于Java Bouncy Castle的PGP加密解密示例

2017-05-31 10:40 591 查看
GPG文件加解密 百科及教程:





UTIL 工具类:

package util;

import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.PublicKeyAlgorithmTags;
import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.sig.KeyFlags;
import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.*;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.PBESecretKeyDecryptor;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.bc.BcPBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.bc.BcPGPDigestCalculatorProvider;
import org.bouncycastle.openpgp.operator.bc.BcPublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory;

import java.io.*;
import java.security.NoSuchProviderException;
import java.security.Security;
import java.util.Iterator;

public class PGPUtils {

private static final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1 << 16; // should always be power of 2
private static final int KEY_FLAGS = 27;
private static final int[] MASTER_KEY_CERTIFICATION_TYPES = new int[]{

public static PGPPublicKey readPublicKey(InputStream in)
throws IOException, PGPException {
PGPPublicKeyRingCollection keyRingCollection = new PGPPublicKeyRingCollection(PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(in));
// we just loop through the collection till we find a key suitable for encryption, in the real
// world you would probably want to be a bit smarter about this.
PGPPublicKey publicKey = null;

// iterate through the key rings.
Iterator<PGPPublicKeyRing> rIt = keyRingCollection.getKeyRings();

while (publicKey == null && rIt.hasNext()) {
PGPPublicKeyRing kRing = rIt.next();
Iterator<PGPPublicKey> kIt = kRing.getPublicKeys();
while (publicKey == null && kIt.hasNext()) {
PGPPublicKey key = kIt.next();
if (key.isEncryptionKey()) {
publicKey = key;
if (publicKey == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find public key in the key ring.");
if (!isForEncryption(publicKey)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("KeyID " + publicKey.getKeyID() + " not flagged for encryption.");

return publicKey;

public static PGPSecretKey readSecretKey(InputStream in)
throws IOException, PGPException {

PGPSecretKeyRingCollection keyRingCollection = new PGPSecretKeyRingCollection(PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(in));
PGPSecretKey secretKey = null;
Iterator<PGPSecretKeyRing> rIt = keyRingCollection.getKeyRings();
while (secretKey == null && rIt.hasNext()) {
PGPSecretKeyRing keyRing = rIt.next();
Iterator<PGPSecretKey> kIt = keyRing.getSecretKeys();
while (secretKey == null && kIt.hasNext()) {
PGPSecretKey key = kIt.next();
if (key.isSigningKey()) {
secretKey = key;
// Validate secret key
if (secretKey == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find private key in the key ring.");
if (!secretKey.isSigningKey()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Private key does not allow signing.");

if (secretKey.getPublicKey().isRevoked()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Private key has been revoked.");

if (!hasKeyFlags(secretKey.getPublicKey(), KeyFlags.SIGN_DATA)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Key cannot be used for signing.");
return secretKey;


* Load a secret key ring collection from keyIn and find the private key corresponding to
* keyID if it exists.
* <p/>
* @param keyIn input stream representing a key ring collection.
* @param keyID keyID we want.
* @param pass  passphrase to decrypt secret key with.
* @return 156
* @throws IOException             157
* @throws PGPException            158
* @throws NoSuchProviderException 159

public static PGPPrivateKey findPrivateKey(InputStream keyIn, long keyID, char[] pass)
throws IOException, PGPException, NoSuchProviderException
PGPSecretKeyRingCollection pgpSec = new PGPSecretKeyRingCollection(PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(keyIn));
return findPrivateKey(pgpSec.getSecretKey(keyID), pass);


* 169
* Load a secret key and find the private key in it
* 170
* @param pgpSecKey The secret key
* @param pass      passphrase to decrypt secret key with
* @throws PGPException
public static PGPPrivateKey findPrivateKey(PGPSecretKey pgpSecKey, char[] pass)
throws PGPException {
if (pgpSecKey == null) return null;
PBESecretKeyDecryptor decryptor = new BcPBESecretKeyDecryptorBuilder(new BcPGPDigestCalculatorProvider()).build(pass);
return pgpSecKey.extractPrivateKey(decryptor);

public static void decryptFile(InputStream in, OutputStream out, InputStream keyIn, char[] passwd)
throws Exception {
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider());
in = org.bouncycastle.openpgp.PGPUtil.getDecoderStream(in);

PGPObjectFactory pgpF = new PGPObjectFactory(in);
PGPEncryptedDataList enc;
Object o = pgpF.nextObject();
// the first object might be a PGP marker packet.
if (o instanceof PGPEncryptedDataList) {
enc = (PGPEncryptedDataList) o;
} else {
enc = (PGPEncryptedDataList) pgpF.nextObject();
Iterator<PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData> it = enc.getEncryptedDataObjects();
PGPPrivateKey sKey = null;
PGPPublicKeyEncryptedData pbe = null;

while (sKey == null && it.hasNext()) {
pbe = it.next();
sKey = findPrivateKey(keyIn, pbe.getKeyID(), passwd);

if (sKey == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Secret key for message not found.");

InputStream clear = pbe.getDataStream(new BcPublicKeyDataDecryptorFactory(sKey));
PGPObjectFactory plainFact = new PGPObjectFactory(clear);
Object message = plainFact.nextObject();

if (message instanceof PGPCompressedData) {
PGPCompressedData cData = (PGPCompressedData) message;
PGPObjectFactory pgpFact = new PGPObjectFactory(cData.getDataStream());
message = pgpFact.nextObject();

if (message instanceof PGPLiteralData) {
PGPLiteralData ld = (PGPLiteralData) message;
InputStream unc = ld.getInputStream();
int ch;
while ((ch = unc.read()) >= 0) {
} else if (message instanceof PGPOnePassSignatureList) {
throw new PGPException("Encrypted message contains a signed message - not literal data.");
} else {
throw new PGPException("Message is not a simple encrypted file - type unknown.");

if (pbe.isIntegrityProtected()) {
if (!pbe.verify()) {
throw new PGPException("Message failed integrity check");

* From LockBox Lobs PGP Encryption tools.
* http://www.lockboxlabs.org/content/downloads * <p/>
* I didn't think it was worth having to import a 4meg lib for three methods

public static boolean isForEncryption(PGPPublicKey key) {
if (key.getAlgorithm() == PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.RSA_SIGN
|| key.getAlgorithm() == PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.DSA
|| key.getAlgorithm() == PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.EC
|| key.getAlgorithm() == PublicKeyAlgorithmTags.ECDSA) {
return false;
return hasKeyFlags(key, KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_COMMS | KeyFlags.ENCRYPT_STORAGE);

* From LockBox Lobs PGP Encryption tools.
* http://www.lockboxlabs.org/content/downloads * <p/>
* I didn't think it was worth having to import a 4meg lib for three methods
private static boolean hasKeyFlags(PGPPublicKey encKey, int keyUsage) {
if (encKey.isMasterKey()) {
for (int i = 0; i != PGPUtils.MASTER_KEY_CERTIFICATION_TYPES.length; i++) {
for (Iterator<PGPSignature> eIt = encKey.getSignaturesOfType(PGPUtils.MASTER_KEY_CERTIFICATION_TYPES[i]); eIt.hasNext(); ) {
PGPSignature sig = eIt.next();
if (!isMatchingUsage(sig, keyUsage)) {
return false;
} else {
for (Iterator<PGPSignature> eIt = encKey.getSignaturesOfType(PGPSignature.SUBKEY_BINDING); eIt.hasNext(); ) {
PGPSignature sig = eIt.next();
if (!isMatchingUsage(sig, keyUsage)) {
return false;
return true;

* From LockBox Lobs PGP Encryption tools.
* http://www.lockboxlabs.org/content/downloads * <p/>
* I didn't think it was worth having to import a 4meg lib for three methods
private static boolean isMatchingUsage(PGPSignature sig, int keyUsage) {
if (sig.hasSubpackets()) {
PGPSignatureSubpacketVector sv = sig.getHashedSubPackets();
if (sv.hasSubpacket(PGPUtils.KEY_FLAGS)) {
// code fix suggested by kzt (see comments)
if ((sv.getKeyFlags() == 0 && keyUsage == 0)) {
return false;
return true;

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream("/Users/fusheng/Desktop/DPXK_EBC17030001_14_20170306_26_1.csv.gpg");
File keyInFile = new File("/Users/fusheng/Desktop/xieyuanshun.asc");
FileInputStream keyIn = new FileInputStream(keyInFile);
File outputFile = File.createTempFile("CITIC_DECRYPTED", ".csv");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
PGPUtils.decryptFile(in, out, keyIn, "1qaz2wsx".toCharArray());


if (!"gpg".equalsIgnoreCase(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()))) {

FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file);
File keyInFile = new File("/Users/fusheng/Desktop/xieyuanshun.asc");
FileInputStream keyIn = new FileInputStream(keyInFile);
File outputFile = File.createTempFile("CITIC_DECRYPTED", ".csv");
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
PGPUtils.decryptFile(in, out, keyIn, "1qaz2wsx".toCharArray());

List<File> fileLST = new ArrayList<>();
List<String> referenceIds = FileUtils.readLines(outputFile);
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